So what state should I move to if Brexit is a dud, Sup Forums?
I'm getting a degree in tech, but fuck moving to commiefornia and dealing with the leftist scum and (((Jews))) in Silicon Valley.
Just trying to plan ahead.
So what state should I move to if Brexit is a dud, Sup Forums?
I'm getting a degree in tech, but fuck moving to commiefornia and dealing with the leftist scum and (((Jews))) in Silicon Valley.
Just trying to plan ahead.
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Any state in the South or Midwest is fine.
Isn't the South full of spics and niggers though?
Running is cowardly and unmanly.
If British Nationalism is too weak to fight Euro Globalism, you need to quit shitting around, join hands with your brothers in France, Germany and Sweden and will Euro Nationalism to life.
the south is full of fat cucks worshipping the Jewish god
it's a shithole
Depending on the state, the Carolinas and Virginia area are fine.
I should add that I want a place where raising kids is safe and there are very few niggers and lots of white only schools
Yankee detected.
Maine is the whitest, so there's that.
>hates christianity
>the greatest religion of white men
Sure, I'll just run out into the streets with my baseball bat and take down the government!
Were are an unarmed people, that isn't going to happen.
I dunno mate, the wages are good for software development in the USA but living costs are high too. I'd be looking for quality of life than anything else.
I'm considering Estonia. Burgeoning tech industry, low cost of living, 99% white.
Australia maybe? Unless you love President Trump, then it doesn't matter, move to any of the 50. Make your choice based on weather.
21% nigger... seems quite high
>middle eastern semitic religion
>white men
you christfags are amazing at cognitive dissonance
That's mainly in the cities.
I don't want to have to learn another language, desu
Don't like spiders m8, plus I don't want my kids growing up to be Australians...
Mate, no question, suburban Atlanta is what you're looking for. The Suwanee/Lawrenceville is predominantly white (with a significant Oriental minority) that is very safe and well off. Fantastic place to raise a family.
I imagine Georgia stinks of niggers, like it's soaked in to the atmosphere
Oregon. Ignore the SJW hell that is Portland; despite the memes about this city, it's still something like 80% upper class white. And what's telling, is the leftist politicians who live and serve this area aren't targeting it for marxist disintegration as they are working class white areas in the midwest. We have amongst the lowest refugee acceptance rates in the country.
You can own all types of firearms here, and all NFA firearms/devices. Schools are decent, and there's no sales tax.
Don't be a lazy cunt, you're a developer we are constantly learning anyway (or at least should be, good luck getting a job if the only shit you've learned is the stuff required by your university).
I'm learning Latin atm, because fuck practicality.
There are no tech jobs in the sticks
Honestly, the South is full of minorities, but we are not really the problem minorities.
Our states offer low welfare. You've gotta work to live.
I have never met the kind of degenerate minorities you see online anywhere but in cities, which are liberal hives(Austin and Houston, TX for instance).
>anglo crying about natural born US citizens when he wants to immigrate
You don't have the right to whine until you've lived amongst us.
Then if you still hate us, you can whine.
It really is incredible.
Really it doesn't. The niggesa are mostly inner city and in the very south of the state. The whites and Orientals are mostly redpilled too
Ayy, how's learning Latin going?
Sounds good, there has to be a catch... I want to raise kids there. Will they become coffee drinking SJWs?
>Communicating all day in a foreign tongue
>Coming home to a wife talking a foreign tongue
>Get homesick
>Remeber your homeland is dead
Nah family, I couldn't take the pain.
A-any tips on what I should be learning, on holiday after finishing first year, itching to get learning again desu
> The racial and ethnic composition of the population was 67.4% white, 10.8% black or African American, 0.1% Native American, 18.0% Asian, 0.1% Pacific Islander, 1.3% reporting some other race, and 2.3% reporting two or more races. 6.75% of the population was Hispanic or Latino of any race.
depends. east washington and oregon are mostly republican, nice weather, dry, and less big cities. west WA/OR are mostly liberal cities, but there are some nice towns by the coast and by the mountains
also oregon is basically the same state as washington
They will drink coffee, it's unavoidable here. SJW? Not necessarily. Outside of the cities of Portland and Eugene, the state is deep red. Even Eugene is not homogeneously SJW.
The catch is Californians are invading, but Oregonians know this and are increasingly telling them to fuck off.
>Highest Median Family Income
Very misleading because NJ is actually one of (if not, THE MOST) expensive states to live in. High taxes, high cost of living, ranked worst places to be a homeowner, and more people are leaving NJ than people actually moving in each year.
I don't like the way you look or smell. I am disgusted by your presence, I couldn't care less if you are natural born citizens or not.
Apart from the coffee drinking it sounds great desu. Top of the list so far... I won't have to grow a beard and wax it will I?
I work in tech remember...
i'd say arizona is best for geography, idaho is best for nice white towns, alaska is best overall if you can handle the cold, texas is best for gun laws and culture, don't know much about east coast
We're all lumberjacks here
>also oregon is basically the same state as washington
Go wash out your mouth you filthy Nogero!
I can't handle heat very well, so Arizona and Texas might be pushing it. It's 72 degrees today and I am suffering
someone explain this ((())) meme
Move to Scotland. Safe, 95% white, decent schools, free university.
Yankeedom is the best place to live
>New york (If you have a skill that pays there)
>Pennsylvania (reading and phili excluded)
>Texas (prepare for the heat)
>Colorado (Don't know much about but heard its alright)
Anywhere else I would be weary of. And if your going to New York or NYC be sure to have some sort of job or marketable skill lined up.
I hear antisemities use it to gather information on Jews and put them on some kind of death list.
Oregon, it's where I plan to move should we fail to leave.
>good gun laws
>hipster chicks
>weed is legal
>nice deep woods
It's nothing user, just a coincidence
I don't want my kids being raised on a diet of munchie boxes, buckfast and heroin thanks, m8
You can stay in your own irrelevant vassal state, then.
You aren't wanted, borderjumper.
Go away evil dogger, stop sabotaging my thread
go away evil dogger
there are almost no differences
i've lived in both for years
answer me properly
>>hipster chicks
>>weed is legal
please don't come
Yeah, Texas also has some nice gun laws but is overrun with illegal spics, won't be a problem soon though... They'll have to go back.
> Scotland
> Safe
> Decent
> Free
Pick only one.
As a Brit, you'd probably fit in, culturally, in the Midwest or New England the most.
Aye, I was just looking at the nature situation, I try to spend as much time as I can n the woods... They have a lot more than us it seems.
I think Oregon is winning it
Go away evil dogger
also forgot colorado, bretty good outside of the cities
Says the non-white
>implying I'm illegal
Ay dogger, youiz eval n' shieet, ya mind beatn it liek bongos tho brutha? Iza Bout get my dik suk hard by some cracka so iez can fuk heis wif, y'all cool wit that senpai?
>Aye, I was just looking at the nature situation, I try to spend as much time as I can n the woods...
Reminder that Oregon has more skinwalker and sasquatch encounters per capita than any other state of the union, followed closely by Washington.
I wasn't actually, was saying that illegals in Texas are a problem, if your a genuinely legal ethnic Mexican then fine.
I'm just being le facetious bro : ))))))))
In all seriousness, you need people like me if you're going to keep Oregon anything like as lovely as it is now.
The nature in Oregon is top tier, a truly beautfiul place that needs to be preserved and protected.
Definitely want to visit Texas, amazing place really, bigger than my country about five times over. I don't think I'd like to stay though, too many hispanics regardless of legality or no.
Colorado is another state that looks good aye, dunno if I could deal with all the Dude Weed though.
I don't mind it being legal but everything I see out of Colorado is "Muh weed culture"
We don't want you to visit.
best self-defense laws, extremely white (outside of Indianapolis and gary) huge food production capacity in the event of mad max style doomsday event
not a border state in the event of race war, access to lake michigan conducive to trade and fresh water
"the south of the north"
Northern Virginia bruh. It's a tech mega-capital of the east coast. No blacks.
W-what is a skinwalker?
Is it like wearing a coonskin cap, just a niggerskin cape?
if you decide to move to oregon, learn how to say it properly. if you move to washington, get ready to say washington state so commies don't think you mean DC
That attitude is winning me over even more, friend
>he doesn't know
I wouldn't worry about it, it's probably nothing.
Why is the bottom comment wrong?
You don't wanna fuck with skinwalkers, or wendigos.
go to places like san antonio, so you can enjoy less spics and more REMEMBERING OF THE ALAMO
> In Navajo culture, a skin-walker is a type of witch who has the ability to turn into an animal, or to disguise themselves as an animal.
>pic related
ME or NH are the best states
Edge goes to ME for better liquour, weed, and gun laws plus its cheaper and ocea
NH has better vistas and mountains but cities are trashy filled with wiggers and Bros
All the towns are named after brit towns so it will be easy
yeah, but it's another good choice if you don't do oregon/wa
OK kouhai I'll be sure not to visit
Dude, San Antonio is like one of the major centers of Tejano culture, I don't know what you're talking about.
a town of 50% hispanics is going to scare the hell outta him, since apparently he's only comfortable around the most lily-white of Euro-inbred
because they think that illegals will apply for visas and not just disappear into the night in your country
Honestly Oregon is pretty bomb, but honestly the entire west coast is pretty forested except for the big four deserts here (Chihuahua, Great basin, Mojave, Sonoran) Although it is almost all pine forest, so if you like deciduous your better off in east coast.
Well shit, how long before I can buy a gun?
Idaho, bitch nigga. No crime, everyone has a gun, no traffic, wide open beautiful spaces
freakin' yellowstone up in this
Pretty great here desu
it was like 75% white in 2012 (more than state average)
>grow a beard
Only if you're active in the fag community
idaho is really nice i don't get why people aleays ignore it in these threads
Basically, as soon as you have established your residence.
There is a short waiting period, but idk if there are extra procedures for non-citizens
Okay so I have
Seem pretty white and have great nature, anybody work in tech in these states, anyone have kids?
Texas counts hispanics as white on the census.
There is a separate box you tick to indicate that you're hispanic.
Almost everyone of my generation and previous is listed as White-Hispanic.
Whereas a white person is White-Not Hispanic
It is a new trend I've noticed among my students for retarded parents to tick Native American-Hispanic.
Utah is another one. Zion is literally god's garden on earth.
Depends. I'm a right-wing, conservative Christian who hates big cities, so I like the south in terms of culture. But in terms of geology and climate, Northwest washington (where I live is best). However, the danger is that there are sjw heathens everywhere. I suggest going Alaska.
Fuck, I thoughtI would have to become a citizen and take thew pledge first
New Hampshire. The only black people I've ever seen there were insanely polite and rich. Nice state overall. Heroin problem is a meme outside of Manchester.
when was the last time you beat us in football exactly? was it... 2011?
>stay mad pisschicken
Mormonism is like the Jew, too much in-group preference with business.
God bless America, friend. Land of the free