Post traumatic peep disorder

i cant stop thinking about him. this is the saddest death in music i have ever experienced

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post peep

The world is now in two chapters.


Please stop with these cringe posts

lil poop

post rare peep tracks that are unironically really good

Maybe if the faggot didn't succumb to his money and spend all of it on fucking drugs he would still be alive rn. Fucking normie

same op. listen to his music a ton everyday and i just can't comprehend that he is gone forever. it sucks so much.

this is literally loser music

it's also terrible

>fuckin linkin park rejects

I wonder how decomposed he is by now.

easy with all that reddit spacing there pal

let's find out.

Thank you Sup Forums police

Ok I'm right behind you.

>yfw listening to Beat It
literally the cobain of our generation

He's a millennial Just Like You and is one of many who personified the indestructibility of youth. Most kids think you can do whatever you want with no consequences, and his death was a wakeup call that you can't. Every generation has one.

u cant be over 18 and listen to this.

not the guy u quoted but im 31 and I think its great. its like a blend of brand new and rap

'reddit spacing'

anyone who even says this is a fucking loser


is hating on peep a new meme?
literally no one cares about your ''opinion''
go back to blebbit

anyone else started listening to coldhart

the singing is off key in this. drives me crazy

fischer price: my 1st celeb death
suitable for ages 16 and under

this is honestly the first time an artist's death really impacts me, i feel you desu.

fukk is that a grouper sample?

I'll try to order his cd, did he ever sign to a label? I'm assuming not.

>tfw no brightside

this is 3pac hooty shit all over again

Everybody know I'm next, ouu
Everybody know I'm next, ouu
Everybody know I'm next, ouu
Everybody know I'm next, ouu

>When dyed mini dreads and face tats manage to make this ugly ass braced faced spic somewhat likable

lil poop? more like lil peepee