
What does Sup Forums think of the best film of the year?

camrip when?

that its the best film of the year

Quit bustin' balls, Villeneuve!

quiet liked it. its been a long time since there has been a good scifi movie that isn't action based

Good but a bit unsatisfying

why the ships evaporate tho?

what they need help with 3000 years from now?

how do you fuck up weapon and tool that badly?

I saw a theory that the ships move through time and the evaporation is just the time travel transition

>learning to read squid language makes you biologiclly capable of time travel

I almost thought this guy was a great director.

Thought it was amazing

Because they referred to "language is the first weapon drawn in any conflict" so "use weapon" is "use language"

Me too, my favourite of 2016 also

>I didn't understand the movie

She speaks the truth, very good film!

The music and sound effects were some of the most disturbing things I have heard in a movie. Not joking it was entirely brilliant with the way they designed the sound when the spaceship is first shown and the first time they enter the ship was amazing.

youre not time travelling. its just that it has opened you to thinking the way they do, and they dont think in linear time

I think the theory goes that they're 4th dimensional beings thus we can't perceive them other than when they move into our dimension? Thus them vanishing was just getting out of the 3d plane

Could be a different one, but you're probably right

Everything to do with translating the Alien language was amazing, it's too bad that the aliens show up as much as the fucking kid does.

Also when did they set up that the guys in the background who carry the boxes into the ship were deciding to form a suicide pact and try to bomb the aliens?

There was a scene of him talking to his scared wife on the phone, and another where he was watching an Alex Jones type figure saying they should bomb all the structures.

when he got the phone call from his wife, you can see the intent. but it was also when he was watching some neckbeard conspiracy theorist online on his bed


How badly Did he get cucked?

his wife's daughter dies of cancer and she divorces him.

Something about the aliens about not being able to think a certain way. They mentioned it when showing them some math. They could get the answers but aren't able to think a certain way? Not sure how they worded it. So guessing the squid guys saw a problem happening to them in the future requiring this certain thinking needed from humans.

Seriously? That's how they travel, they're super advanced and appear otherworldly to us. Why would you even think that's a question worth asking? It has nothing to do with the plot, it's just decoration, window dressing. I honestly can't get myself into the mindset of someone who would think that's a worthwhile question.

There was a scene of one of the soldiers shitposting to Sup Forums

He left her you retards

He left because he thought it was wrong to purposely go through with the marriage and have the kid, knowingly submitting the kid to death via Cancer.

Depending how you view it, you could liken it to murder (you knew it would happen and did it anyway)

I interpreted that he thought it was wrong of her to tell him.

>Directors write the story

I did not get this movie. So she gets a special ability to see to the future and still goes along with the plan of having kids with him?

Could she not use chaos theory to see where she could get a non-sick kid or something?
So like chaos theory she could fuck around with a bunch of dudes to see if she gets a regular kid that does not die from cancer.

>I did not get this movie


so much shit left unfinished, it;s like blue balls the movie

Pretty much this. I was genuinely amazed.

>So like chaos theory she could fuck around with a bunch of dudes to see if she gets a regular kid that does not die from cancer.



it has nice Prometheus/Alien mixed with Interstellar/Inception atmosphere but jesus the ginger Amy shumer was awkward, no joke worked, the father twist was stretched more than it should because everyone already knew it for half an hour and the main plot/twist was pretty banal. The language part shouldve been the first half of the movie and the main plot should stand on some higher level principle

Out for a fair while.

It's meh as fuck. Much of the development outside the base is just from TV snippets. How chaotic is it, then we timeskip 1+ months after their first minor breakthrough and suddenly they've got a large portion of the language/writing down and it's ink blot patterns.

What the fuck did she say to the chink PM that would suddenly make him REALLY REALLY want to talk and share. How did he manage to convince his staff of generals to do a complete 180 on policy?

A nice slightly more down to earth sci-fi but still ended up being perfect sunshine smiles and 'work together you faggots' with only implications of the future.

It also opens up questions on the 'perceiving time no linearly' bit. She's retroactively working with her past/future self, so was the chink PM. Fucking why? He delivered the message from the future to the present for the past. So doesn't this open up multiple timelines? A what if I talked to myself to get shit done better, her book had the language referenced, couldn't everyone learn it then become non linear?

It was going for 2001/contact feel you fucking nigger. The language is the main plot.

yes and its bad

>wifey is scared
>hey lets bomb the clearly superior race with some fucking c4
>this will totally solve everything!

Like come the fuck on, if they were not hostile right away you can trust them for a while, if you start hostilities you might kill a few, but then they just fucking bombard you from orbit. Like seriously, if you're already fucked, you're already fucked.

I guess the military couldn't be picky with the personnel on sight or something and also couldn't track what people were watching, ringing or saying.

You're saying that hey knew the kid would have cancer before because they had the linear time experience already, but they would never have had the kid or been on the mission if all these things didn't happen already?

Then how'd she forget the language or information and stall for so long during the language deciphering period? Wasn't fond of the artsy 'emotional' scenes of the kid endlessly.

Very mediocre, but still best film of the year so far.
Many plotholes....

Very boring

Also, if i go to learn chines , should I being a bit closer for time traveling?

Or powder making?

Tasteless movie.

Just another rehashed Fabian Society propaganda reel.

This is adapted from a short story, you dumb.

There are thousands of Americans who think their civilian grade weapons are enough to fight the US military, never doubt burger brains.

didn't expect it at all
thought it would be Amy Adams' blockbuster role to parallel Nocturnal Animals and, thus, not as good
What a pleasant surprise

>There are thousands of Americans who think their civilian grade weapons are enough to fight the US military

They are.

>things idiots say when they don't understand the film

having watched the film in Sydney, the line about "advanced race" was mighty awkward

Heptapods are good at thinking in parallel and their 3D way of communication could imply a better understanding of quantic mechanics. But as it is said in the movie, we have better understanding of Linear Algebra, based in our linear way of communication.

this was dumb and forced, super advanced aliens should have a word for language that just means language



Supposedly she told him the dying words of his deceased wife, and moved him so much he decided to drop everything he was doing (and apparently the Communist Party lets him do as he pleases)

Now I don't know how that makes sense, but let's put that aside. At least we know this is what the story's trying to say - that Banks now has her entire life story uploaded into her brain in HD, but she will let that story unfold as scripted because she either can't or won't affect the outcome.

Fine, if that's what she wants. Now comes the question we all wanted to ask:

Now that she can do it, does she use her newfound power to repeatedly experience the best orgasm she has in her life?

>that Banks now has her entire life story uploaded into her brain in HD, but she will let that story unfold as scripted because she either can't or won't affect the outcome.

Thats not what it was saying at all, by immersing herself in the language she begins to experiencing her entire life simultaneously. Beginning to end.... end to beginning.... and everything in between.

She can't go back to before she learned the language, so she can't relive Jamal from college.

its dogshit

Not only is that not how the language works, that's not how the concept works in the film
I know you're joking, but did you actually understand anything you saw?

she's always experiencing it
she's also constantly experiencing the death of her daughter though so...
But death isn't a big deal when you see time like that

I really don't understand why this shit is so well liked.
The alien communication process is great. As someone who is learning a third language it was very interesting to watch. However the two "main" characters were boring as fuck. The directing and cinematography with the kid scenes reminded a little bit of Tree of Life except with none of the charm or Nostalgia of Tree of Life. Meaning good camerawork but no emotional connection.

Essentially, all the non-alien stuff ruined the movie.

Characters tend to be plot sevices just used for the writer to introduce whatever concept they want to present to the audience in science fiction. If you read most science fiction novels or short stories that are considered classics, you'll quickly notice the pattern.

Give some penniless liberal arts major a few years and he'll manage to read too much into it and explain how they all totally do have character though.

felt like a half assed nolan movie with the nolan twist at the end

I thought it was great. 8/10
It should have been 30 minutes longer for the 9-10/10. I hope it gets an extended/director's cut disc release.

It's called a conceit. Sci-fi runs on this. You need to suspend disbelief on that theme.

Guys non-linear conciousness isn't the same as future sight. She's was getting flashes here and there only because her mind was in transition. By the time the ships left she was already detached from her linear timeline and was experiencing her entire life at once. There was nothing she could do to change the future at that point she simply exists.

There is no twist in this movie though

She fucking sent back info.

There'd be no reason to have to 'remember' the PMs whisper. She'd just fucking know it without the viewer wondering how. And still it's as if she doesn't remember it either, the PM just reiterates it to her as if she isn't aware of it anyway.

The way the no linear view is presented is a fucking mess. She should just suddenly know what to do without the viewer getting that spiffy party scene.

the dude was the husband all along


Yall fucks can fuck off this movie sucked you're not Jay from RLM either

so was Hannah the name of the first or the second kid? I got a bit confused towards the end

There's only one kid. That child, Hannah, is born after the aliens's arrival and departure. The father is Male Scientist Archer Man, and the mother is Female Scientist Amy Adams.

But the life of the child is shown in non-chronological order throughout; the audience is made to think it has happened already, which reflects the way the squid think about time. The future, past, and present become one, able to view in any order, start to end or vice versa. Like a palindrome; like 'Hannah'.

It's pretty kino desu, quite liked the film. Awkwardness of dialogue as noted by is deliberate; they're socially awkward autists scientists.

And the whole reason she sees the future scenes of her daughter at the very beginning of the film (n.b difference between story and narrative; narrative is guided by Adams who doesn't process time linearly, story takes place linearly - from human audience perspective -) is because her immersion into the language (and smoke, as a sort of metaphor for that) changed the way her mind viewed space|time, affecting her 'memories' of the 'past' (prior to arrival of aliens from linear story perspective).

It's not 2001, but it's a clever neat film, and whilst not as visually impressive as CMONTARS, it was still quite nice. Dolly zooms on Arrival(TM) to the alien ship to show scale and alien nature of environment was a nice touch.

Hacksaw Ridge is by far the best movie of the year.

Well, I'm glad she liked it

Learning a new language would not give anyone superpowers of any kind.

Learning Japanese does not make you a master martial artist.

Learning african does not make you an expert hunter of wild animals.

Independence day 2 was alienkino.

The arrival was a pseudo intellectual bore

They are both retarded, only Independence Day doesn't pretend it isn't.

IDR was an entertaining alien flick. It literally did nothing wrong and the lore was interesting.

The arrival was some boring wank. The aliens didn't even matter and had no back story. It was just a crappy what a twist m night shyamslan wannabe

That's not what they said. They said they cannot understand our algebra. Obviously, they have their own versions of linear algebra and mathematics... that would be necessary for building even basic machines.
By the way understanding algebra has nothing to do with "linear" communication, whatever that means.

I think you're severely overestimating the average audience. I mean, they had to have a scene at the start where she explains to the general how translating a completely fucking alien language is slightly harder that translating Farsi.

Stop lying on the internet. I hunted and killed five antelope the minute I mastered Swahili.


I liked it a lot. A couple things weren't handled perfectly but for the most part I think it handled pretty complex ideas very well. The tweest about the flashbacks was great, too. Very well-themed story.


According to the IMDB trivia, she tells him the dying words of his wife, which were: "In war there are no winners, only widows." This line was written by the screenwriter, but cut out for the final version to add mystery.

It wasn't cut, it was just in ching chong speak w/o subtitles

>why didn't she make different choices?
The way I see it there are two ways this can be interpreted. The first is that in the story's universe, time is unchangeable and there are no alternate timelines. This one makes the problem pretty easy, but probably doesn't really sit that well with most people. The second, which is I think what they were going for, was that she had already seen all the good that she would experience with her daughter and felt that was worth experiencing the bad for. I kind of liken it to getting a pet. You know your dog is going to die before you do, but that doesn't mean it's not worth getting it for all the joy you can give each other in the mean time. Of course, you don't know the exact circumstances like Louise did, but the principle is the same.

It was supposed to be a dumbass decision, so no arguments here.

This is also kind of foreshadowed when Amy and Jeremy are venting about being single. There's a bit of pent up frustration there, I felt. I agree.

A baby is not a pet. Also humans live much longer than dogs, it's not the same.

If she had a choice, and still decided to have the baby despite knowing it will die a horrible death at a young age, she is a horrible person.

OK so you're on team Ian. I was explaining Louise's motivation.

She's horrible for putting her daughter through ~6 months of agony, but what's the alternative? The daughter doesn't get to live at all? How is that better? I'd say the ~12 years before the diagnosis are worth considering.

have fun getting dronestriked lmao

One thing I thought was unclear was that, in learning and teaching the heptapod language, she obviously has to go over the non-linear time shenanigans. I mean she is already talking to characters about it in the film's events. So if that's the case, don't the people around her know she is so immersed in it (plus the weird time mist) that she can observe things from a perspective outside of time? It seems kind of inconsistent whether they do or don't. The Chinese minister seems to know and act accordingly. But Ian doesn't seem to know... Unless she explicitly lied to him about what she saw in the future for Hannah? I guess that could be the decision Ian hates Louise for, but it seemed to me it was a case of lying by omission.

I think it's not so much the language as it is the weird mist. The language allows you to conceptualize it, but the mist allowed you to actually do it.

Dull and pointless.

Shallow and pedantic

This is easily my favorite sci-fi flick of all time. The twist was perfectly executed as well.