What is this suppose to be?
What is this suppose to be?
Other urls found in this thread:
a xenomorph
a xenomorph with Hodgkin's lymphoma
tuna man
Its tfw you yawn and your dentures nearly fall out
It's a Deacon
This part will never not piss me off.
From watching the movie you come to understand how the aliens came to be.
There was no need to be so gratuitous with showing it.
THE Alien is not in Prometheus besides a mural
It looks weird because of engineer dna
But engineer DNA is a 99% match to human DNA.
It's clearly the progenitor of the species.
The Deacon(the creature at the end of Prometheus) is canonically not the same species as The Alien.
wtf is a deacon?
>tfw squid birth scene in Prometheus
a banana is 90% human dna
Well if that's true I stand corrected.
I still feel like it was an unnecessary fanservice.
Actually it was a perfect match in the movie.
Jesus that's baffling what was the point at all then? Is Alien: Covenant using xenos?
An awful piece of shit, like the rest of this flick.
Bravo Lindelof
Alien Covenant is using Xenos, yes.
As for why the Deacon exists, IDK.
>tfw no qt squidbabby gestating inside my loins
The best part is when she pulls the umbilical cord loose, right as its little amniotic sac ruptures and barfs squiddly boo ayy lmao shit juice into her open abdomen. Then rapeface gets a couple of staples and some iodine, and is running around in a space suit that she's going to be sealed up inside of for her short future - with that shit just rotting inside of her guts. Stupid cunt dies of sepsis 2 days into the trip to the ayy lmao home world, and magneto's head rolls around on the floor.
I'd fug it.....not even joking.
I don't get thus meme. How is this upsetting or confusing to anyone? This thing and the squid were cool bro.
is it going to suck him off?
rule 34
>still caring for Alien franchise even after FIVE failures in a row
o fuk, it's a Pak protector
>butcher the script into an irredeemable mess because of some autistic misguided stance that it's "not an alien movie"
>but we gotta add an alien cameo at the end
>t. potassium jew
I've seen enough hentai to know where this is going.
so is a common house fly. chimps share 99.8 percent
I see fuckers always saying it's the Deacon's DNA when they're the exact same as humans.
How the fuck did this get a PG13
The real answer is the process by which the deacon was created is not the process by which xenomorphs are created. The end. Herp-a-fuckin' derp.
The movie's hot dog shit but it's displaying how erratic the bioreactive black goop's effects can be is fine. The information is there for people to discern/grasp. We're shown how the goo reacts in an immediate scale, altering the physiology of things it comes into direct contact with. We're shown how its effects can be transmitted through sex. We're shown how it can have lasting effects on a species' genome generationally. The only real knowledge gap we're left with is the particular process that produces a xenomorph egg.
But we can absolutely infer that what ever the process is, it isn't the same as what produced the deacon - and we can further infer that it may be similar despite that because the deacon does at least resemble one.
There is a quick cut implying that the machine also seals inside and disinfects.
Noomi Rapepussy is my waifu
poor whiteboi
>force removing the cord
I would have passed out so fucking hard