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90% of Brenie supporters will vote for Hillary.
The rest will stay home
>nervous denial
>I'm too young to remember Ralph Nader in 2000
Pictured: Plan B
We can make Trump a one-term president.
Not after the Lange scandal. Clinton will barely get 30% of the popular vote now, if that. Denial isn't going to help Clinton or anyone else. Let's think ahead to 2020.
Kek. Johnson and now Stein are both desperately trying to pander to retarded Sanders fans. Even Trump is a bit.
I hope he does anything but endorse Hillary. The Hillarity that would ensue... Come on Bernie
Please do it.
Yes, take the plan B and retroactively abort yourself
>Nader in 2000
He got 2.74% of the vote.
Trump will need more than that many Berniefags to go green to be a help
He's pulling at far more Republicans then democrats
If the Republicans were smart they'd use PACs to air pro-Jill Stein bullshit in college towns and cities. They could ultimately suppress the youth vote (only ones idealistically retarded enough to fall for such a ploy) by letting them throw it away on someone who isn't Trump.
That`s objectivly wrong
Third party?
Berniefags are MUCH more enthusiastic than Naderfags were. Social media was not a political force in 2000. If the Greens pull a deal with Sanders, the election is over.
We need to push Sandra supporters to supporting the green party.
Lange and Boxer already told the Sanders camp to fuck off, thinking they could beat Trump without them.
My trips says yes
That's a lie. He pulls only 11% from Rs, 9% from Dems. Hardly enough to call it "far more".
Isn't the green party eco fetishist morons?
If the bernouts don't vote for hillary, Trump will win.
2000 wasn't Nader, it was ChoicePoint, and that's exactly what we should be focusing on. Hillary and Huma will try to cheat multiple ways. There's no doubt that they cheated Bernie.
They're also anti-nuclear, pro holistic/homeopathy medicine and anti-vaxxer.
When will they show their true colors and rename their party to the Watermelon Party?
nice. itll be nader all over again. split the vote and ensure trump presidency
After reading her program she has an almost identical platform to Bernie sanders, basically the same but with more emphasis on the environment.
Interesting, she may have something here.
Wait they believe in homeopathy? Fucking kek
They are morons in so many ways that I lost count. They are fully into the diversity and SJW koolaid as well.
Is he going independent? Please Bernie, please do!
How do these people exist? Do they want to abolish the military too?
yesyesyes pls happen
No, for real though, encourage this.
Bernouts are already wishing for this.
that's a lie created by Hilary shills
Stein is a kike who supports stealing money from whites, giving it to niggers and calling it "reparations". She should be deported to Yemen.
I haven't been expressing political opinions on my social media. Everyone assumes I'm pretty liberal. I'm going to start convincing the liberals I went to high school with that they should still support Sanders
Hillary won by almost 4 million votes. I mean honestly, he needs to just run third party, split the democratic vote, then maybe Johnson will also run a larger campaign to compete with Trump.
Fuck, this election could be so interesting if a few candidates ran third party.