Why is Hillary Clinton considered a bad candidate by some?

Okay, I'm afraid to make this thread, as this is probably going to be a hornets nest, but this is mostly because I find it difficult to get simple answers, so....here's hoping. My voting process in this year has been entirely about voting against trump rather than for bernie or hillary. I liked them both from my cursory glances at them, but haven't delved too deeply until now. And now with the GE coming up, I feel I needed to get informed on Hillary.

From what I've read, most of the bad reputation comes from the emails. It used to be Benghazi, but that mostly just went away after she got that hearing. And I've just heard really conflicting stories about those emails. Some people say that they were a national security risk that could have put people's lives in jeopardy, while others maintain that they were harmless. Some say that it's no big deal since no one seems to ahve been hurt, while others insist this is about the principle of the thing. I can't get a bead on how important this is because so many different sources have wildly different accounts on it.

There's also something about being a corporate shill, though I don't know what evidence there is of that or how severe is it. From my research, I seem to agree with most of Hillary's views and policies, similar to Bernie and Obama, and she is likely going to continue doing a lot of what Obama is doing now, which would be fine by me for the most part. But is there anything major I'm missing? Is the whole email thing overblown or underblown?

The point of this thread is my asking to clear the air, somewhat. Sup Forums has always been ready to provide it's users with reasonable information when asked for it, and I want that. Trump is awful, pretty much everyone agrees with that. But is the nature of Hillary's faults?

>$0.02 has been added to your account.

Your shill overlords created a great scripted thread for you.


Didn't read.

>voting for an antigunner

No, the Benghazi hearings uncovered the fact that she was running the State Department out of a private server in a bathroom in Denver.

Are you not clear that they ran Libyan weapons to Syrian rebels, aka ISIS, at Benghazi?

What is going on in OP's mind
>"fuck! This isn't working, better call my shill co-workers to come in and astroturf in this thread."

Watch, it's going to happen.

Trigger Happy Hillary voted for every war

took donations through the clinton foundation in exchange for weapons deals.

she's selling our weapons to our enemies, then will march our troops in to get killed by those weapons. then she'll sell those countries more weapons after we destroy the ones she already sold them.

The email stuff is mostly just a witchhunt by republicans. She didn't do anything different than the Secretaries of State before her, and the hubub about classified info was essentially things like it being upgraded after passing through the server, or it being classified while still being general public knowledge, which happens.

Benghazi is another republican witchhunt. Lots of lies and bad information floating around from republicans. Things like her ignoring attempts for help or purposefully calling off a response are just that, lies.

She's definately a neoliberal when it comes to economics, which is hardly a good thing, but the vast majority of democratic politicians are, and the vast majority of republican politicians are even worse than the dems when it comes to economic policy and handouts to corporations.

Basically, she's a career politician, but her and bill have been targets of the republican machine since he got elected in 92 and so they have two plus decades of republican smears and attacks on them.

That was the CIA.

Oh wow how reasonable!

Shill scripts are becoming more nuanced.

I hope they pay more than minimum wage you insufferable faggot.