Which movie had the most unnecessary sequel?

Which movie had the most unnecessary sequel?

In the history of film.

>out of no where B movie gets great ratings and loved by everyone
>sends liam neeson into a 5 year spree of action movie roles
>stand alone story with no real loose ends
>hey lets do it again for shekels

every star wars film after the first 3

fantastic beasts and where to find them

>making a 1st movie about newt and his book
> announce 4 more films in the 'series' , not even going to focus on newt or the fantastic beasts angle
> still using the same movie title

Schindler's List



Blues Brothers 2000

Probably not actually this, but fuck I can't think of any better answer. So this.

The first one was a good flick. It was a quotable dad-fantasy/spy movie where Albanians, the least-popular European ethnicity, get torture-murdered by an inventive Leeham Neeson until he gets his daughter back. End of movie, no sequel necessary.

The 2nd just kinda sucked, and the whole "oh but he is kidnapped and the daughter has to save him" reversal lasts for all of maybe 20 minutes and the rest is just a slightly-worse version of the first film as he tries to kill the dad of the guy he killed by slow-electrocution in the first movie.

The third one is a huge clusterfuck mess. It's like a dad-fantasy fever dream. That Neeson gets off scott-free at the end despite all of the things he did to evade capture and the fact that he basically took the law into his own hands would all add up to more jail time than if he had actually killed his wife for realsies. Also that part about the bagels was some of the most retarded shit I've ever heard recorded to film. Whoever wrote that should be ashamed.