Should coal burners even have the right to call themselves human again?
Should coal burners even have the right to call themselves human again?
they are already sluts and sluts are not human they are fuckmeat without value
coal burners?
Is that Boxxy? She's looking good
>being 12
Climate criminals m8.
I think that is "littlehuman" a camwhore.
New Scarlet Letter When?
go back to red dit, potato
Human? Sure.
Civilized? No, bestiality is disgusting.
Inhuman whores that fuck apes.
Literal cum sockets with nigger dna inside.
You know she's now dating Skeptic right?
We will always love her.
except there's zero evidence whatsoever she engaged in such depraved activities. I scoff at your allegations.
When you go once....
Into the trash it goes.
One of the funniest and cruellest things you can do is laugh when you see a coal burner pushing her little niglet around with no father in sight. If you scowl they feel vindicated in their little rebellion, but if you just straight up laugh they die a little on the inside.
its shoeonhead, shes a female youtuber that actually seems to have a brain
Women are like houses if blacks move in or if they have art or writings on them the property value goes way down.
I'm sure he's enjoying his HIV
>taking the sloppy seconds of a nigger
The definition of beta nu-males
no, they're degenerates who fuck animals. i'm not against asians/hispanics, but niggers aren't really human. listen to varg:
>manchildren making youtube channels to insult mentally ill subjects with colored hair
>le quirky face
>le atheism videos for edgy kids who don't want to go to church on sunday
>somehow i'm supposed to click and give them views so they can pay for their hotpockets instead of getting a legitimate job
>her ex boyfriend was brown and ugly so i'm supposed to give a fuck and click her videos and give them other views
Not so fast Tim
oh wow you've lurked on an anonymous image hosting board longer than me and managed to point it out, boy do I sure have egg on my face
>that actually seems to have a brain
>spouts Sup Forums meems ,jokes and truths for attention
The female Sarcuck of Akad which is the male Anita Sarkeesian but being witty about other things
LOL didn't know she fucked blacks.
Go back to plebbit you potato peeling mick fuck
>le ethnic cleaninsing face
my sides
>being this mad
chill bro, and atheism isn't even edgy in Ireland, I should know, I live here too, stop trying to steal american memes just to make yourself appear more relevant
no. just smegma
A white woman who fucks black men.
People who racemix are trash regardless of their gender
Of course they are human. Bad humans.
>Should coal burners even have the right to call themselves human again?
Even if not, they would still have been human once. How can you go on?
He seems quiet, speaks properly, and doesn't seem like a typical nigger. Who cares if she dated him?
>youtuber disagrees with Sup Forums
Fucking liberalcucks, feminism is taking over, mudslimes are all over the internet
>youtuber agrees with Sup Forums
mocked for looking for attention/appealing to a different audience
nah, I don't think I will m8
>atheism isn't even edgy
>the anti-religion religion of pseudo-intellectuals and contrarians
>99% of them are betas,nu-males,virgins and MRAs
Who cares about the "now"? She went black, any self-respecting white man will never want her back. She has been permanently tainted, you cuck.
>youtuber agrees with Sup Forums
>fucks a negroid
She's an ex-coal burner.
Is that that retard who wasn't aborted or just a regular azn?
yesee, what you're doing there user is that you're presenting your own personal opinions of the topic as the absolute fact of the matter, which, in any form of formal or valid debate, is pants on head fucking retarded and proves absolutely nothing, apart from the fact that you have a toddler's understanding of argument structure
because the whole "only loud/stupid/aggressive black men are niggers" is just a smokescreen for blind hatred for black people
Atheism isn't edgy anywhere outside of the Middle East in 2016. It is literally the default position.
Sh0eOnHead is Sup Forums as fuck. I approve, I don't really care if she fucks niggers as long as she isn't having their children. My main concern with racemixing is that it waters down the White gene pool, not because Tyrone is getting his dick wet.
His fucking name is Gmasta. He is obviously a gang member or a drug dealer or something.
But she's not white, she is Puerto Rican. She had nigger DNA from the start.
Idk, many blacks are in fact niggers, however I have met some that are genuinely nice people.
I think anyone that goes outside has met at least a few blacks they liked.
>seems to have a brain
more like seems to pander to the "alt-right" with shitty memes and "intellectualism"
I'd hit that tho
oh yeah definitely. there's absolutely no way it could be just another stupid internet username
>like they couldn't pass for Greeks
Doesn't change the fact that she will have nigger DNA in her as long as she's alive.
you know, mudsharks.
why are you assuming people on pol go outside?
so native indians in the caribbean mixed with spaniards count as niggers now?
Protip: black jamaicans are just slaves that got left behind, they arent even native to the area
I don't care what they call themselves because I just ignore them
She's a mud but her white genes can be salvaged, it's not her fault she's a mud.
this is Sup Forums, newfag. this is not a place for political dissucsion
>It's okay to burn coal
Get the fuck out of my pol you dumb cuck
Does anyone have the photo of her leaked Tits?
>ad hominems
>irish intellectuals
I always called them Snicker Lickers
The place I live is either foreigners or race mixers, there's literally nobody else here
It's also a small Midwestern city to boot
>Flamboyant faggot blogs about his love of nigger dick between making anti-SJW speeches at colleges
>"based faggot king of Sup Forums"
>Girl makes anti-SJW YouTube videos and apparently used to date a black guy
>mfw I will never racemix with shoe
It's really bad here in Colorado too
That bitch tries too hard to look and act like Boxxy
When I first saw that bitch I was all like "She looks like the maid from family guy"
then this happened
>there's literally nobody else here
So which one are you?
It is one of the little joys in life.
Hey, his grandchild has made it back to almost white!
*smacks lips*
*smacks bitch*
hol up gurl nd leme take dis photo real quick
The only people who think hatred for blacks is "blind" have never been exposed to more than 3 blacks simultaneously.
Man.... fuck this world.
What is a white lady fucks a productive black male and they raise their kid in a right wing household, That's me in a nutshell
Milo and now sh0e. Eventually we'll find out that all of the alt-right are burning coal.
your fantasy
You mean justified hatred of black people, which is based on accumulated life experiences.
Whats up with ginger women and jungle fever?
I lived in baltimore for several years. It's really not a big deal- the only black people who gave me any shit were generally poor and uneducated scum. They didn't behave any differently from the white supremacist faggots.
I don't care if she's a coal burner I would eat her shit out of a public toilet.
>can almost see the woman in the middles asshole
And they wonder why they get raped
Should murderers even have the right to call themselves non-homicidal citizens again?
Thank you for the quality post Canada
Where at user?
No My dad is Nigerian, working as a pilot and my mother stayed at home til i turned 18 and now shes in college, Im, 19 now and my family is redpilled as fuck. I dont think it was the fack that my father was black that atttracted him to mu mum , most likely that he is masculine and a good provider unlike lots of niggers out there
poor jeb, surrounded by his guac bowls of shame
Depends how coal the coal was. These women who fetishize the most aggressive looking pineapple-haired 11:59 dindus sure don't have the right.
Chimp trenches
I actually cringed at this level of Reddit post
go make some spagetti, italians are not white. you can tell you guys had alot of early mix racing with moohamid.
fuck that, your mom is a size queen and wanted a bbc. to bad she realised its a stero type and has to settle for a fist up her cunt now.
Don't come up with an excuse for the Shoe whore.
Coal is Coal no matter the Shade.