Budget 150 million

>budget 150 million
>earns 1.67 BILLION


I mean I liked it but there is no way in fuck it was that good or memorable. What the fuck happened here? Why did this earn so much money? That sum is fucking bonkers.

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Nostalgia. And kids fucking love dinosaurs.

It cashed in on Nostalgia. Those who saw Jurassic Park are old enough to have their own kids now.

But it added nothing. Totally forgotten.

The power of brands.

Nobody went to see it as a movie. They went to see more of the Jurassic Park franchise.

>what are familes with children.

Jewish money laundering scheme

this pretty much. adults can see it because they loved the original, and they'll take their kids to go see it because dinosaurs are kidkino = entire families go see it = tons of money.


>1.70% the budget
>half the profit

Yet no one will ever remember Owen. Just Star Lord.

>And kids fucking love dinosaurs.

This isn't 1990 anymore faggot

Kids are too busy catfishing guys on tinder for easy money they can then spend on new apps and games