This is it, Trump is literally going to win, It's already been decided by the U.S. people.
Where were you when Trump won before the election even began?
This is it, Trump is literally going to win, It's already been decided by the U.S. people.
Where were you when Trump won before the election even began?
>White guys
Who cares.
Women vote more than men. Hillary will win.
>disgruntled sanders supporters go to trump over shillary
He literally can't lose
If that's correct, then that would explain why the past few presidents have been pretty shitty.
Women have shit taste
I'm doing this too 2bh
Absolute faith from day one, my dudes. I'd be willing to bet my house that this man becomes commander in chief.
It's definitely going to be a intense election cycle.
Traditionally you are correct but only die hard democratics will vote Hillary many women I've spoken to do not want Bill in the white house again and you forget women hate other women.
>Few facebook comments are indicative of a large trend.
Lets look at history instead. As recently as of 2008, we had segments of bit people in a party claim they are going to vote for the other party because their candidate didn't win. Remember all the hillary supporters that were going to vote for mccain?
In the end, most either didn't following through, vote at all, or as always time healed their wounds.
>Remember all the hillary supporters that were going to vote for mccain?
When Webb dropped out, I switched to Republican to vote for Trump.
Bernie is a shiftless loser who campaigns like he's trying to class president (Free shit! No homework!)
Hillary is literally evil incarnate.
I'd rather watch Trump ruin everything than see either of them in office.
i like that guitar-playing gnome, he's cute.
How old are you? You don't remember how butthurt hillary supporters were that superdelegates switched over to Obama despite the fact she had the most votes?
Stress the fact that Donald Trump is pursuing an ISOLATIONIST foreign policy. Create the moral imperative that we MUST vote for the candidate which will kill the least people, then point out Hillary's involvement in foreign wars (Libya, Syria, etc.)
A liberal's weakness is their bleeding heart, as always. Use it against them. If they talk about racism, bring the conversation back to the moral imperative. Always stress our moral duty to not murder foreigners.
MOST DEMOCRATIC VOTERS LOVE ISOLATIONISM. (The other redpills can come later.)
He's going to accuse Bill of being a rapist and win the woman vote in a landslide.
I remember the butthurt. I don't remember "muh McCain."
I have several female co-workers that think Hillary's a joke because she thinks she deserves votes because she's a woman. You tend to forget women hate each other more than anything else.
bill is going to die during hillarys campaign in the next few months and she will get sympathy votes
Well yes, they existed. Joe Lieberman being the most prominent switch over after Obama won.
Share this image. It still has value.
That literally never happened
Also anyone with half a brain knew Obama would win so this is a moot point entirely
No democrat would even think of voting McCain, especially after 8 years of Dubya.
Oh so some butthurt conservative democrats. They don't really matter.
Been afraid of this outcome.. maybe she's been killing him slowly, hence why he looks like death as of recently.
My point is they were quite a few who threaten to vote for Mccain and never did.
Just like you have these bernie faggots threatening to vote for trump now. There will not be this mass crossover vote for trump. At worst, these people will just state home.
Trump will call her out on it. he has massive fucking balls of steel. He can play any game Hillary wants to play and a million more. A standard meme'd candidate would just send his sympathies to her and get cucked.
All Trump has to do is call Bill a rapist flat out. The media storm would take care of the rest. Trump has truth on his side. You have to lie to make the Clintons look good.
>not taking into account all the moderate republicans who will vote for Hillary
This is a good post. Let's spam it in other threads.
>moderate republicans who will vote for Hillary
But Trump IS a moderate. Hell, Trump's biggest support was among moderate republicans. The left is so far gone that they think something like controlling national borders is extreme.
literally every Republican would sooner be dead than vote for Hillary.
The cucked #NeverTrump Republicans are voting Johnson. Bernie's vote will be split three ways: Trump, Clinton, and Johnson. Clinton will get the largest share, though (60% maybe).
>shit that will bever happen
>implying women, who generally hate each other, will pick another woman over an Alpha
Someone tell me, what experience does one actually need to be president?
Besides sitting on ass and talking to people what skills are required exactly?
This tired talk about "lack of experience" is tired.
Generally it's always about holding political office. Either being in a state legislature or Congress, a Governor, a bureaucrat (director of the CIA, Secretary of State), or even former Vice President. I think Trump is the first nominee to ever not have previously held public office. when he wins, he'll be the first President in the same manner.
Sure a few voters angry at the establishment might vote trump, but the majority of Bernie supporters are college aged sjws, the type to yell "fucking white male"...if you think someone like that is going to vote for trump then you are delusional
You might have hit on something there, that's what happened in the UK with Labour; they pretended to serve the working class but the people were sick of their shit and so 4 million jumped to UKIP. Some big names for Labour, like Ed Balls, lost their seat. If we had a two party system of UKIP vs Labour I think Farage would be PM now.
Last I checked white women vote majority republican. While feminism and lefty women are a problem, changing racial demographics have more to do with propping up the Democrats. If we had that under control then women would fall into line.
Apparently you need experience in fucking up foreign policy, resulting in the death of your fellow citizens and causing chaos in other countries.
>I think Trump is the first nominee to ever not have previously held public office
Nope. Eisenhower never had held public office before his presidency either.
>A liberal's weakness is their bleeding heart, as always. Use it against them.
Liberals have no morals. You cannot use it against them. They recognize conservative's morals and try to twist them to suit their sociopathic agendas, but they have no morals.
source: your ass
George fucking Washington m8
>nominee of a political party
I'm going this route.
We love Trump!
I disagree.
The imperative is to focus on the shady nature of the DNC primary. We win the Bernouts by reinforcing their idea that Shillary and her benefactors rigged the election. We keep pressing with the facts - both her rancid history of political misdeeds and the abundant articles about mishandled election centers. After all, there was no voting machine problems for the GOP.
We need to act in two parts. The first is to help press the real liberals into the realization that their party is deceiving them and outright acting against their desires. The second is to combat the negative observations about Trump's policies.
The latter is easy. It's the path we've already set out for. Now we just need to take a more gentle tact to lure in the liberals. We need to focus on Trump's moderate views and highlight the more positive aspects of his campaign.
The former is a bit more challenging. Info dumping is ineffectual as the average person doesn't want to read numerous articles to glean understanding. We have to be clear and concise. We need to defend articles gains attacks on Trump with precision, yet remain open enough to invite others.
We cannot burn the bridges. We have got to do what the best men do when we've won articles gains fight: reach down and help our adversary back to their feet.
a lot of the bernie voters are just going to sit this one out. they hate trump and hillary; my sister included
which is good news for trump
>they want to support Trump now
More votes for him but here is their answer.