Why is blatant propaganda like this allowed?
Why is blatant propaganda like this allowed?
is this about the dotr
>why are opinions I don't like allowed?
really helped me shove out my morning log though when I had to watch it on youtube.
Wow even on the 4th of july?
It's like a knife in the heart of america
Its very obvious they want to destroy everything america was. Even the good things.
>damage controlling this hard
Murica pls.
The purge is retarded idea that not even the Jews would allow or they will lose money
It's not propaganda unless it's government-funded tbhf
all memes aside it's literally so that people like you give them free advertising
they changed the byline of the movie because they are butthurt about trump. they even changed half the plot mid filming to stick it to trump.
and of course the bad guy is an old white fuck and the heroes are a diversity wonder squad.
it is nauseating.
Its a shitty b movie that no one will even watch. They lost half their audience
Do what we are doing to Ghostbusters laugh in all your friend's faces if they want to go see it and never talk about it.
>people commit crimes just for fun and if we let everyone kill strangers once a year there'd be no crime the rest of the year
the Romans had a two week long purge every year that would later turn into the Christmas holiday. i wonder what holiday that purge will turn into
someone explain this pls
>never talk about it.
> Ghostbusters
> what we are doing to Ghostbusters
>never talk about
Seems like people are having real trouble with this part.
the reality of the situation is the white echelon of society will never act like the sadists in this movie. They have turned a horror movie into a racist fueled rhetoric.
I believe a more real movie would be to have some innocent bystander in a city mobbed by a gang of African Americans and shot in the street to have him initiated, but this done on a mass scale where gangs control society more than government. While a female president stands by and ignores or emphasizes whiteness being the problem.
>blatant propaganda
you think Sup Forums doesn`t love propaganda?
it`s what their political belief is based on.
"the government knows whats right, let them censor the media and brainwash the stupid, because they aren`t supposed to be educated."
It's the third purge movie, and it's clearly a hit piece on Trump, religious people and just the right-leaning people in general.
That's the premise of the entire series. The first two movies are about how evil whites are targeting poor people/minorities during the purge and poor people/minority freedom fighter squad fighting them.
The only minority you see part of the purge faction are aisans by the way.
The Purge is actually a good idea.
Too bad the movie was poorly done
looks like Payday 2
>The sequel to the stupidest fucking movie of all time.
the first movie was actually redpilled
the idea that if we removed all the degenerates and undesirables that the country would be better for it. the movie was basically a hitler fantasy
Man this makes me so mad
Is a retarded idea you nigger . Not even the rich and the Jews would allow this idea
>I don't know the meaning of propaganda
Opee is stupid.
One of the things it had to do is take place in either a science fiction realm or a country with more political strife.
If it were to happen here, you'd basically just have a bunch of nigger riots wherever niggers have a high population density, and then a whole lot of nothing happening around those areas.
I worked in downtown Detroit when the first one came out. They advertised by putting up posters in the ghetto which pretended to be public service announcements about suspending municipal services. In the ghetto. These people are utterly sick and they see black suffering as a prop.
hopefully it inspires the beaners and niggers to attack innocent whites/trump supporters
it will only help the day of the rope come quicker
>we're run by jews
>jews paid for it
Yeah there is not 15 threads about it in the cataloge like mad max or starwars.
"Blatant propaganda" itself is not allowed. See how far you get with a movie about Palestinians.
My oh my you're stupid
Anyone is capable of propaganda
those movies are so fucking bad
lets hope it encourages more riots from the left, which i think it will
>What is a film credit tax subsidy on a 10 million dollar picture?
>Niggers rioting
>Whites and Asians on rooftops with rifles
pls dis
I thought there was only 1 movie? Is this the 3rd?
>american flag AK
really makes you think...