Donald Trump needs to apologize to Judge Curiel for his comments. He needs to admit he was wrong, and this is the only way we can get the party back on track. I believe he can walk away from this stronger than he was before
Donald Trump needs to apologize to Judge Curiel for his comments. He needs to admit he was wrong...
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The Judge obviously has a conflict on interest.
Eat a dick faggot.
That judge makes all people of mexican heritage look bad. He should resign and present an apology to all people of mexican heritage.
You mean the same judge that's part of La Raza?
If we think like this Trump will definitely lose the general election. It's okay to admit you've made a mistake
Obama the stupid nigger points out how all of Trump's appointments are white. Classifying them by race.
Trump the Godking Emperor points out how this Mexican judge ls Mexican. Classifying him by race
>La Raza
Except there are several groups called "La Raza"
>I believe I know better than Trump
>i will make a shit thread on Sup Forums so people can call me a faggot
Why are Canucks so sadomasochistic?
Oh, yeh nevermind, answered my own question
And all of them are racial mexican interest groups.
It's ok to admit you're a cuck.
Your wife and her son need to hold an intervention for you.
It's for your own good.
You mean the same way there are several different KKK groups?
No he doesn't. And stop saying whites create unfair judicial systems for minorities. Filthy racist.
And so? how does that have being on a civil lawsuit that has nothing to do immigration or race?
Its like saying a judge should recuse himself if he is a member of the NRA presiding over a civil suit against the Ford corporation because the CEO of for said something against school shootings.
I know that things were going well for Trump before he made his comments against Judge Curiel. Now he's losing support for the Republican party left and right.
Also fuck you Netherlands. We saved your worthless during WWII
He made a hypothesis about why the judge was doing so many ridiculous things with his case. I think it's a valid hypothesis. Everything I've seen by La Raza members confirms my belief.
>Judge is clinton supporter and works with the Clinton Foundation
>no conflict of interest
I learned after the Muslim ban thing to not question anything Trump does. No matter how retarded the move seems at first, it always plays out for him in some way.
>get BTFO in the other thread
>make another
>Be me
>Be member in Club X
>Club X makes press release to boycott all of your businesses and calls you a racist bigot
>fast forward 10 months
>I am the judge presiding over your court case
Multiple choice question, is this situation:
(a) Conflict of interest
(b) It's a fucking conflict of interest
(c) literally a perfect example of conflict of interest
(d) all of the above
If you apologize to your enemies, they win.
>Judge doing ridiculous things
You mean like allowing a freedom of information act request? OH shit how ridiculous!
Did you actually look into the case?
Curiel is, reportedly, a member of a group called KKK Lawyers of San Diego. Trump’s aides, meanwhile, have indicated that they believe Curiel is a member of the National Council of KKK, a vocal advocacy organization that has vigorously condemned Trump and his views on immigration. The two groups are unaffiliated, and Curiel is not a member of NCOK. But Trump may be concerned that the lawyers’ association or its members represent or support the other advocacy organization.
I mean like recusing the plaintiff.
Can we nuke Toronto?
If you apologize to your enemies, you win. It shows that Trump has humility. When was the last time Hillary apologized for something?
the judge needs to suck the god emperor's dick
that's what needs to happen.
Curiel is, reportedly, a member of a group called KKK Lawyers of San Diego. Trump’s aides, meanwhile, have indicated that they believe Curiel is a member of the National Council of KKK, a vocal advocacy organization that has vigorously condemned Trump and his views on immigration. The two groups are unaffiliated, and Curiel is not a member of NCOK. But Trump may be concerned that the lawyers’ association or its members represent or support the other advocacy organization.
If Trump was so aware of this, why didn't he say >The judge is biased because of his affiliations with XYZ group
Instead he said the Judge is biased because his of mexican heritage. No mention of any group other than being mexican. Spin it all you want you can't deny that the statement he made was racist
>He is biased because of his heritage which is not a choice
That was Trump' statement not
>He is biased because of his affiliations with certain groups which are his choice.
Do you see the fundamental difference?
Not an argument. Thanks for playing.
Trump is right anyway?
Really thinks you make
That does it, Cruz a now #Immissle
Even though you're trolling I think you're actually right. The Curiel shit pissed even his closest supporters off (not counting pol cucks). I don't see why he can't pull back like he did with the "women should be punished for abortion" comments.
>thanks for playing
you don't make the rules of the game.
What's the story with commiefornia?any chance goin red in the general.
The suit may not, but Trump's positions and political prominence make race relevant.
Nice argument. :)
Nice proxy.
>Due to what I believe are unfair and mistaken rulings in this case and the Judge’s reported associations with certain professional organizations, questions were raised regarding the Obama appointed Judge’s impartiality. It is a fair question. I hope it is not the case.
Trumps own lawyer praised curiel for his handling of the lawsuit
His following developed after he refused to apologize for off-color remarks the media demanded he retract a year ago. Not saying sorry is apparently the key to success.
trump was correct in what he said, fuck that spik """"""""judge""""""""" filthy la raza mexicant.
>can get the party back on track
fuck you
Op, think of it like this: What if a hispanic billionaire was involved in a case and the presiding judge was a member of the KKK and tried to boycott their products in the past? Does it sound like there may be a tiny conflict of interest?
la raza has a history of lynching and murders?
la raza's fundamental platform is latino supremacy?
Besides, as stated before, there are many organizations with that name.
Lets add that trumps initial remark said nothing about organizations, just about his heritage.
More like a kkk judge trying Martin Luther King jr
Excellent point.
Should be a meme.
From a conceptual standpoint, how are Lawyers for LaRaza any different from Lawyers for the Klan?
So what in the lawsuit has to do with Mexicans, immigration or race?
Also if you look Curiel has a long history of pretty fair rulings. In fact as a federal prosecutor, he was once on a mexican cartel hit list. The Federal Marshals actually had to house him on a military base because of the threat.
Fuck no, he should double down on that la raza, beaner supremacist, cornnigger, piece of shit. In fact he should hire someone to kill that cornnigger and his entire family, and the entire town or city his first ancestors entered USA originates from.
Not an argument. Thanks for playing.
shut up canada
Just because you represent a client, doesn't mean you share their views
>Black Lawyer Defends Texas Klan Leader
>Oh shit someone can disagree with something and still be a professional at their job!
He's not wrong, you fucking leaf.
Trump not wanting a La Raza judge is the same as a black man not wanting a KKK judge. He honestly should double down and try to get the Mexican Supremacist fucker disbarred.
>nice proxy
hope it works, considering you just committed a crime in threatening a judge.
There's a difference between a lawyer who defends a member of a group in a case, and a lawyer who's on staff to work with that group.
Lol, I don't use proxy. And US laws don't apply here anyways, you beaner piece of shit. Your kind should be exterminated.
Not even remotely comparable.
Not an argument.
Oh I forgot, only white people are capable of being racist.
This judge thing is the biggest non-issue I've seen since gay marriage. Eat a dick leaf. You aren't clever, you aren't smart, and most of all you aren't cute. Let Mexicans do the bait posting about Trump because they're the only ones that are funny about it. The judge is a pro-illegal advocate overseeing a case of an anti-illegal presidential candidate - there's a conflict of interest. Go to hell, or if it's more convenient, Fort McMurray.
Trump already won the election. Anything that gets in his way will suffer the curse of kek
All of you realize Trump's legal team in the Trump U case has never even filed a motion asking Curiel to recuse himself or asking for a change of venue, right? None of Trump's lawyers even thinks that's close enough to being a reasonable idea to even try filing a motion. And lawyers will typically file all kinds of motions just to try it even if they think its very unlikely it will work.
So what they fuck are you even talking about? Trump doesn't even think he has a legal case for a conflict. He's just talking out of his ass as usual because his core supporters are dumb racists who have no idea how the court system works and will go along with anything he says.
Not to mention that if being perceived as having an animus towards a group that your judge belongs to was grounds for recusal, no one could ever be successfully tried for anything. Being tried by a bald guy? Say something mean about bald guys, now you need a new judge. New judge Presbyterian? Say all Presbyterians are going to hell. etc. etc.
It's against the law. Can't be a judge and part of a group that is in the least bit discriminating. Unless whitey and niggers can join, he shouldnt be ruling.
Yeah this shit pissed off supporters when they said months ago he could shoot someone in the streets and rating probably go up. Go kill yourself you fucking traitor. At this point in time, HILLSHILLS ARE FUCKING TRAITORS TO OUR NATION
You know what a Mexican Supremacist supporting Judge, Hillary donor plaintiff lawyers, and a #NeverTrump key witness says to the public? Not that the case is legitimate, that I can tell you.
kek, nice try faggot, fuck off
mexicunts need to apologise and fuck off!
uh, what?
>Also fuck you Netherlands. We saved your worthless during WWII
Saved from what? Getting fucked in the ass by jewish controlled banks?
We were fine until you fucked it all up with your Amerifat friends faggot
>If Trump was so aware of this, why didn't he say >The judge is biased because of his affiliations with XYZ group
He did you fucking moron, you would have known this if you actually listened to the interview instead of having the MSM feed you your opinions like a good little cuck
Trump: "He is part of a society that is pro-mexican"
>Lets add that trumps initial remark said nothing about organizations, just about his heritage.
keep repeating this lie just like the MSM
I thought this board banned shills?
Trump could lose and the public won't care because they stacked the case so full of blatantly anti-Trump people. The whole case got hijacked so it's not even about the plaintiffs anymore, one of whom even dropped out.
c r a c k a
You mean trump shills too?
>threatening a federal judge on a Brazilian tea leaf forum
>mattering at all
Next you are going to tell me hate speech isn't free speech.
>yelling fire in a crowded theater is protected speach
It is. You can't be prosecuted for it, only for injuries that result because of it.
>inb4 bomb in airport
Grey area thanks to the Patriot act, but you get charged on grounds of "inciting terror", not on what you say
Go read your rights, dumbfuck
Or maybe the racist judge should resign from racist organisations of which he's a member and apologise for disgracing his position.