What can be done about obesity?
What can be done about obesity?
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Freedums! These people wanted to be fat!
Or maybe stop corporations from hiring the best chemists in the world to make fast food as addictive as drugs. And maybe generally promote more nutritious foods with less sugar and fat.
But I guess you ameribetics think that this would be SOCHIULISEM and would rather die than allow it. Which you will. Sooner than you should. Keeping you alive until then is really expensive though.
Make fat shaming legal
Tax fat people
Jesus you're one snooty cunt aren't you ? Get off your high horse your cum slurping arseface
leafs ladies and gentleman
Thank Mexicans for this one
All their women are fat little trolls
The less you do about obesity the less you'll have to do about obesity. The more obsessed people become about it the more people that become obese.
There's a reason they have surpassed our obesity rate
I live in san diego and 8 out of 10 latinos are obese. Some are like obese from age 5 already. None that look like selena or thalia
They're all entitled as fuck too and expect men to find them attractive
I think fat tax would work
Remove EBT cards from buying candy and sweet tea, and only produce and meats under a certain value.
Alternatively, removing the black population would drop the obesity rate
I mean in a non-troll response is that its our popular food that is causing this and most likely the additional processed sugar we all consume.
I think a good step would be for the nation to ban the "low fat" dietary guidelines that got us here because obesity correlates exactly to when that started.
Fat went down. Sugar and carbs went up. People are still people. But the food isn't still food.
I don't fucking know nigger
I'm fat, I've gone to fit. Ive bought weights and all I've enede up with was with memes, ss trex legs and nasty as fuck vegetables (only carrots taste good)
Disgusting fat people
Nobody is as fat as in America, it's a disease
Whenever I saw these obese motherfuckers walking around in the US I thought, atleast they die younger so they won't have to carry that weight around for the rest of an avarage / normal human being's lifespan.
He's not wrong.
But we choose freedom over commie shit.
but they still manage to spit out like 12 kids
Charge them more for flights since they charge luggage extra if it weighs more. Give other incentives to not be fat. That is the only way people respond
>eat high calorie dense foods all day. Meats, cheese, dairy products, refined sugars.. etc
>go on a "diet" and chug down fake sugar soda which fucks up cortisol levels
>don't exercise
>become fat ass
they do it to themselves
just make sure they don't reproduce and they'll die off. Just make a forced vasectomy and tube tieing to those with a really high BMI and rapidly growing. Fuckem
Remove Facebook.
No one is going to do the work necessary to change themselves. Exercise actually feels good, in comparison to sitting around all day. They won't and some of them can't. This goes for the males to.
The only solution now, is pharmaceutical and/or medical. Some kind of blocker or appetite suppressor. Make the balloon therapy more available as well.
It's legal
Fat shaming is legal, being fat isn't a protected class. What you're thinking is making fat shaming socially acceptable.
Tax unhealthy food more. Put that money into healthcare.
Selena Gomez? She's also a fatty
Canada everyone, where you can just get a Gastric Sleeve Surgery for obesity FOR FREE! Eat all the moose meat and bacon[ham] while juggling gallons of syrup with your mouth!
> 4 in 10
Why don't they just say 40%? Is that to "mathy" for burgers?
Get rid of tumblr and morning/afternoon talk shows.
Sugar should be taxed. Corn sugar should be banned.
>"I'm a vegetarian."
would smash
stop encouraging it or stop associating with fat people, a good ol' exile will make them change their ways
>"fat people"
>post nonfat person
It's more intuitively impactful.
They outnumber us though. They will associate with each other and confirmation bias will reign supreme.
Why don't they just make Tumblr be powered by a treadmill?
you see this is okay. Its all about BMI and watching where those fat rolls are coming from.
Tax sugary foods
Tax fat foods
Make it cheaper to buy healthy food from the store instead of fast food being cheaper
3-4 physical exercise classes in school per week
Children with a BMI over 25 must attend physical exercise classes with the goal to lose weight, no buts
Take away fat people's rights and feed then to starving people. Either fat people will learn some fucking willpower and you end obesity or you end world hunger. Nobel prize winning material either way.
I'm working on it.
Glory in 6 months. I will keep you posted.
I don't actually care if people are fat or not.
What worries me is that there are fewer acceptable women as marriage material. Not that fatties are a hard no but they'd have to be rich and have great personalities.
I read this as
>what can be bone density?
It is legal. I do it all the time.
Allow massive insurance hikes and benefit cuts for those who are not actively losing weight. Let the free market and natural selection take care of it
>not 2/5
>Unreduced fraction
Fucking dropped
There are more fat women because when were somewhat healthy they were ugly in the face. So when they cry to their ugly mom, she could console her with food. So the fatherless ugly smart girl now became the fat bitch she is now. This applies alot for Hispanics.
Not that 12 year old little cunt. Selena Quintanilla with the booty.
>4 in 10 US women
And you know what the funny thing about it is?
We're only slightly fatter than most European countries, when you factor blacks out of the equation.
End corn subsidies. Watch everything normalize itself from there
>mfw 1 in 4 women are obese
>mfw 1 in 4 women get raped
>mfw if you are a woman you have a 50% chance of either getting fat or violated
With that though, there is going to need to be a reduction in price for healthy food. Actual healthy food is quite expensive in comparison to processed garbage that is always cheap and readily available.
You have to make them want to eat healthy. While there are some cheap healthy options, they usually taste like garbage. Most Americans don't know how to cook to save their lives either.
Those that do aren't usually are either not up for the effort of cooking up a great meal, or tend to cook unhealthy foods. A lot of people go to these restaurants because they don't want to cook. You aren't going to change their minds unless you can give them a more appealing alternative.
What needs to be done is a compilation of tools and resources to help people cook foods that are both good and good for you for the minimum of effort and maximum speed. Many Americans work hard schedules.
Some of these jobs aren't the most physically stimulating either.
>Eight hour shift in front of a screen.
>No energy to do anything when they get home.
>Sleep, and then comes the next day.
The problem is multi-faceted. It requires a multi-faceted solution.
The job of news is to inflame and attract. So they use things that make it more personal to people.
40% is just a value.
4 in 10 makes you think in a small scale.
4in10 actually makes you consider 10 people you know and do some passing comparisons among your group. So you'll be more interested in the story.
These people are free to be fat and their choice should be accepted.
Wow you can really see how much more the pound of fat weighs
raise the definition of obesity
>Those groups are mutually exclusive
German education everyone
And I bet almost all these fat fucks are receiving welfare, food stamps etc. to keep feeding their fat fucking jelly asses
part of the reason that I am single, all the normal body women are taken, and I won't settle for a fat ass.
Men have to work their asses off to stay in physical shape, women just have to put the fork down.
Nobody wants to rape a fat woman.
You can buy fried chicken on EBT as long as it's cold when you buy it now. I think I read that like 60-65% of black women are obese which is even higher than this figure.
It doesn't actually bother me though. There are 320 million people in this country, obesity just means less competition for qts
gee user, it's almost like there is some seriously shoddy math involved...
Kek. Let's send them back to Africa.
That's what they get for sending us their Bees.
If I had two women in a room, one 100 lbs and one 200 lbs, then I would have 300 lbs of woman, quantitative.
Now, if I said "50% of the women in this room will die of heart disease," you could interpret that two ways.
Way one: one of the two women will die and the other will not.
Way two: 150 lbs worth of women cells within the room, which must include all cells comprising the heart, will die.
Way two is obviously the conclusion reached by a retard, but is no less correct than interpretation one.
Now, if I said one in two women in this room would die of heart disease, there's no other way to interpret that.
Anybody ever wonders why they even eat so much?
Food is like any other addiction. Land of freedom has many unresoved mental issues. If you get to weight more than 100 kg as a woman then you really are mentally unstable.
Lower their disability neetbux so they can't spend so much on food
You've convinced me
I'm a #TrudeauMissile now
Vegetarianism does not equal health.Same with meat eating.
Obesity is right where it needs to be, as far as definition is concerned. It is variable with people. Some don't even need to be that "obese" to get a plethora of medical problems that result from it.
Rather they don't need to look like a veritable land-whale before they start getting assaulted by health problems involved with obesity.
Start commercial dietary programs.
> deal with obesity
> deal with 2nd type diabetes
> deal with pancrea
> have balanced diet
> client comes to buy food > puts his ID in > eat now/buy for later > gets personalized menu
> push button on coldbox > chose meal > it heats up one of the preloaded meals > automatics controls the diet > because willpower is not something you can train - it`s something you only deplete during the day
Did someone say fat American women?
Oh, I see.
>Black and Mexican women are the most fat
>Wonder why they're the least sought out women
you can do it Nigel
Yeah, I would much rather destroy my long life on a giant pile of pizza and ice cream than to live a short life, starving in a gulag for political crimes.
Fuck commies.
God bless America
We have our fair share of land whales as well.
They'd just go for CHEAPER food, which in turn is even more full of low quality carbs and fats than what they already eat.
In fact, the poorer the people, the highest percentage of obesity.
Insurance companies should stop treating complications caused by obesity.
If you're going to be a fatass knowing there are problems associated with it, you've got to be ready to deal with them yourself.
That would be enough to deter most people.
She's unhappy, there you have it. Obesity is starts in head, she mentally ill. Not even when she lost weight she became happy, since food is her biggest and probably only happiness, it's really like a drug.
Another reason to NEVER get married. If you get married, there's about a 50% chance your wife will get obese. At least in your country. And probably a 90% chance that she'll become overweight.
7/10 would still destroy.
Yoga is the perfect mix of emotion and fitness without moving
I can't understand how people actually manage to get that fat. If I eat a crumb more than necessary I get heartburn and the next day I start puking and shitting from every orifice
Some poor cow had to be raped of her milk for you to enjoy that you savage!
>Remove EBT cards
You should have stopped there. The American poor are the fattest people in the world, EBT is no longer justified.
Exercise fucking sucks. Plus, I hate doing shit that isn't either entertaining me or making me money. I'm not going to exercise at a gym because it meets neither of requirements.
Currently I have two loads of dirt sitting in my front yard. Rather than call a landscaper to come and put it down for me, I am doing it myself with a shovel and a wheel barrow.
My wife thinks I'm crazy but I am getting an awesome workout in the fresh air while being left alone.
I think that is they key to getting people healthy. Acknowledge that exercise fucking sucks and find a way for people to be entertained or making money while doing physical activity.
>Become a successful candy factory.
>make candy that only a fatass would eat, ie mounds.
>Secretly poison your candy supply with proteins that reduce fertility
>problem solved
Stop feminism
Make fat shaming mainstream
Yoga is the religion for modern overstressed women who can't take criticism. Yoga is also a gateway for Indians flooding western world and the mentality to look away when bad things happen. If everybody practiced yoga we wouldn't know the Earth exploded sooner than the second it would happen.
4 out of 10 seems very very high. where are all these cows? i'd say 9 out of 10 are overweight, but obesity seems way less common.
>workin inna walmart
>poor people in line
>two shopping carts
>one cart for EBT
>one cart for alcohol, junk food, and toys
It's not the EBT that makes them fat. It's the money they save with EBT that they spend on other stuff.
Also, have you ever noticed how slow fat people walk? I wonder if women are slightly more justified because they have to set their pace by the kids they have with them.
>What can be done about obesity?
Eat healthy, go to the gym.
I've had it with you bureaucracy-loving syupguzzlers... I would die for the abundance of different junk foods that the US has. In Austria like 50% of snacks sold are things that taste like shit you picked up from the ground.
Narrow doors.
Obesity is only 30 BMI. Much easier to reach for females with big hips and boobs. Morbidly obese is 40 BMI.
It's probably more common in rural than urban areas