dismantle your white privilege
Dismantle your white privilege
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Explain with examples, pls!
you can always move to Zimbabwe or South Africa.
Dismantle democracy and capitalism. That's literally what they want.
Vaccines and Sewer Pipes are examples of white privilege. We MUST dismantle them!
>pepe profile picture
Instead of us dismantling our society that gives us a privilege as it should, why don't they go back to Africa and build their own society that benefits them, or just continue living in mud huts like their ancestors.
Objectively false. People are asking for that.
This. Higher IQ individuals will gain the most from a capitalist democratic system, lower IQ individuals gain most from a system of wealth redistribution bc they can't compete
Communist buzzword
Communist buzzword
Communist buzzword
>Systemic/institutional X
Communist buzzword, unless they're talking about Jim Crow.
They were purchased
we cant dismantle something that doesnt exist.
audible kek
>please revert to middle ages tech levels
How about you eat shit instead?
This has made me mad since I was like an elementary schooler. Send them the fuck back. They should be thanking their stupid slave ancestors for their existence here now.
Lucky fuckers.
My ancestors were poor catholic German peasants who had to move to northern Italy as children and take the surname of the plantation owner. Now nearly everyone in my family has a master's degree and a two story house. I love my privilege.
Assuming they can prove such systems exist, why would I dismantle them and get rid of my inherent advantages?
>so we can then set up our own and exclude you
What systems? Reading books? Read a book nigger.
Well, as soon as everything that white people "forced" upon them will disapear they will.
Sure. Lets start with dismantling the welfare system. It was created to be white only.
Almost shat my pants here user.
>using pepe
When will it be the time when we take our Pepe back?
We've been trying to for decades. You faggots keep voting democrats into office.
What system are they talking about? Show me a law that discriminates against blacks
And what is this "system"?
Unequal outcomes are not evidence of an unequal system.
>maintain and benefit
Last time I checked the avg White man makes 80cents to the avg Asian man's dollar
so.... close business and stop the global economy?
>dismantle your white privilege
I was lead to believe that niggers built everything.
Democracy and capitalism doesn't exist. There's no real representation nor real decision making by the people. Companies decide what's going on. There's no real market competition either because the very same companies decide what the market can or cannot do.
We have a shit version of both democracy and capitalism. Thats why we need a right wing authoritan system.
Why do people not get that they benefit from the very system? Everyone who is sick of the "terrible" system should go back to the hole their ancestors came from just for 3 months and report back if they still despise the system.
Destroy society? You're all doing such a good job already
Shallow echoes of 4chans dank memes
The true Pepes will always come from here
Kek wills it
Feels good man
This. However, the will say that this is due to poverty. If this were the case, Hispanics would have a crime rate comparable to that of Blacks. Their crime rate is higher than whites, but still leagues away from Black Americans.
They're taking our memesh
Which incentivizes people to act like lower IQ individuals, which makes society as a whole produce at the levels of the lower IQ individuals, which means everyone starves.
nice trips satan, but dismantle deez nuts!!
Fuck off Jew. My ancestors weren't even privileged
>Dismantle the nations you've built and give them to us
You mean society? The same one that Asians do better in than whites?
>niggers thinking they have any room to talk shit about stealing
Dear niggers,
Please read.
You mean the Arabic and Jewish slave traders?
Lol actually white people we don't care what you do. Just leave us the fuck alone. Stop trying to be cool, stop fucking with our shit, stop trying to get involved with our shit, just fuck off. You're not one of us and never will be. You're all about to be doomed in the upcoming years anyway so I say enjoy your privileges while you can.
So let me get this straight.
>the majority will always oppress the minority
>the majority benefits from their power and status
>the majority will not willingly give up their power and status unless convinced or beaten
So, what reasons do I have to dismantle white society and systems? Another race will rise up to establish new systems that benefit them and oppress me. The only reasoning to me seems like if you hate yourself and willingly want to make the lives of your own race worse.
Yeah and replace it with communism because anything else is evil whiteness!
Get out of my fucking country you disgusting nigger. You. Have. To. Go. Back.
They want us to tear out the roads and plumbing, the electrical lines etc.
This guys so god damn funny, he's just so fucking pissed off.
cultural appropriation at its finest
In what world does this person feel it appropriate to use pepe for their display picture ?
Your people are in Israel too.
Get fucked and no. Africa is what you get when you dismantle the white mans systems. Do you want Africa? Because this is how you get Africa.
Tell me why White people shouldn't enjoy privilege in the very countries they created?
this graph should include Asians who are more prosperous with less crime, on average, than whites
You heard 'em folks. Pack it up, take all the buildings, infrastructure, medicin, technology etc and destroy it and carry the rest with you to our designated White People planet and leave the other races alone since they obviously don't need us or our racist systems.
>mfw this will happen once we can travel to other planets and build bases and shit
>implying you didn't steal everything
colonist pls
Why would I willingly dismantle a system that benefits me?
They are all dead.
This sounds like something a communist would say
>be born in shitty village 40 km from Napoli
>be fucking poor
>father unemployed, mother disabled
>live with parents and grand parents in 4 room apartment built in early 30s
>go harvest tomatoes after school
>save 100 bucks to buy old used PC
>don't ever have money for internet
>find book about c++ programming in school library
>steal it lol
>learn how to program
>don't have money to attend any university
>continue to learn on my own
>start freelancing
>have Swiss customer
>Italian corrupt government fucks my ads with taxes on regular basis
>tell Swiss customer I'm going to quit my freelance work cause it's not worth it anymore
>he tells me he would like to hire me full-time
>live in Zurich old town with nice apartment and fancy car
You need some luck and a target in life. Not a basis of your ancestors. Life is designed in a way that you can achieve all you want by yourself.
this meme that most/all slave traders of the Atlantic slave trade were arab and jewish is just as stupid as WE WUZ KANGZ, fyi.
Yes, they existed, but the slaves were captured by africans, and transported by europeans. You are not one of those "the Egyptians were nordic" morons, are you?
Which is absolutely true, but do you know why thats the case?
>Hint: Its culture
>Emphasis on education, stable families, discipline
Serious question: How do I go on about doing that?
lol that's hilarious
well let's just agree for the sake of argument that the niggers that won the war "stole" the niggers that lost the war, since that's how they became slaves
wouldn't white people buying the slaves at a fair price absolve the warlords and their peoples from that guilt? it ultimately made their lives infinitely better. my ancestors are slovak so i can't say "you're welcome" on their behalf but i'm sure an american of pure anglo descent would be the selfsame gentleman about it
That'll never happen
Lol white people always hiding the truth.
Systems like this?
The majority of the American slave trade was Jewish owned and operated. It doesn't matter if you believe it or not, that's how it is.
It is authority without accountability that is the problem. A right wing authoritarian system would be no different. It would choose winners and losers to its benefit, not to ours. Nobody should hold a position of authority without some of their own skin in the game, and authority should be limited to make it difficult for any group of sniveling bureaucrats to pick who wins and who loses.
holy shit, that's what dreams a re made of
Satan's post, do not be deceived by what he posts.
"Dismantle civilization." Yeah, how bout NO you great ponce?
Fuck off Satan check me out.
>living on stolen Romanian clay
Magyar pls
They want us to dig up all those cables and roads and pipes, because they make our lives easier, but not theirs.
No one is questioning land was taken, but lets be real: the develop of infrastructure and technology would have never fucking happened otherwise. There wouldn't have been Kang technology.
Not to mention modern medicine.
Black privilege: being proud of race or ethnic heritage without everyone thinking you're racist.
>Ancestors give up everything they've ever known to cross an ocean and build a new nation
>Have to fight natives, wild animals, and extreme environments for 300 years
>Take a 4 year pause to lose 200,000 dead and 700,000 wounded after the majority of the country decides that racial enslavement is wrong
>Every generation tries to ensure that the subsequent generation will have a better, easier life
>All of this effort and sacrifice is now going to be trashed because some democrats in 1965 didn't realize that liberalizing immigration would lead to a critical mass of non-whites using racial politics to disrupt the fabric of American social and political life rather than just "vote Democrat lel"
I hate this future
make our lives harder in a hard world?
uh, lol, fuck you
Holy shit I love this man.
We stole it from others. Romanians werent even here.
>take all niggers
>move them to Liberia
Doesn't look like I have any, yes I'm white
And replace it with...? Typical stage one thinking. Also, getting pretty sick of these "dear white people" open letters.
>dismantle hospitals and schools
>dismantle the systems they built
We can start with highways, plumbing, and electricity. Then we can move on to the internet, maybe the stock exchange, agriculture and higher education... who knows, it'll be a blast.
such a shame that wealth redistribution systems erode over time
I'm just not gonna associate with most POC.
My white privilege footprint is gonna be zero because they won't be seeing me.
my ancestors were slaves and then later pushed into underfunded areas because of racist housing policies
>not privileged
delete this
based Negro tells the truth
Is it oppressing you?
We are one species, and you are a racist.
If you move from that position and seek to impose it upon the world, you will know death before your time.
We have a great work to undertake together, as one family. Purge hate.
Find the true path.
>they were purchased
well then, how about punishing those slaveholders who did not keep the receipt?
>Using IQ as an actual valid measure of intelligence
>Low IQ confirmed
>we just want you to destroy western civilization, is that so much to ask?