Gee, you know, everyone that has been to this house on the night of the blood moon has either died an extremely grisly death or or viciously tortured.
Let's go take another film crew there to find out once and for all if it's REALLY haunted! I'm sure nothing will go wrong!
Justin Turner
*ghost farts*
Brandon Long
Murphy is the king of 'hot mess'. He builds verisimilitude in the first episode or two, then breaks all logic, and not in the good way. People die and come back, others don't. Characters act a certain way, then BAZINGA, they become narrative vehicles, he can't write a second or third act for SHIT.
The only thing this show has going for it post-s2 is the production values. Freak Show had a great first act arc. But after Twisty dies, it's shit.
Xavier Foster
Most of the seasons the writers give up on the horror mid season and start with random faggotry.
Jacob Brooks
Season 4 really did get awful. Hotel started out sort of promising, but then dialed the stupidity up to 9 for like the last half of the show.
I feel like Roanoke at least stayed decent longer.
Honestly, even Season 2 was a little weird, but I liked how it felt like three or four different horror movies kept accidentally bumping into and startling each other.
I think they at least tried to keep it horror based this season. Granted, it still got dumb toward the end, and maybe over stayed its welcome a bit (Seriously, stop going to the house with a fucking film crew during the Blood Moon, it's full of Murder Ghosts), but still actually enjoyable none the less. I actually still enjoyed it, rather than it feeling like a slog and wondering why I was still watching this hot garbage.
I work in post, so the real horror story for me was seeing all those robo cams, go pros, cellphone cams, spy cams, etc, and seeing the sound guy get killed early on. The timecode is definitely a mess, I bet they shot mixed frame rates, and there's no notes from audio, so good luck spending that overtime figuring whose mic is whose. God, that button cam still pisses me off. It was probably a bitch to sync. Absolutely horrifying.
Ryan Mitchell
He really should've stopped at Asylum I think. Then again we wouldn't have our boy Dandy if he did
Have they run out of paranormal/horror material now? I stopped at season four, but surely they've done everything by now
Easton Gutierrez
It's a shame. Roanoke was essentially a 5 episode introduction - first act. 4 episodes 3rd act and then 1 episode 4th.
They could have condensed the first 5 into an 1:30 premiere imo. Then gone back to the house and built the lore. The switch up was basically a few episodes of people being murdered. But lmao!! They're not actually dead.
Yeah, that's the thing. Dandy and Twisty made Freak Show worth it. Lady Gaga took a backseat this season, thankfully. She is TERRIBLE.
Brayden Carter
>Lady Gaga took a backseat this season, thankfully. She is TERRIBLE.
How bad was she? I heard people bitching about her performance in season 5, was she in season 6 as well?
Aiden Lopez
She was, briefly thankfully. Maybe they toned her down or she had scheduling conflicts, but I suspect Murphy sees Gaga as both a meal ticket and a prodigy.
Anyway, she was DOGSHIT. It was ham without the fun, she didn't understand the material and clearly took it seriously. I don't know if people can tell but she is clearly an arrogant, egocentric woman.
She was then validated when she won a GG over Dunst's performance in Fargo.
Josiah Clark
People like Dandy? Also, I liked the first 5 episodes, but I was also glad they changed the direction from six on. I thought it was a nice contrast to the sort of difference between what was presented to the audience VS what the reality of such a place really is. Kinda got dragged out a bit too long though. Honestly, if the whole series had been 8 episodes instead of 10, it'd have been better. Then again, I think most shows would be better if they were a little shorter and had to condense the story a bit. Kinda felt Shelby and Matt's story just kind of went nowhere in favor of weird ghost fucking. Then again, I guess it's not AHS unless someone bangs a dead person.
She was okay in Season 5. No worst than most of the cast, though it felt like a lot of the actors were phoning it in on the second half of Hotel/Maybe weren't very good in the first place.
She plays the actress depicting the Witch that gave the Butcher her power. The one Cuba fucks.
Jose Nelson
Dandy was Chad Radwell levels of fun.
Jace Sanchez
>People like Dandy?
Dandy was literally /ourguy/ >spoiled by his mom >autistic >sexually-frustrated
Alexander Diaz
>tfw you'll never go on a drunken, roid-fuelled baseball bat rampage through your campus at night with your tastefully-dressed completely-heterosexual WASP fratbros
Benjamin Perry
I felt bad watching that guy. I kept thinking "Am I like this guy? I felt horrible for months.
Aiden Russell
>She was then validated when she won a GG over Dunst's performance in Fargo.
Fucking for real? That's a goddamn travesty. I feel like there was a time Lady Gaga was good (Never cared much for her music, but I felt like she had talent), but it feels like her fans and entertainment media are willing to praise her even when she does badly.
Like her recent SNL performance when, I think, Tom Hanks hosted. It was real fucking awkward and I'm almost certain lip synced, but Variety and Rolling Stone couldn't suck her clit hard enough. Seriously, it was really fucking weird.
I just thought he was annoying and found his presence unwelcome most of the time. Then again, I felt like that for most everyone in Freakshow. I don't know if I actually liked anyone by the end of Freakshow.
Adrian Ross
Yep. She beat Dunst's performane in Fargo. Lady Gaga....... I suspect these are bought awards, because there's no universe or timeline where Gaga is worthy of an acting win, when she is flat and wooden. She can't even fucking emote.
And the editors clearly cut around her performance a lot. Watch her scenes again if you can be bothered. When she talks, they cut away to wide and over the shoulder shots, when she's wooden as hell. She gets reaction shots with lots of blank, ambivalent stares.
And yeah, she's been trying to capture her meatsuit days, and her first album sense of success, but the reality is Madonna did it years ago and her gimmick is just that, a gimmick. there's no edge anymore. Now she's trying to pander to fans with politics, because you know millennial liberals love validation.
Samuel Jackson
Hey. I don't love validation. The media just falls over itself trying to make me feel like I'll be validated so they can make me spend my money I earn at my 50 hour a week job.
It kind of works.
Yeah, now that I think about it, most of her spoken dialogue in hotel was usually from behind, cut away, or otherwise blocked by veils and shadows.
Matthew Thompson
I'm just a guy on a Vietnamese paper dragon-boat forum, but I've done quite a lot of editing for short films, and cutting away, blocking and so on is the the key to editing around a shit performance.
Andrew Howard
When I say blocking, I mean wide shots
Xavier Williams
It's also good for Frankenbytes.
Though since the show actually has a budget, it's probably just ADR.
Jacob Thomas
I think I saw quite a bit of suspected ADR in the Roanoke season, as someone said further up, getting audio for all those different cameras would be hell.
Adam Lopez
This is the forth straight season in a row that started out with an interesting idea and completely shit the bed by episode 4. I'm glad it was only ten episodes long this time.
House > Asylum > Coven > Freakshow > House > Roanoke
It literally keeps getting worse
Christopher Jenkins
I thought hotel was a great comedy honestly, I hadn't laughed so much at a tv show in years. I'm not even being ironic, I think the goofy as fuck tone and stupid storylines were intended to be like that, I doubt it was ever meant to be taken seriously. By the end of it you even have random characters from other seasons show up just to die in stupid ways
Isaiah Wright
House and Asylum followed by Freak Show were good, the rest are trash.
Mason Garcia
That was me, I do a lot of {assistant) editing professionally. It was a kick to see it done in that reality style, to be honest.
It makes more sense that it was played for comedy. Especially Evan Peters's over the top Transatlantic accent.
Ethan Gonzalez
Yeah, even the British accent seemed purposely bad. I'm sure they've enter post-modern territory on their already post-modern show. So it's more reflexive. I enjoyed the concept of Roanoke, but not the application.
Benjamin Robinson
the "you used to call me on my cellphone" shootout had me laughing out loud. Or Kathy Bates making those awful instagram suicide videos when she decided to kill herself, or her whining about the new generation being ungrateful as she slaughtered hipster. Every scene with Evan Perers was really entertaining to me "You telling us to stop killing people is like colonel sanders telling people to stop eating chicken" "I'm not familiar with your military friend nor do I share his love for poultry" no way any of that was ever meant to be serious, it definetly had a few dramatic moments but they were the minority
Hunter Bell
>the "you used to call me on my cellphone" shootout had me laughing out loud. I gave up after that.
Ryder Allen
How come there were literally no threads for this show this season? What happened? It was definitely better than the last couple seasons.
Angel King
Why do they have such a hardon for this lady? She has never particularly impressed me.
They literally gave her two separate characters in this season by bringing back her Asylum character. It was one of the stupidest decisions in a season of batshit insane decisions.