>throwing eggs at people >terrorism bitch pls it's just assault nobody will take this cause seriously if you and fags like stefan says it's terrorism
You're no better than the people who compared the Oregon stand off fags to nigger rioters
Mason Garcia
Seth sent me
Gavin Nelson
A riotous mob attacked Americans in order to prevent American people from exercising their political rights and civil rights,
It is Terrorism, even if you discount the fact that the rioters are also waving the flag of another country.
Zachary Morris
Nolan White
Fact still is that paco threw eggs at sally because she doesn't want drug cartels in her country
Nathaniel Flores
They were beating people bloody including a pregnant woman. When one of them ran to a fire truck they told him to go away. The mayor and police chief are affiliated with La Raza whose stated goal is to conquer western America and kill all white people.
They were providing aid and comfort to people waving a foreign flag with the intention of conquering America. The definition of treason.
San Jose is a lawless favela.
Jack Mitchell
ter·ror·ism ˈterəˌrizəm/Submit noun the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims
Charles Williams
You fags are not going to impeach him by making a thread and complaining about this. Call his office, send death threats, spam his email instead of jerking off to hentai
Wyatt Collins
>When one of them ran to a fire truck they told him to go away.
>When does terroristic domestic violence become justified by excusing it simply because a San Jose woman wore a Donald Trump t-shirt and smiled while wearing it? Was it the t-shirt that triggered the local Animals into a violent rage, or, was it the woman’s beautiful smile? Someone call a Zoologist, we need to investigate further.
Elijah Adams
what are you going to do about it?
>Hurr durr people should be fired >Not doing anything >Jerks off to hentai
Christopher Baker
I thought Trump supporters were tough? I guess I was wrong. I dare you niggers to send death threats to this mayor
You are clearly a libtard shill trying to troll good people into bad behavior.
Fuck off back to whatever hole you crawled out of.
Michael Nelson
Got something against 2d porn, fag?
Josiah Thompson
Anime is degenerate
Matthew Flores
>god bless america >mexican flag waving kek
Jace Walker
Guess Trump supporters weren't so tough huhhh...prove me wrong and kill this mayor
Juan Cooper
Leo Brooks
RAMZPAUL gives good irony, that is a fact.
Jack Hall
It needs to get worse before white people finally wake up.
That whore needed to get egged and bloodied.
Ayden Thompson
The left the go back to mexico and flipping everyone off part.
Alexander Ramirez
>violent crime for political reason >not terrorism pick one and only one. also this shit right here >The definition of treason. thats more than enough reasons to remove them from office. I hope you trumpkins are taking notes and campaigning to get this done when Trump gets elected.
Joshua Stewart
>a 4/10 attention whore goes out of her way after a Trump rally ends to incite a riot + egg on anti-trump protesters by walking in the middle of the crowd wearing a Trump shirt + gesturing in a braggadocios way
>gets some water and an egg thrown at her
WHOA WE MUST LE PROTECT LE WHITE PEOPLE FROM LE EVIL TERRORIST SPICS!!!!!!!!!! She should be charged with inciting a riot tbqh. Whoever threw the shit at her should also be charged with assault. I don't understand why the alt-right cucktrumplettes are calling the protesters terrorists. I guess it's a nice buzzword to use.
Blake Long
h-ha ha yeah man all of the Brown people are in a secret cabal that meets Thursdays @ 1:00AM to discuss how to destroy the white man using voodoo and ancient aztec incantations
this is why Sup Forums is my favorite board
Eli Bailey
Don't worry, once our overlord is commander you'll be able to return home.
Jonathan Ramirez
>it's another delusional patriotard thread where newfags trying to level up on Sup Forums still cling to the institutional functions of republican democracy
Josiah Wilson
I'm home tbqh. And I probably pay more taxes than you. Trumpcuck
Jonathan Howard
Because it's totally normal to be out walking around in public with eggs in your backpack right?
Sure, I totally believe those fine upstanding gentlemen with no moral agency whatsoever were provoked and antagonized into throwing eggs at Trump supporters when they never had any intent to do so when they stepped out of their homes that morning.
Jack Evans
You fuckhead.
Of course the terrorists organized. Mexican nationalists would have been able to set something like that up even before social media.
The Mexican-flag waving terrorists organized to gather to riot against peaceful white people who only wanted to attend a Trump rally unmolested.
Charles Harris
Race war came earlier than I thought
Parker Brown
there's that buzzword again
when a guy waving the mexican flag murders multiple people because he hates whites you can start using that word
yeah. They organize over facebook. Not that big a secret. All trump rallies have dedicated protest groups on Facebook. Anyone is invited to join. It just so happens that most of the rallies as of 3 weeks ago happen to be in hispanic-heavy areas of SoCal. It's really not that big of a deal or coincidence.
Leo Bell
Brody Evans
Nothing about the definition of terrorism requires secret meeting and murders. I suggest you pick up a dictionary.
Brody Gray
the modern American definition of terrorism does, though.
Christopher Jenkins
Jordan Martinez
the last 15 years?
Have you ever heard anyone call violent protesters "terrorists"? Terrorism nowadays needs to result in a bodycount. A clear motivation and planning too.
Chase Clark
Get your taco-nigger ass back to Mexico, Faggot!
Juan Davis
She couldve kicked the shit out half of those knuckledraggers.
Hudson Foster
you're whole race is degenerate..
Jackson Brooks
Illegal Alien Removal Force when? I will volunteer. It is my dream for me and my son to march the Taco-Niggers up a hill, hand them a shovel, and make them dig their own mass grave.
Levi Jones
Libtard shill please leave.
Jaxon Richardson
>Illegal Alien Removal Force when? Never. They'll kill you. You won't kill them. That's why they march over your border, seize your cities and institutions, and you just whine about it on a message board.
If you were going to do something, it would have happened decades ago. Now the reality is starting to sink in for you.
Owen Baker
Top fucking kek, based user
Ethan James
Nothing violent.
The US will deport illegal aliens when Trump is President.
If they attack the teams of agents who come get them, then they will be appropriately subdued then deported.
Support the wall. Get everyone you know to vote Trump.
Noah Hill
Libtard shills trying to shit up the thread with talks of violence.
Brayden Young
>libtard shills >talks of violence Are you retarded? Do you think any illegal aliens are going to leave because somebody passes a law or there's an executive order or their WIC gets taken away?
They aren't leaving willingly. They are a subhuman population who has no other options but to cling to whatever is left of the USA's crumbling infrastructure. They have already violently dispossessed tens if not hundreds of millions of White Americans from their homes, cities, and jobs. They make up a significant minority of the American armed forces and the military is 100% on the side of browning up the United States [the military controls the USA 100% lock, stock, and barrel. Nothing happens in this country that they don't put into motion. I don't care what some podunk nobody grunt you talked to in the bar thinks about race relations].
There is no democratic or legal way out of this. It is the mark of a non-Aryan to pursue such avenues in light of present evidence -- it is a mark of slavish devotion to existing institutions because of an inability to create new institutions.
Oliver Scott
>A clear motivation and planning too. >motivation To bully and scare people away from voting for Trump.
>planning You literally just said that they have public facebook groups for every protest.
Hudson Rogers
Probably. Or just trying to create "evidence" to justify force against Sup Forums or Sup Forums.
Oliver Campbell
yeah, but those things need to result in a body count. You can't just call people who are being coerced into being more aggressive "terrorists"
What do you think her intention was? Was she going to single handily convert all of those violent spics into Trump supporters by acting like a braggy whore? She invited/welcomed that reaction. No sane person would've stuck their cock into a hornet's nest.
James Rodriguez
see The military will pull them like a tooth. If they get violent then it will be managed by appropriate authorities.
Libtards would have everyone believe that the good guys (govt under Trump's leadership) will have to resort to shitflinging like the terrorists.
No. They will be handled and deported in an orderly and military way. Fair, firm and formal.
Ike did it with over a million Mexicans in just a few months.
20 million may take a couple of years.
By then the wall will be up and Mexico will get in line by then because they want to be our friends / partners in trade.
All will be well.
Oliver Brooks
I think you are correct user.
They are a part of Hillary's paid shill brigade or some other such liberal internet shill force.
To make /pol. look bad. Or to try to make Trump supporters look bad. Or both.
Sad little libtard astroturfers.
Ryan Cook
OMG the poor princess got a few eggs thrown at her??? is she OK??!!
Jesus OP, grow some balls and stop white knighting. That slut wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire. She probably cheats on her bf with a latino as it is.
Andrew Garcia
Hello Chile.
Thanks for your worthless opinion.
Expect to get some of your citizens back too, starting next year.
Christopher Cruz
Oh no! Not . . .
The last resort of SJWs everywhere!
>pol trumpettes confirmed for having their periods in sync
Lol no one actually cares about her. She just makes for convenient ammo.
Gabriel Stewart
>Terrorism: the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims >Not terrorism >Being this stupid
Matthew Peterson
There are too many definitions for any of us to come to a conclusive agreement. I guess if you stretch the definition of the word long enough you can somehow attach it to the trump protesters. But you are very aware of the fact that the vast majority of the population wouldn't consider an aggressive protest an act of terrorism.
>The calculated use of unlawful violence or thread of unlawful violence to inculcare fear; intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological.
The protests, like I previously stated. Are 100% peaceful up until HOURS after the Trump rally ends. Then straglers from the rally go OUT OF THEIR WAY in a HEAVILY protected area to go get a rise out of the protesters. The people being "assaulted" always find a way to taunt the protesters and expect nothing to happen. That is nonsense.
If a KKK member goes to an anti-KKK rally dressed in full garb, would it be reasonable to assume that he'd get his shit kicked in? Or at least shit thrown at him?
Nolan Lopez
At this point it would just be easier to invade latin america and take complete control of their resources and land. Illegals won't be a thing once they are already in the US
Andrew Powell
She goes to san jose, taunts the protesters. Gets gets a reaction. She even looks like a troll
Zachary Jones
Jeremiah Smith
Xavier Clark
>If a KKK member goes to an anti-KKK rally dressed in full garb, would it be reasonable to assume that he'd get his shit kicked in? Or at least shit thrown at him? Free speech but only when it's free speech I approve of. Yes she a dumb whore. No they don't have the right to attack her for her political views. Could probably get her arrested for incitement to riot depending on what was actually said but they're probably just as guilty.
Elijah Myers
violence, or the threat of violence, to further political, religious, or ideological goals is the very definition of terrorism.
Xavier Williams
>using the modern Jewish definition of any word
Good goy.
Isaiah Jones
>Or just trying to create "evidence" to justify force against Sup Forums or Sup Forums.
This exactly. The shills are overwhelming and obvious.
Ryan Wood
Mason Hughes
I'm sure those Spics just happened to be walking home from the grocery store with their package of eggs to make a delicious breakfast burrito for their esposa's hijo when they were antagonized by that white cracker whore