such a perfect laugh!
ok that was funny but the laugh is a little bit too stretched
top kek
Someone please make a webm of this shit
I already did faggot I posted it already on the adult board gif ylyl thread alongside other trump web m's i make
hey faggot talk to me, how much better would pol be if sound web m's could be posted here.
it would raise the level of discussion and politics and make information much easier to share and more impactful
nice ty
hahahahahaha top KEK.
Even cripplechan can manage webms with sound.
Although I support bernie. The people at /r/s4p are fucking pathetic. "GUISE DONT GIVE UP MATCH ME MATCH ME!!"
Why would you know what cripplechan is
The voice of an angel.
its ok OP i didnt need my sides anyway
tip top kekkity kekkers
Max kek 10/10 delegates