Do you ever watch foreign movies without using subtitles or dubbing and try to understand them?
Do you ever watch foreign movies without using subtitles or dubbing and try to understand them?
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Who's the blonde?
\Who's the brunette?
i watched the first 10-20 minutes of the latest planet of the apes reboot flicks without subs and thought you weren't supposed to be able to understand them if that counts
who is the asian?
do they get CHINKED?
diana prince
Kek, this happened but I was aware of the error and kept going anyway.
Same happened with me for Apocalypto but I had to stop
Who thighs
heh, yeah
No but srsly who is the blonde goddamn
I did this for the whole movie, it made the experience far more memorable. I wouldn't call it a flick tho.
Charlee Monroe
just like spike lee movies
oh wow
my favorite!
is that really your fav vid?
I watched a bunch of New Wave films unsubbed when I was taking French. All I learned was that Parisian French is a bunch of nigh-incomprehensible bullshit.
I watched this without subtitles. I could make out some very basic stuff, yes, no, over here, stop that etc, and placenames. I got the plot from Liam Neeson'a scenes which were in English, not that I really needed it though, it was just a dumb action movie
I watched Apocalypto and Passion without subs
Passion is really awesome without subs, Apocalypto not so much
i watched the entirety of the grudge 4x zoomed and i thought it was super avant garde for a sarah michelle gellar popcorn flick
I've watched OldBoy enough that now I can and I can't wait to watch it without desu.
Where's the BBC?
>posting a webm without a title and providing no source
into the trash you go
as an exercise. I also mute some English language films for the same reason. just to see if it can convey information visually without relying on dialog.
>tfw did the exact same thing
>tfw thought it was just left over from james franco trying to be an "artist"
It'll be TCC.
Tiny Chink Cock.
i took german classes in high school and once in a while ill try to watch german movies without subtitles but then realize how horrible my german is
Did you go to a Catholic school?
>dubbed films
If anyone here does this I hope you go deaf
>Same happened with me for Apocalypto but I had to stop
>downloaded Apocalypto without subtitle file
>watched whole movie thinking it had no subtitles
>mfw telling friends I liked it but would have been better with subtitles...
Film is a visual medium and directors who care about photography don't want their masterpiece shots overlaid with words which will distract the eye and engage a different part of the brain and prevent their shots from being fully appreciated. It's like Pudovkin said, "subtitles are for idiots who do not understand film"
Do they get riced?
i watched Aachi and Ssipak without subtitles high as fuck. Was way more metaphorical than my when it had subtitles.
If you haven't seen this movie its definitely worth your time. Very funny korean ultra violent film.
What an absolute waste.
>mfw OP tried to make a subtle porn thread and failed miserably by posting JAV instead of something more blatant
yes subs are a visual distraction but with all the mixing and shit that goes into movies it's an AUDIOVISUAL experience at this point. actors do voice exercises all the time. it makes sense to use subtitles if you want the original experience, dubs will always be once removed from that in some ways.
shit if you're that autistic about it you can just watch it multiple times, watch it with subs, watch it dubbed, watch it with a towel hanging over the screen so you can take in the breathtaking vocal expression
you fucking contrarian faggot
I watch all my movies without sound because film is a visual medium.
Wonder woman's doing porn now
Diana Prince did Asian AMWF porn?! Shit. I need to find this.
Actually, she came to Hollywood to audition for Whedon's WW at Warners, but the movie never happened and she ended up doing porn and taking that as her screen name.