What does Sup Forums think of the Kurds?
What does Sup Forums think of the Kurds?
i don't want to think
and the intellect of the roach is hereby displayed for future generations.
Genetically superior to filthy turkroaches, but still backwards muslim savages.
Aren't they communists?
Allies doing what they can to force back a perversion and twisting of the Islamic religion.
She's cute for a Kurd.
What would really make you think?
I think they are what you get when you heat and stir milk.
They should be given independence, everything they can take from Daesh (including Mosul) and invited to join NATO.
>What do you think about heavily armed Muslim militants?
Oh... it's hard to express in words.
muslim savages.
They kill turks so I like them
Shit tier, only slightly better than Turds
They're still commies so they gotta go
> elaborate hairdo that will be in her eyes in a minute
> female """"""soldiers""""""
Don't know, don't care. Stay in the middle east where they belong.
Saddam should have finished the job when he had the chance
>Kills roaches
Not that bad as far as I'm concerned.
I never said anything about combat ability.
The YPG in turkey are. The others arr alligned with the US democratically nigger.
Today they are our allies.
But tomorrow they will be another Taliban
Kurds fucking love the US for taking out Saddam. Sup Forums knows fuck all about geo politics.
>They kill turks so I like them
before that, Kurds massacred Armenians for fun.
Toppest kek, I'm sure they do
a savage horde thinking they have a country just because they occupy mountains. Goatfuckers every single one of them.
>An oiled up goatfucker calling his neighbors goatfuckers
Oh behave, Mehmet.
really makes you think
Mehmet's mad now.
one of many groups that will cause war, suffering and instability in the region for many years to come.
I'm iranian so that would be Ali-Reza, faggot.
>Genetically superior
East Asians mixed with Native Anatolians > Sandnigger filth
Best Sunnis, unfortunetly being the best at being Sunni is like being a medal winner at the special olympics. Sunnis are all scum. The world would be a better place if all Sunnis where exterminated.
They are Iranian gypsies that need to be kill and they are steeling land from the Assyrians chritians.
>indo european
>saladin was a kurd
bro tier for me
Really makes you thick
>kebabs behind Swedish flags
I'm not even surprised anymore.
I don't know a whole lot about them, but they dislike roaches, so they're good in my book.
Btw, you Iranians deal even shittier coke than the Nigerians. Shitskins can't even do crime right.
because crime isent in our nature, unlike the rest of ME.
>snorting the white snow jew
are u frikkin retarded or what? you need drugs to make u feel good? loser.
Any group that enjoys killing turks is alright by me