Any questions?
Canada BTFO
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The goose escaped from the imperialist clutches and returned to its kingdom on the water.
So my question is, why are you americans so desperate for something positive about your shithole country that you turn to falsehoods?
Oh wait, you are fat. That's why.
Sage and Hide.
Call us when it tries to do that to a bear.
Holy fuck Canadians get triggered by this? Top kek
wouldn't stand a chance against a squadron
Can I move to the US when Trump wins? I'll bring smug anime reaction images.
our president is more handsome and can fight better than yours
Reminder -
The bald eagle is Canadian and just comes down to the USA to spend the winter, like our senior citizens.
Watched it ten times in a row, still no trace of something like oppic. Can you say a timecode for this moment?
Put down the vodka, and sleep it off. Then try again.
He would as well
worst ever you mean
OK John, if you say so...
>peaceful Grizzly bear mind his own business, looking through some bushes
>suddenly some asshole eagle attacks him for no reason
Fits the bill, very very accurately.
what the fuck is that?
i actually saw one of those things on some gay fucker on the beach. it's just the most retarded thing ever.
behold the canadian air force in all its glory
This. Together we are strong.
didn't we prove the eagle was canadian yesterday?
>being so cucked that another country's national bird invaded your country
this needs a "the weak should fear the strong" caption
this happened at a camp ground on vancouver island.. part of the year round habitat.
that eagle probably never even visited the US
good. we don't take too kindly to gessekind in these here parts.
interesting how the big cats are "hook-ish" while most of the others are "dagger-ish"
kek nice
Lol, you don't even understand your own map.
90% of the "year round" areas are in the USA.
"Breeding" areas are the same as the "winter" areas, they're only there temporarily.
It is because the cats can retract.