You've got a gun to your head, which film is best? And you better not be lyin' or I'll blow you away.
*cocks gun* Well? *pulls hammer back*
Embrace of the Serpent Lorna's Silence Wendy and Lucy I, Daniel Blake Still Life 99 Homes Police, Adjective Attenberg Alps Chevalier Babel Code Unknown The Secret of the Grain Exiles
Angel Campbell
Nice pleb list idiot *unsheevs katana* HUAAAAGGHHHJJJJJJ *spins and teleports behind you* tough luck kiddo
Jaxon Diaz
Shakes the Clown
Cameron Flores
Embrace of the Serpent faget
David Peterson
Austin Lopez
>cocks gun >pulls hammer back Pick one and only one, you fucking retard.
Luke Roberts
>*cocks gun* > Well? >*pulls hammer back*
Lol faggot I would have shot you already, that's why you cock and lock bitch.Also your safety is on, you wouldn't have to pull back the hammer otherwise.
Jaxson Bennett
>pretentious tryhard list >no knowledge of firearms >meme asterisks is this way
Luke Bailey
>What are you waiting for, huh? >What are you, some kind of pussy? >Heh, you won't do shit >*grabs gun and points it at him* >Looks like the tables have turned, reddit >Say your prayers, oh wait you forgot God a long time ago, didn't you? >Well he didn't forget you! *BANG*