every aoty thread it's the same ten/fifteen albums
you guys are a fucking hivemind, for real
is it so hard to venture a listen to albums pitchfork didn't tell you to like?
every aoty thread it's the same ten/fifteen albums
you guys are a fucking hivemind, for real
is it so hard to venture a listen to albums pitchfork didn't tell you to like?
Having an actual personal taste? LOL
this board is shit and it's the mods fault
i'd clean this place up in 1 week
Yeah, because it's supposed to be about the most critically acclaimed, discussed and awarded albums within a given year. There is going to be some overlap amongst critics and audiences, but it isn't about some obscure Drone-Pop album you found on your local record store. Contenders must receive at least heavily positive reviews from both the press and average consumers.
>Yeah, because it's supposed to be about the most critically acclaimed, discussed and awarded albums within a given year.
It's about your favourite albums of the year.
You can enjoy an album as much as you want, but clearly to hold such a prestigious title as an "Album of the Year," the album must have received a significant amount of accolades from both the press and the general audience. It's almost the same as video games. You don't see a game like, say, Lineage 2: Revolution even remotely competing with Breath of the Wild, perhaps one of the greatest video games of all time, do you? The latter might receive some recognition from hardcore MMORPG fans and mobile gamers, but compared to the absolute juggernaut that is Breath of the Wild, it's barely a leaf fighting a tree. You have to maintain some form of objectivity whilst making such a list, even if it means discussing the same albums over again.
>You can enjoy an album as much as you want, but clearly to hold such a prestigious title as an "Album of the Year," the album must have received a significant amount of accolades from both the press and the general audience.
Right, because the press is totally unbiased and have nothing to gain and the general public is not at all easily influenced.
>It's almost the same as video games.
Oh, you're a gamer. That explains it.
No it isn't. Someone can make a thread like that if they want to but AOTY inherently means the objective best. It's actually strongly preferred that the person utterly despise the album they pick for AOTY
>No it isn't. Someone can make a thread like that if they want to but AOTY inherently means the objective best. It's actually strongly preferred that the person utterly despise the album they pick for AOTY
I generally don't like to do this but you guys have left little alternative.
You're baiting, right?
For starters you just quoted my whole post for some completely pointless reason. So the problem is obviously you.
I wanted to make absolutely sure I read it right.
Having an AOTY that's not pitchfork-core or rym-core is cool the first year it happens and then you realize it's always going to be this way and it doesn't especially matter that much.
Ok completely stupid reason then.
>It's actually strongly preferred that the person utterly despise the album they pick for AOTY
Speak for yourself
Do I need to explain what the word objectively means?
Please do, because I don't think you know
It means despite your personal taste.
It's interesting you think that there's an objective metric for music
Criteria is subjective but not evaluation
>tfw Pitchfork snubbed Brand New in their top 50 albums