damn… this is actually a really good point…
I used to be a huge homophobe but now it seems illogical to hate something that is normal and healthy
well Sup Forums got anything to say about this?
damn… this is actually a really good point…
I used to be a huge homophobe but now it seems illogical to hate something that is normal and healthy
well Sup Forums got anything to say about this?
Funny, no source...
>a genetic defect that prevents the passing of genes
I'm gay and you're fucking retarded if you think we can raise children normally. We're not penguins you god damn bleeding heart jiggaboo.
Animals also kill and rape each other, so should that be legal as well?
Saying that it happens in nature so it's okay isn't a very good argument.
Reminder there's actually good evolutionary reasons for homosexuality.
>acts against overpopulation, this might be why you're more likely to be gay the more older brothers you have, if you're from a big family there might be limited resources in your area
>two masculine gay men would be better suited to go on long hunting trips away from the camp because their lover is with them so they won't want to stay close to the camp to be with their female partners like straight men would
>more feminine gay men who'd prefer to stay in the camp rather than hunt would still be physically stronger than the woman so can protect them in case of attack when all the more masculine men are out during the day hunting
>gay couples can adopt orphans of the tribe as they don't have their own kids to worry about like straight couples, this happens in certain other mammals
If a gay couple adopts they have to go through a screening process, unlike straights who can have kids whenever they want even if they're completely unfit to parent.
I find that hard to believe
Humans are the only species to have a sense of right and wrong.
>If a gay couple adopts they have to go through a screening process, unlike straights who can have kids whenever they want even if they're completely unfit to parent.
Well, come on, give me a source.
Actually, I'd consider homosexuality to be better at stopping loneliness, in times of unequal male:female ratios. So that there is rampant rape.
>1500 animal species
Need a source for that one
>b-but only humans are b-bigots
This is like the same trashy argument every faggot has that war is an invention of people and that every animal lives together in harmony and peace
But right now, women slightly outnumber men
what about when a dog knows he did something bad?
It doesn't know it's done something bad, rather it understands that it might get in trouble for doing said thing.
He knows he did something you don't like which is different.
Conditioning your dog is not the same as giving it fucking morality
You are retarded
each other. This "argument" that since animals do it, it's OK, is dumb
Can't speak for the other animals, but female penguins usually kill orphans as they desperately try to adopt it if they don't find a mate.
Someone post that image of the two dads that were raping their adopted son, who was well under ten.
There are no recorded cases of homosexuality existing in animals in their natural habitat, not one, ever.
Probably shouldn't post that image actually
I saw that on "Planet Earth", they just trample the orphans to death because every penguin wants to adopt them.
The reproductive cost is too high for genetics to be responsible.
Selection is individual, not species level. For a behavior to be generated by evolution the gene involes has to cause its own frequency to rise in the population. All this self sacrifice crap only works if it helps siblings and cousins enough to outweigh the cost. Line-terminating a male from the get-go is one hell of a cost.
Wow and cannibal-phobia only exists in humans!
I guess Cannibalism is natural and important since it fills both random requirements
If you guys need me I'll be eating my neighbors
post the literal millions of anecdotal examples of christians who have AIDs and rape children
Homosexuality in animal almost always appears in overpopulated communities, is normally a sign of social degeneration and is always followed by an internal destruction of the community.
If they want to use this example for humans they are free to do it, but they can't deny that gays destroy societies and are a bad sign.
the really gross thing is that in your mind that is what happened when really its just people thousands of miles away youve never even met.
>scientists remarked that the behavior must have arisen because those bonobos were locked in a zoo. But data gathered from the wild — and wild-born bonobos in captivity — over the past two decades has demonstrated that bonobo sexuality is just part of who they are
>cherrypicking this hard
of course, a heterosexual couple abusing or neglecting their child is perfectly fine, right goy?
Fags are the least of our problems.
>Need a source for that one
1500 is the number of species where any acts at all of gay sex or pair bonding have been recorded.
Only two species are kniwn two have life long exclusive homosexuality at rates as high as humans. The other species is domestic sheep.
nice strawman argument kid
>wild-born bonobos in captivity
Yup, seems like a natural environment to me.
it knows its done something bad according to its taught system of values, same as humans. the only difference is that dogs didnt come up with it. either ways, most humans act like dogs in this aspect, so just like you said they only dont do things because they might get in trouble (for example a mudshit leaving his religion even if he wants to)
You could have prevented the boy from being raped by not permitting sexual deviants to adopt.
Not an argument. Try refuting these instead:
See the Gay Uncle theory
so being a father makes you gay OP?
was that why brokeback mountain revolved around sheep herding?
>Data gathered from the wild AND wild born bonobos in captivity. Can you read?
>gay penguins
Lewd desu
you literally posted a strawman, there is no need to refute it. 99.999% of gay people do not act like they do in the comic you posted
how delusional are you?
Not an argument. Try refuting these instead:
you're all fags, you know?
>It's an appeal to nature fallacy
This faggotry needs a citation
Look at Africa. Point being that if two gay people want to raise a child they culturally have to work a lot harder to prove that they're fit to do so than a single mother who will just get knocked up by Jamal and use the child as a welfare check.
It's not a standard that should be lowered for gay people, but a standard that should be raised for welfare queens who are popping out future criminals because the surrogate father in the government will subsidize them.
Having a gay brother will not triple a woman's fertility, and that's what you would need just to break even.
sorry, but that ain't it.
>Cool source bro. Can you newline?
I really do hate you... I hate you, so much.
May your death be gruesome and painful, and may those who survive in your family do so with a fate worse than yours: Death.
It's the same as with blacks. Being black or being a faggot doesn't make you a retard but most of them are.
Hey OP, brain cancer is part of nature! Animals and people are sometimes born with brain cancer so it's completely normal. But only one species brain cancer phobic: the human
Pedophilia, Cannibalism and Rape is also natural and important
Male homosexuality in humans is caused by a combination of over exposure to estrogen in vitro and a gene that rides on the X chromosome and raises fertility in women. Similarly to the genes that pass on sickle cell anemia, which grants immunity to malaria, and cystic fibrosis, which protects one from typhoid, it is largely abberant, but beneficial in some situations.
Why do faggots feel the need to justify their faggotry. People justify thing when inside they feel what they are doing is wrong. When's the last time anyone tried to justify heterosexuality.
ok, gay people only have higher suicide rates because being gay is viewed as wrong and bad in america because of how bigoted and religious america is. this leads to gay people feeling depressed and unwanted.
> Sup Forums will ignore this because it contradicts their bigoted close minded beliefs
in europe where being gay is seen as more normal suicide rates are much lower
I'm just gonna chalk this conversation up as a win
I'd like to see a source for gay animals adopting eachother.
Actually I'd like to see a dource for gay animal couples first.
I'm pretty sure in nature animals eat babies that don't have parents, even of the same species. Pigs will eat eachother's fucking piglets to force their own genes forward
Gay man here.
I won't refute the arguments. They are correct. I wish I were not gay. No I won't kill myself. I am a Christian. I know homosexuality is sin. But I understand that all sin may be forgiven if repented of.
Best way to solve the gay problem is to again Christianize the nation (and the West). We go back into the closet, learn healthier ways of coping (considering that acting out homosexual desire is EXTREMELY unhealthy), and do not spread our degeneracy.
More importantly we save more souls.
homosex is also the cure for overpopulation.
that and war
Gay's are ok, but trannies should be hung.
Nope read
First paragraph, yellow column.
Some animals also eat their own children, does that mean cannibalism should be accepted?
>first point out of the block draws from a study for group A in 1978 and draws a comparison to a study conducted for group B in 2007
poor form
hahahahahaha ebin XDDDD
then why are suicide rates for gay people lower in canada and europe where being gay is more accepted?
>gays are sexual deviants
Not an argument.
Whatever helps you make it through the night.
In relation to their predisposition towards sexual deviancy, then, yes, it is an argument against it.
Saying "It's not an argument" is not an argument.
Nice meme
People also justify things they feel they're doing right. Ever think of that?
Because why kill yourself when you can just have a refugee murder and rape you?
You're the good kind of faggot. Godspeed gaybro.
You can't say you won someing without actually wining you fag.
If it wasn't an argument, then were did this data come from?
Source? This gets thrown around constantly but it's not usually sourced.
You're just salty because I proved you wrong. Come now
Read the thread nigga
I hate sin so much.
Delusion has *GOT* to be sinful.
>acts against overpopulation, when whites are the minority of the world
Enough of this meme.
>gay couples can adopt orphans of the tribe as they don't have their own kids to worry about like straight couples, this happens in certain other mammals
This is incredibly dangerous because gays have statistically higher chances of child abuse and pedophilia.
Whether or not it's a predisposition is debatable. It is still found to be a frequent occurrence.
Remember that National Geographic documentary about faggot animals adopting baby animals?
Me neither.
It came from an user who didn't include citations in his screenshots. Judging by the content, it looks like one of the 20-40 year old studies.
>This suggests that the resulting proportion of true pedophiles among persons with a homosexual erotic development is greater than that in persons who develop heterosexually.
>Selection is individual, not species level.
That's why Sharks secrete a scent of death the moment they expire that instantly drives off other sharks right?
Not if it's so closely tied to genes for promiscuity. Under the cynical Sup Forums philosophy a homosexual is a poorly wired slut.
You didn't make an argument to refute, you posted infographs. Not an argument.
Of those 150 species (fuck all anyway)
113 of them use sex as a way of dominating and forcing another animal to be submissive against it's will.
of the remaining 37, 12 species, including giraffes and rhinos, will attack homosexuals, specially ones with children of their own, as they presumably do not want their children to be molested or indoctrinated by faggots.
That leaves about 25 species, the majority of which do it out of confusion, with the exception of 5 species who genuinely accept homosexuals.
Now consider how many species of animals there are, perhaps you will notice that there tends to be a natural pattern in attitudes to homosexuals.
P.S. Most animals are rapists, so I suppose that by that logic, rape is also OK.
Yeah, thats why I posted the second one.
Tried looking for sources, there aren't any for that pic.
Might as well delete it.
What is it nowadays with this many fags in Sup Forums?
Go die in a fire, you filthy homos. You are a disgrace to your parents and society.
>Humans are the only homophobes
How convenient that somehow no footage exists of straight animals beating up, killing, and eating gay animals.
To be honest the whole "homosexuality is/isn't" argument is completely retarded in the first place, either way you use it.
Being natural doesn't make something better in any way, and it sure as hell doesn't fucking matter when it comes to any political debate other than homosexuality.
So gays allow unfit bloodlines to survive?