What's your face going to be when Hillary wins the election in november?
What's your face going to be when Hillary wins the election in november?
She can't win, so that facial expression will not exist.
You need to prepare yourself for the possibility. The Illuminati clearly wants her to be president.
Post your face when Trump wins and Hillary flees the country.
Not sure about face, mostly just bits of flesh and brain matter exploded across whatever wall is behind me I guess.
Just kidding, I got my passport this year and have been saving up, I'll be fleeing the country, go to a pub, get a pint and wait for this whole thing to blow over.
Try to blend in so as not to be placed in a (re-education camp).
> I'll be fleeing the country
Yes, be just like the cowardly mudslime shits and run away from your home country instead of taking it back, that will clearly solve everything.
Live to fight another day, friend.
Whites will ultimately rule any place which they can hold at least a significant population of. That is no longer America, and to exacerbate the problem our numbers in the USA are constantly shrinking, meaning we should be fortifying ourselves now, but we've already lost the ideological battle because no one prevented liberalism.
I say flee, gather in another nation, fortify our numbers, and try again. We just need to wait out the destruction of America and like apartheid they will end up begging us to come back and save the day, at which point we can negotiate our irreversible privileges for doing so.
Only stormfags care about the "white-flight" concept, and most of them will be the first to be cannon fodder come the next American civil war.
You're not a man.
Keep those neetbux coming :-)
Guess not, huh?
Bump anyway, enjoy your (You)
It's just a dream
get a load this 98 pound keyboard warrior
stay in school bud
Mfw the parents of the autismos here pay for my porn accounts.
Pure happiness because I win either way.
Either trump wins and makes it great again or she wins and a revolution happens.
I win either way because large changes and the day of the rope happen in both cases
> step on a rattle snake
You go and do that.
Would try out the NEET life for the next 8 years.
That's the point of the picture dumbass
I'd probably be one of those despondent hollowed souls from Dark Souls. I was already planning to leave the USA until Trump ran for nomination. Teh god emperor is the only hope I have for a return to meritocracy. I just can't survive in the current American climate where dindus & beaner eaters are given preferential treatment for mothafucking everything while they provide nothing in return. I just don't want to be around once we run out of free shit to give to the nigger & beaner hordes. The entirety of the USA is going to look like San Jose & the L.A. Riots but we most likely won't have our guns by then due to shitlibs taking them all away.
>a revolution happens.
how's the 9th grade going?
Mfw 8 years of Hillary is 8 years of not being a wagecuck ;-)
Until Trump wins and then a BLM shooter assassinates him. It'll be the JFK of our era.
>implying you would get a job with a trump presidency
>leaf poster
me if she wins
>mfw all those riots
Berniebots hate Hillary just as much as they hate Trump.
what the actual fuck is up with all this hillary shill today
idk fellow Gabagool
I think they pay em monthly for a quota of shilling and all the shills just go and do their shilling in one day to get it over with cause they actually hate doin it
like the idiots who complete paid surveys
>mfw Hilary is president
>mfw Trudeau is still more of a woman than she is
trump supporters and white middle class in general don't riot all that often. Except for hockey. Vancouver was fucked from the riots.
I don't want Hillary to win but if she does at least Sup Forums will be BTFO. Its a lose lose situation
Honestly, if Hilary wins, I am just going to stop. I have money saved up. I will just stop working, buying things, eat minimally, just completely stop supporting the economy. If enough people drop out of society it would be glorious.
You're late. I've been doing that for years
you sound like Bernie supporters who said they would take out loans to donate to his campaign and not pay them back if he was elected
Pretty much your .gif nails it.
She can't keep getting away with this shit
>that gif
'live to fight another day'
have you be fighting in the first place for this statement to hold weight.
Liberty or death
spotted the dis info shill
I won't have one because I will have blown my head off
I have. Thought over the last few years I've dwindled my circle of "fight-worthy" entities down to pretty much just family.
Oh those years when I felt I cared about the world and entire countries, such a naive fool I was.
only white people step on snakes and then bitch that they bite back
She can. If the law actually applied she'd be fucked for life but the only way the law applies is if Obama decides it's in his best interests to allow it to and so far there's no sign of that.
She can't win the election because she has no chance at all. That is a separate issue from her being put into power as president.
Shh, no more walls. Only dreams now.
appropriate image
Fixed it for you
>severe autism detected
>"stop supporting the economy"
>there are literally millions of 3rd-worlders/mexicans/muslims to take your spot