
Sup Forums's thoughts on Turskish intentions to turn one of the brighest Christian monuments, Hagia Sophia, into a mosque?

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nobody gives a shit about your christian monuments,fuckin christiancuck

Spot the turk

Allah created this holy place for Islam for Ummah.
you christian kafirs have claim on this holy Mosque.
as our Prophet(PBUH) said;
"Verily you shall conquer Constantinople. What a wonderful leader will her
leader be, and what a wonderful army will that army be!"

butthurt christiancuck

Don't worry there is still a hope

i hate both of your camel fucker religions.

May Allah be with you turkey

They turned it into a mosque when they conquered constantinople, they just made it a museum under ataturk.

Admittedly I'd rather see it as a museum than a dirty mosque even if they already destroyed the byzantine art.

If it already was a mosque for hundreds of years then I can't become overly butthurt about that.

Genuine question:

What would be the best way to remove the 4 minarets without damaging the original church?

Makes me sick honestly.

Ummm...It's already been used as a mosque. For about 500 years now.

If you knew anything about your own history you'd know that converting the Haiga Sophia into a mosque is one of the first things the T*rks did.

2/10 for making me post

Why are Turks trying to make everyone hate them?

top down, brick by brick

Cranes taking off the roofing stone first followed by deconstruction from the top down.

Bigger question is how to remove the plaster covering the iconography without damaging anything intact underneath.

That seems really time consuming.

Can't we make a hole at the bottom and have them fall like one would fall a tree?

can't we just blow the whole shit up?

hello ottoman

not without damaging the structural foundation. Nevermind the risk of possible damage to the rest of the building if the tower goes timber.

>He wants to blow up what was once the biggest church in christendom rather than renovate and reconsecrate it.

Kill yourself Slavshit

Seriously...whats wrong with Christian Sup Forumsacks? You can't be a real Christian, and at the same time wish everyday for happenings, or be happy everytime a muslim dies.

What's wrong with jewish shills?

>Answering a valid point with epic memes

Didn't expect anything better from an Americuck

If it gets turned into a church again I promise I'll send the minarets to your christian mother so she can have 4 dildos that finally fits her giant pussy.
Btw im not even muslim and I hate religion.

It's been done before. Who cares, except for olive niggers who have little left to cling onto?



Turks truly are the greatest trolls.

White Christian cucks are still butthurt about something they did 500 years ago. Lmao

Mekka will soon become a Church.



Lies, my only intentions are to fuck Slav girls and Greek boys.

Paki plz go.

Fucking muslims man


>Haha Sophia
Top bantz there mate
It's a Roman monument that was perverted by Christian barbarians far before it was ever touched by the turks
God damn religous nuts had to try and pretend they were Roman so they could act like they understood what they were doing. And when it turned out hey couldn't bullshit their way into making it they had to hire Greeks to do it for them.
Fuckin faggot

Also it brings in over 3 million tourists a year, there's no way they are turning it into an alter for the moon demon just to piss people off when it's helping their economy as a museum.

it was a fucking mosque for 500 years
it was turned into a museum
now they want to do ramadan activities in it because they think it will burn your soft greek asses

also city belongs to us, we can do whatever the fuck we want with it
you lost the greek-turkish war of 1919-1923 familia, get over it and move on

>He still subscribes to the most cuckd religion ever created and wants to continue to allow christcucks to pretend they knew anything about architecture


>be turkish
>be retarded (already said turkish)
>destroy works of art because your goat's son thought they were offensive

I agree
Though I want to murder every person living in Turkey and raise everything to the ground that isn't producing a land based resource and settle it with Americans to ensure that it will be both white and never allowed to become shitskin again you Greeks need to let it go.
All you faggots seem to do is live in the past, the Italians still do as well but unlike you they also chose to move forward and are master ship builders, leather workers, and car makers. Greeks in the other hand do nothing but think about days long past and their illustrious history instead of bettering themselves, sure the Italians weren't Turk slaves for 800 years so they've had more time to develop but it's been almost 100 years since you were free.
Stop acting like niggers and get your shit together

Turks must be purged, same as Jews and Musels.


Work of art
The Sophia is far from a work of art anymore, it's trash now and only stands as a testament of Christianity's cuckdom and failure to defend itself.
Blight on European history and should be destroyed along with Christianity so that Europoors can finally grow a pair

Or we can band together and exterminate Muslims worldwide.


It goes from one retarded religion to another, not exactly anything gained but to call it a loss would imply that it had a positive value in the first place.

And from a preservation point of view it's positive: A building that's used is maintained, kept from ruin.
(and Turkey doesn't seem to have enough Christians to maintain something like that)

You lost it in 1453 and you failed to recover it in 1922. Stop whinning and pay debts!
You lazy monkeys, uncapable of protecting your islands from fugees...
Get lost!

then start nuking your country faggot

Really fucking pisses me off.

Self made pics to decorate this thread

You're wrong mate. Although it's a Roman monument, It was built as a Church either.

As an ethnic Turk that has escaped the fangs of their disgusting muslim family, I just wish I could grab all the muslims, put them on some isolated island and watch them slowly destroy themselves like the degenerates they are.

Simply strip them of electronics and watch them slowly develop into actual chimpanzees.

>a wild al*manci appears
you might as well just gas yourself now, because when the day of the rope comes, you will still be a turk

pls don't hurt anzu

Meh. Sucks but it's theirs and has been a long time. Maybe when Daddy Putin finally gets fed up of Erdogan's cheeky bullshit he'll take it from them and give it back to the Greeks.