how do we end rape culture in america?
How do we end rape culture in america?
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What a desperate, pathetic beta. Trying to feel up a sheboons disgusting, flabby ass.
Damn, that was... Really bad
Reintroducing slavery will fix the white on black rape issue.
manlets, when will they learn
how low test are you? that ass is amazing to be honest with you
manlets, when will they learn
End niggers
she seemed to be doing a pretty good job of it
How desperate are you? That ass is definitely shit tier along with the fact it's attached to a nigger.
Pic related, real high test ass.
Too much ass.
You're not Ireland, you aren't fooling anybody.
Lol definition of a chadbro
that's ivory coast retard
kill white males
we don't because it doesn't exist.
>too much ass
seen a manlet pull the same shit in a bar once nearly pissed my pants when the chick said
>you know what "SMASH" try that again
getting glassed hurts but now picture jamson flowing into every cut that chick was a real womyn
Why didn't any one knock his ass out?
beta virgin confirmed
that ass is terrible
The fuck is he doing? She should have hard fist punched him.
Watch all the fatass americans channel their self hatred at being overweight onto this post.
then how do you explain this video you mongoloid
This guy should be shot on sight
for his taste in women
But it's the black dudes raping the women, and I'm the bad guy for pointing that out.
It's not rape if it's gay.
Link to vid? Can't view webms
Haha I thought she was going to beat his ass.
I'll help, its just some cringelord chubster groping some girl at a party.
He deserved a right and a left desu
I would eat the whole ass bruh
>believing in Sup Forums memes
how naive
>Why do drunken teen/20 yearolds do crazy shit?
I wonder.
Kind of funny though, the girl is trying so hard to keep her composure because if she freaks out and starts a fight she'll be thrown out which drastically reduces her chances of getting knockedup/childsupported by a Chad that summer
>Can't view webms
t. Armchair warrior
>what are rape statistics
We legalize rape!
>1 in 3 women have rape fantasies daily
>1 out of 4 women is more likely to orgasm from rape sex than through consensual sex
>badly proportioned
But you just posted a meme on Sup Forums...
Op your webm is showing beastiality not rape
Why can't you view webms? What kind of browser are you using?
>Blacks kill blacks
>Blacks rape
>Blame whitey
Pretty much what I expect from a robot when he finally decides to try and get that qt
That guy is some overgrown 90ies drunk retard kid and she's some mulatto post-gay black thing with really strange behavior and body. It looks like going away party of sideshow freaks.
Found the low test faggot
Shitty iPhone 5 won't show them.
>how do we end rape culture in america?
Women can help by refusing to be submissive in the bedroom. No more choking, rape role play, or 50 Shades of Grey bullshit All you're doing is making men believe that you enjoy being degraded and humiliated, and we can't have that.
>this guy and his entire family is retarded
>1 out of 4 women is more likely to orgasm from rape sex than through consensual sex
yeah cause it is an unconcious physical reaction you dumbass
if a big black dude fucked you in the ass and jacked you off you would get a boner and cum but that doesnt mean you enjoyed it
What rape culture are you fucking talking about?
checked, Donkey fucker.
>It looks like going away party of sideshow freaks.
I didn't mean to say that the rapelord was a Chad, but that the black thing is there in order to daterape a Chad and steal his seed for the gibmedats. She's basically forced to allow her molestation to go unnoticed because if she makes too much noise they'll throw her out of the party and she won't be able to get the childsupport she's hoping to solidify by the end of the night.
He looks like that faggot Pauly Shore, I bet the same thing happened to him too.
Oh boy! I didn't even think about the fact we could be filmed nowadays.
>your children will ask you how you met mommy
>can't set up a cute story
>mommy's sister plays the tape of you sniffing up her hair for half an hour following her around the club
At least he tried .
I think it's more that he's a shlub than his height
>rape culture
Well importing Indians and Muslims aren't going to help
That's not true at all.
You have to have some sort of mental stimulation, not just physical.
You're a faggot for even thinking of that.
literally not true you fucking retard you can orgasm from electrically stimulating certain parts of the brain
Top tier ass
Bestiality is rape.
a drunk asshole who cant take a clue
That video is fucking depressing.
he doesn't even warm up to it
It's true that some women have the desire to have all control taken from them when they are having sex (i.e. choking, tying up, hair being pulled) but not from some beta manlet.
>look at the guy macking on the attractive girl in the pool below the manlet.
If a 6'4 good looking dude started dancing with that black girl chances are she'd smile and dance back, because this guy's retarded and going for someone way out of his league (albeit a not so attractive girl) it's obvious that he's going to get rejected.
Our poor little friend is so determined that if girls are drunk and being slutty at a music festival then they will lower their standards for him. But that won't happen. That beta dude can have all the pleasure from grabbing that girl's ass or even one day rapping an attractive girl but, no matter how good the manlet is at sex, the girl won't enjoy it because she never wanted to fuck him in the first place.
To all the betas and brown people who do this kind of shit at bars and festivals: stop wasting your time. More importantly, stop wasting my time. Don't make me have to work harder to earn a girl's trust because you set the standard so low for men.
She's Looks like a fucking tranny and he looks like a jew
The video is so disgusting, but I keep replaying it.
Niggers can't be raped because you have to be a person in order to be raped and niggers are only 2/3 of a person
10/10 , best girl in the world! You go girl! Assault that guy with a deadly weapon! XD gurllll power!!!! XD
She's going to get a great husband soon!
You see, my grape-stomping friend, it's a black on white issue, not the other way around.
I forgive you though, you probably know 3+ languages..
there's some truth to that statement, but a warm pussy will feel pretty good no matter how ugly the woman is
I think he's going after that chick cause she's the only one who's only slightly taller than him
Honestly I don't see the point in going to a party like that if you can't compete with the guys that will be there.
I like Cellulite, it's not my fetish but at lest it's a sing that girl has ass without implants.
>white toddlers
>black men so ugly they can't get their own women
>nonexistent asian women
stimulating the brain is both mental and physical
That guy you replied to insists you won't cum when you don't enjoy the nigger fucking your ass and jerking you off.
>Sportin a chub for an ape.
>Anglo: The post
Who the fuck shows up to the parties like that without a six pack and some muscles? Like what the fuck, you're going to stand out in a bad way entire time. You need ot have a good looking body.
>dont blame the individual for his actions
>create a 'culture' and blame that
>this way no one has hurt feelings
dude a creep there no culture behind that, maybe if we didnt teach kids to not fight back there would be more retaliation
Fuck... at least suck in your gut...
Confident people do it all the time
That guy was rejected and should have moved on immediately, not continued.
The webm is so embarrassing I can't bring myself to finishing it.
Girls with cellulite like this are like fighters in DnD, they start off at their peak in the early game, but slowly lose their quality as the game continues and the formerly underdog mages start to scale up.
>dat small Russel Brand dinky
This. All of this and a sandwich.
Well, he was probably drunk too. In a drunk state it's easy to think the ugly nigger would want him.
And they're probably laughed at by every hot girl there. Chad maybe chad but without a hot body he's not gonna score black qt3.14s, unless he's rich i guess.
>this faggot fucked katy perry
Poor guy.
She's so fugly holy Jeez
This irony stupidity loop is too meta for me.
Quit being a faggot.
By not importing Muslim refugees and by securing the border to stop rapist international criminal groups and sex slave traders from entering.
Check out the Chad in the pool with the brunette. Dude is 120% getting laid later that day.
What the fuck are you even talking about?
Yeah, she is.
If everybody is retarded at party then it's normal behavior. Dan Scheider is a Chad in USA, only because he has money. That's really the general rule of USA, other option is bunch of retards, then everybody feels like a Chad. No surprise then that USA isn't white any longer and so high on drugs.
Rape is a product of the "sexual revolution"
Maybe if sex were taken seriously as something between a husband and wife for procreation purposes, this shit would stop.
that literally looks like a National Geographic mating ritual