
Who wants to be friends?

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What's Intermarium ?

If you're butthurt with russia, defy northatlantic neoliberalism and want to keep turks and isis in check, you make intermarium.

"we're not russians, trust us"

>Bulgaria is in it
>Moldova is in it
>Ukraine is in it

>butthurt belt the thread

Post proof that Bulgaria is butthurt and I'll leave this thread forever

I must admit Bulgars are pretty easy to bait.

>half of balkan is in

no thanks

>useless balts

The entire /balk/ thread is a glorified bulgarian butthurt thread.

It was a plan to unify these countries against German and Russian hegemony

not much changed


I am all for German hegemony. As long as we gas Servs.

What did u say?

Buffer zone

too poor and too nonwhite for us

Might as well invite Austria

it's not only about economics you fucking housewives of eu

dont talk to me like that

>eastern mongoloid savages with their savage moonrunes


how about no

You may re-adopt slavic runes.

only if american masters will force them(they will not)



Hi kellyposter2

I want

Why not? Polish in cyrillic looks pretty nice

>not Loldovans
ypu've got serbia's brain alright


This is my favorite post.

I want, but unfortunately nobody wants to be my friend. Poland especially.