"Europe is going to die"

"Europe is going to die"

"Britain's Chief Rabbi has warned that Western civilization is on the brink of being destroyed due to mass migration and low birthrates, following the pattern of the collapse of classical civilizations like Rome and Greece."

“They were too focused on enjoying the present to make the sacrifices necessary to build the future …. all the historians of civilization have told the same story.”

"The Chief Rabbi’s comments on the havoc wrought by creeping secularism in Europe mirror those made by Catholic Archbishop Sevastianos Rossolatos on Sunday to a congregation, including the Polish Prime Minister, when he said that secularization is now the main enemy of Europe."

I looks like Europe needs to become theocratic, either through Christianity or Islam.


Oy vey you weren't supposed to let the goyim know

Kike redpilling goys. We have become full circle (kikel)

But he's the few good Jews who knows Western civilization protects Judaism.

Yeah right, islamist theocracy is totally the answer for modern day Europe. The future will be golden and glorious!

>mfw some people actually, unironically want this

But I'll get a free wife, and execute liberals

>yfw jews present themselves as the saviors of the white race
>it was all part of their plan

It's not too late, it only takes 1 man to change the course of history.

Believe in that man

>We told you muslims are bad
>We are on your side
>Oy vey, why are you still so antisemitic
>6 gorillion

+ NS Mohammedan reports in. Sharia will follow.