>hey kaffir, what did you just say about Mohammad (pbuh) being a goatfucker?
Hey kaffir, what did you just say about Mohammad (pbuh) being a goatfucker?
Where's his belly button?
Why do you always pray over my pig cemetery?
that shit looks retarded. poor goats
You could literally make this dude run like a scared little girl by throwing bacon at him.
nah, he's actually christian
Wow... really makes you think
Wow DJ Khaled been hitting the gym
it doesn't matter, he's left humanity behind.
You're a big guy
Oh shit ISIS has cloning technology
He's Iranian, so the only who have to worry about being beaten by this huge beast is you Schlomo.
I always wonder if these people can actually fight or run for that matter. Isn't it super uncomfortable?
I wonder how much he can actually lift considering he's more synthol than human.
What's his moveset like?
What weapon can I make from his soul?
Internet wars attack of the clones
I also called him a paedophile and a false prophet. Now watch me run away, yee fat cunt.
its pretty clearly photoshopped lol
I call your false prophet a pedophile scum and call in an airstrike on your synthol-laced ass.
>this thread again
>gets nuked
The fact that your mind could be so easily convinced by looking at a meme shows a lot about the igsignificance of the mass of your brain matter.
For you
He doesn't look stab-proof to me.
>gets Samson Option'd along the entire middle east
What do roaches eat to get this big?
They could fight, but they can't run (far).
If they don't completely ignore their leg routines then they could actually outrun most people in small sprints, 0 - 60 in a second and then back to 0 in 5 yards.
source: I sold weed to a lot of the roided meatheads in highschool
>Still gets fucking nuked
your mothers pussy
god, arabs are hideous.
>implying all that makes him dangerous
If anything it slows him down while I tattoo him with leg kicks and jabs. Don't let him grab you and he'll be wheezing in 40 seconds.
>implying nuking Tel Aviv is a bad thing
>conveniently forgets we have Patriots and David slings
Sup Forums BTFO and on suicide watch cause most of Sup Forumslacks are skinny basement manlets who talk shit on the internet
Need a sauce on that girl pls
I'll let my AGM-65 Mavericks speak for me.
fascinating how the guy in OPs pic perfectly resembles the Muslim ideal
and this guy perfectly resembles the Christian ideal
It's patchy, she just got corrupted.
how about they nuke elat?
He was a goatfucker though, most people during those times either screwed animals or underage girls due to lack of women because of Polygamy causing that.
Go to any other middle eastern country and try asking people if they perform Beastiality and they may say they do as the shortage of women is a real issue.
Not until you get your 3-inch goverment issue Safety™ knife, Nigel.
I didn't, I said he's a pedophile
The Rock says, "who is she, she's cute."
These guys always so cringeworthy
>that big guy with the tennis elbow
who are they?
but do you know what chapter/series it is from?
She's a 2hu. I think the doujin was called entangled or something. If worst comes to worst just search for latex and her name.
I said bang bang
The Samson option is a bluff
You ain't fooling anyone rabi
You think you can beat him up because you train as a hobby? Laughable, go ahead and kick his legs the next thing you'd feel is a lunchbox sized fist caving your face in.
You've got to be damn good to beat somebody even 50lbs heavier than you.
russian pagans
People start shill threads with a dumb pic and the line "wow, really makes you think" now it's just a standard meme reply. How new are you?
Time to die heathen
(hes christian now)
Wow... really makes you think.
>bomb attack
>beard lice infection
>incendiary fart trhower
Pro tip, he uses synthol to make puss grow in his mussels. He actually has little mutant mass.
>t. Skinnyleaf
A challenger appears
how do "fuck" a feminine penis
Why do you think the best fighters and runners are small-to-average sized?
shit photoshop skills
What kills the most about this pic is the dudes finger.
isnt mutant mass an steroid??
That's funny because I could buy your whole family, your sister, daughter and wife included for 50 000 €~ and that's something most men in Finland earn,
[laughs in ISIS]
They're not, big guys are the best fighters. Weight classes exist in all combat sports because even a few pounds is a HUGE advantage in a fight.
Life isn't an anime. Manny Pacquiao would get demolished by the average bouncer in a fight.
>inb4 redshirt freshman, lana!
I for one welcome our new shitposting-americans as overlords. Go aussie!
Based brazil reconizes.
Godspeed from a iranian living in sweden.
only materialist desire money
>Manny Pacquiao would get demolished by the average bouncer in a fight.
an uncultured meathead who works at a den of Fornication(nightclubs) would beat a world champion boxer?? really??
>Manny Pacquiao would get demolished by the average bouncer in a fight.
He was during 2008
fat fuck cant even wipe his ass
Ah no, you misunderstood my meaning
He's talking high and mighty while I could literally buy his life for something I earn in less than a year
no thanks, kike
>how about I punch you in the tit faggot
Isn't it common sense that a dude with huge, muscular legs would be fast as fuck? The skinny guys might be able to run for longer but only because their body doesn't consume as much energy I'd imagine, but in a straight up race? They'd get completely destroyed.
quads of truth
Only trips can kill the nega-islam
Why should he have to? He just grabs the closest skinnyfag and demands the fag to lick his asshole clean, before ravaging his woman.
he IS, HE IS high and mighty
it IS NOT A MERIT how much you earn.
you could not buy his life unless you provide a theologicla basis for slavery, otherwise that would be jewish!!
you sound like a hooligan
>Patriots and David slings
>Defending you against Mach 25 ballistic missiles
You need at least 7 batteries of THAAD or S-400 to stop it, you dumb fucker.
Davud slang is just to stop Palestinian rocks
>attributing supreme importance to muscle mass
are you a sodomite?
Yeah, when the world champion is 5"5" 130lbs.
Precisely. I don't think it translates into fist-fighting though, as there really isn't a lot of stamina lost in "boxing ring circles" during a fist fight, not to mention it usually devolves into a wrestling match in 20 seconds.
Definitely wouldn't want some 300lb roid rager to tackle me with after running for 10 feet though, would much rather a skinny guy tackle me after running 60 feet.
Polish say he is a goat fucker.
bouncers are ultimate trash who work for jews,allowing nightclubs to exist
Pacquiao is a conservative
fucking leaf, who commit masturbation
>implying he'a natty
Roiding is Inmoral
I agree with your values but still disagree with the point, my white friend.
Come the fuck at me
is that the bull of fallujah