Wtf was his problem?

Wtf was his problem?

Other urls found in this thread: - Characters of Middle Earth (ICE8007).pdf


micropenis trump supporter

Toxic masculinity

Virgin neck bearded loser who doesn't get laid and is a loser with no friends. Also a loser.

>Uhm, did you just assume my gender you cis shitlord? ARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!

Ejected the disc right here, snapped it in half and tossed it out the window


Is he like a witch and a king or the king of witches?

what did she mean by this?



>he's bigger than the flying beast

But he said to gandalf that the Age of Men was over.

Bad hair day.

(sigh) Read the books! She was living in a time when women really did not go to war. HEnce the surprise of "but no man am I". Don't view this through the lens of 21st century society. JRRT wrote these a fair while ago. AND they are set in a traditional (you might even say 'aryan') world.
(The people you meet here, really...)

King (a dead one) AND a powerful user of magic (hence 'witch') - also dead. Read the books someday?

Yeah, but undead body-less wraiths in armour weigh a lot less than you think.

Is there anywhere where I can find more of the art?

AND he was wrong... didn't you get that? He was despairing, when there was still hope left: The Fellowship. To despair when there is still some hope might be considered a sin - as a whole people could fall because their leader/king/whatever lost hope.

Yeah but that looks so funny, I mean it'd be the same if he was riding a shetland pony instead of a real warhorse

A PUN WRITTEN ON THE 50s - Characters of Middle Earth (ICE8007).pdf