So this is yet another fucking Jew in the alt-right movement.
This is getting fishy.
So this is yet another fucking Jew in the alt-right movement.
This is getting fishy.
Other urls found in this thread:
Reason is universal, it is not bound to alt right, conservatives or commies.
nothing wrong with being Jewish
Prove he's a Jew. Protip: you can't and you're a faggot.
admits it in the first minute
Posters like you are 100% shills.
How the fuck can you even deny something you don't even know it's true or not.
Kill yourself
Many jewish people are right-wing for various reasons.
Not everyone is in love with Israel.
And at least in the 70's and 80's, the most vibrant of Right-wing awakenings was spurred on by the abandonment of jews and other communist-haters of the left to join the right.
We are the party of merit over birthright or seniority. Stop being cucked by your prejudice, and judge every man on the merit of their words and actions.
some of us "alt right" before it was even a term. we've been here. we just move more subtly, carry a little more social grace.
Jewish conservatives didn't land on the alt-right. the alt-right landed on us.
He also doesn't like his mother...
So there's that.
They always try to laugh it off as if it isnt a conspiracy.
He's obviously a self hating Jew.
>He's a Jew
Not an argument.
Only shills and edgy ( anti sjw but pro - anti racism / pro jews and lgbzwrewu rights) redditor supports Molyneux, Watson, Trump, Milo, Lauren.
This was their plan all along. They made Sup Forums a dumbed down, pro - degeneracy movement with a bit of white nationalism - ( aka the Alt-Right) to finally estabilish the United States of Europe.
They're hiding this plan behind terrorism and the immigrant problem. Islam is not a problem. It could be stopped or destroyed in a day if the west wanted to
For example, Jobbik was Anti-EU for years, now they are Pro- EU. The ((()))s bought them.
Better a self-hating jew than a self-hating white.
Who's more valuable? Molyneux?
Or a Scandocuck nu-male?
BTFO'd cunt
I guess.
He's a based jew, though.
If he's promoting free markets and voluntarism i don't give a shit if he's jewish. stephen miller is jewish
Because the alt-right is counter-culture, and jews love counter-culture. In fact the reason why people think jews are destructive is because of this.
what if the alt-right IS a jewish movement?
OK in fairness I think I have a theory. Inb4 'mental gymnastics' - this is actually reasonable.
I think he's quarter Jewish. A 'Jewish clan' could easily mean brought up in a Jewish household consisting of one Jewish parent, which is very common. He has claimed to have Scottish, German and French heritage (I think that's right) before also.
Why does this guy keep getting his own threads here? Are you gay? What's your obsession with him?
There is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish.
Just do what I do and ignore all "professional" """alt-right""" channels that are spammed here like that blonde fag or this no-arguments guy, or especially that Boxxy knockoff from a few weeks ago.
Sage and hide every thread, ignore all youtube channel faggots.
The "alt-right" was always a Jewish ploy, designed to appeal to whites who still had pride in their race (or the potential for it). Culturally isolate them, give them the edgiest memes possible, and let their peers tear them apart.
Nice trip trips.
Meh, he calls out jews for their involvement in leftist/communist/multicultural movements. Plus he doesn't adhere to anything religious. Plus he hates his jewish mother and despises communists and socialists.
He has also stated that he doesn't believe in ethnic egalitarianism because of different reasons and is coming around to being an ethnocentric nationalistic traditionalist.
He is also an enemy of my enemy, so he is a friend.
Nice argument
jew =/= zionist
He was raised christian by his stupidly le jewish mother.
So where does it say he's a jew?
Jews don't own the world, wealthy globalists do.
Jews just happen to be a large chunk of them.
But it's just as possible for a Jew to despise globalism as it is for anybody else. Just like a white can be a globalist (see Bill Gates)
Good goy.
Every jew is a Zionist, some just secretly
Jews need the support for Israel in the totality of the political spectrum. They are the main ennemy of the white race.
>yfw international jewry has figured out that revolutions, expansionist government transitions, and war are more profitable than stable growth and have been swinging the pendulum from left to right for the last century to force the people to take their loans to accomplish their revolutionary goals
>yfw they realize that their communism idea has actually slowed their profit gain and they need to switch it up again
>many Jewish people are right wing
OK you are really dumb
Good point, shame it has to be said at all, but it's Sup Forums we're talking about.
This guy hardly matters. He's entry level ethics. After a while most people realize Stefan is too rigid (he's even realized it himself) and people need a coherent culture, Nation, and some form of religiosity to keep up a functional society.
is he still a libertarian?
Fuck off hungry hungry hippo, I'm from the USA and there's still many people who don't think it's an issue or believe the religion of peace shit, we need to work and we need TRUMP.
>Blue eyes
>No jew nose
>no jew ears
>no jew bone structure
>not jewish religiously
He's a jew guys!
My mom is fat, does that make me fat, you fucking retard?
You've never met any Jews, have you?
He is atheist desu, and most "jews" who do shit in the world don't even believe in God, dunno why you are so obsessed with jews, just like the niggers talking about white privileges and shit.
Yes I have. He's not jewish physically or philosophically. You're retarded if you believe he's a jew.
A lot of people seem to forget this, that the spirit in and individual can vary in it's allegiances.
Khazars are "white", and jews always mixed with whites throughout the history.
yes. you'll have the tendency. It's in your "blood". Just like a jew is only considered jewish if his/her mom was a jew.
Elect him, but nothing will change.
Why do Jews hate it when you out them as Jews?
why do sand people hate it hen you out them as sand people, ahmed?
haha well memed Xd
>60%, and only maybe 20% is pure white
kill yourself burgermajszer
im going to enjoy this bacon while i laugh at you. have a nice day starving, moham
>kike admits that jews are a bunch of sneaky bastards who hide in the shadows
He is based,logical,informative and objective.
He's alright. I like him.
I'm not sure of his nationality. Is he Irish? Brit? Canadian? Yank?
Or a mixture?
His accent is difficult to place.
It's North American, but he has definite Bonglish in there. And some Irish. Puzzling.
He seems OK. I know Sup Forums gives him a lot of shit, but he's a good lad.
I cringe when he describes himself as a 'philosopher'.
Also, 'not an argument'. And 'sexual market value', 'non aggression principle' etc.
He needs to stop overusing those expressions or they become meaningless.
He's an Irish citizen that grew up in London and now lives in Canada.