>Did you get it, Sup Forums?
Did you get it, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
unironically the best part of the movie
Only somewhat.
Darkseid symbol and his Parademon's. Flash, known for Time travel, shows up afterwards.
It's an alternate future. Or a warning of things to come.
Gosh, imagine being a casual movie goer -- that scene come so out of left field.
This. It was original, interesting and had good pacing.
Get what?
A toy catalogue?
Fucking manchildren
Batfleck is perfect desu.
why does batman have a gun.
why does he wear the jacket?
Nope. Explain.
I agree as well. It was actually the most "entertaining" part of the movie besides the Batman and Superman fight.
>why does batman have a gun.
He's also got a Joker card attached to his gun which I saw in a behind the scenes poster. Not sure what this is meant to mean.
WHY is Joker still alive if Batman kills all other criminals?
Da ting you send? Ayy. It be in da back Wayneman.
It's like the future but not really
And everyone turned their archetipes to their heads because lol so zany post apocalypse
Then we get the batrenchoat because it looked cool
And then it was all a dream
You need to read lots of comic books (aka picture books meant for children) to understand it
Hack screenwriting 101: there's nothing to get, don't fall for some film school's dropout latest "it's actually 2deep4u" meme
>if Batman kills all other criminals?
>let me tell you about the deep intricacies of this toy catalogue based on picture books made for children
When did you realize that DCucks are simply insane?
Because it's a nightmare, and in it, he has become all that he hopes he will never be - a killer that uses guns.
>The rock
Honestly my brain turned to mush about the time all the characters started jumping 100 yards and being bulletproof without ever messing up their hair. I can barely remember any of it after the beginning.
>movie has tons of holes and flaws but remains enjoyable and different
>mad about the hair
>enjoyable and different
>i didnt like bvs
>i post in bvs threads 6 months later
You sound like you need a place where people can't disagree with you
A safe space of sorts
This is definitely not the website for you
Yeah, form the trailers I was expecting a movie in which superman had enslaved the world and batman was saving it.
>Mfw none of you faggots got the rock
Crack cocaine makes you addicted with one use, dont fall for it Batman.
w-what rock mr. batman?
Based Ralph saying it like it is.
He leaves absolutely no wiggle room for the pretentious 2deep4u shitheads
>39 minutes
fuck that noise, son.
What's the appeal of Amy Adams?
BvS rules.
Reddit: The Flick
You children need to fuck the fuck off back to Sup Forums
her ass
One of the many problems with the movie is that this seemed the part Snyder was the most excited about telling, yet couldn't on account of being tethered to franchise building.
She's a great actress, but a lousy Lois Lane.
>I didn't understand the movie
>best call it pretentious to hide my stupidity
like clockwork
Ralphy specifically calls it dumb and rails against the idiots who think the martha moment was transcendent
Whole flick should have been set in knighmare world