>1000 per month
How does he expect to live?
>1000 per month
How does he expect to live?
His girlfriend is keeping both of them afloat.
She doesn't work anymore.
That dude was so funny. All he does nowadays is shitposting on twitter.
I live on less than $1000 per month
it isn't really that bad.
Are you paying a mortgage on a house you can't afford?
Do you live in a 300,000 house that you have to pay a mortgage on?
>you can't afford?
Not onlyt hat, he used his "retirement savings" to pay the down payment.
Translation: he has no retirement savings.
Don't worry, Year Of The Spoony will end on a high note and he'll be getting 20,000 a month!
What was he talking about?
And do you think Noah knows about the "Year of the Spoony" joke?
I still watch his old videos every week. It's a shame what he has become.
The chat in his streams, and he must because people spam that in his streams as well
How often do they spam that?
Everytime I've ever watched one this year, usually banned shortly after
Hilarious. I started that "Year of the Spoony" joke in fucking JANUARY. Hilarious that people are still going on about it.
He just quit Twitter again, saying it's too 'toxic' because someone had a mildly different opinion to him.
Buddy, if there's anything that's toxic it's your attitude. And your brother's basement with all the dead mexicans he's keeping in there.
we've been doing year of the spoony for like 5 years tho
Nope. Check the archives. The first instance is my thread from January:
(Hilarious to read as we're almost in December)
>my thread
this wasn't necessary to say
Don't tell me how to live my life.
she got fired because she kept showing up at work late and covered in bruises saying that she "fell down the stairs"
Fuck you. Fuck you for even SUGGESTING something like that.
lel reminds me of when I called out the Channel Autism scumbags for trying to make money off KikeWario an heroing on here and they all called me a piece of shit and started bawwing in their livestream where they were literally begging for money which SURPRISE they didn't actually spend on that dude's funeral or going to his funeral. Brad was legit the only one of those people who handled that shit well and didn't beg for shekels. That tranny Diamanda Hagan put a fucking trigger fatwa on me from that shit.
Nothing will ever be as funny as the bee video
>people keep hyping up the year of the spoony
>Trump wins officially starting the year of Miles
Miles "Wetback Setback" Antwiler is going to paint the streets red with beaner blood
I've cringed and stopped watching that half way through. It's too much. It physically pains me.
It's gonna be yuge
Miles supported Hillary.
>You've been waiting on the year of the spoony for years
>You will never see the SWAT4 DLC playthrough
So he says, would you want Spoony to know when he spends 11 hours on twitter bitching about Trump?
>Miles supported Hillary.
He's just in deep cover.
In case Hillary won he would have infiltrated the liberal establishment to bring justice with his trademark unregistered ak47.
Now that the true king of men was elected he has no more reason to lie, he's just going to let his actions speak. Spoony better run away since by this point he probably smells like a filthy spick, crawling through his basement and never taking showers. His hair looks so dirty in every video that it gets distracting
>tfw you are one of the few, the proud, who know Miles "Remove burrito" Antwiler has to act like a moderate liberal online so he doesn't get fired for shooting beaners
Wake up sheeple. He is literally a burrito remover. He can't talk about it, he has a brain, that would be immediate dismissal from a job that gives him free reign to remove burrito. Jesus Christ.
I wonder which one of my eggkara niggers made this thread
Rebuilding my Spoony folder. Post Spoonies.
That fucking schnozz. Every picture I see of Spoony makes me paranoid about my own drinking, that guy degraded fast and I don't want a rotten strawberry for a nose.
So I guess he does serve a purpose
Noah is a cautionary tale.
I've said it a million times now but no one seems to believe me.
He looks like Hunter from the Sopranos
Shit you're right.
just wear make up if that happens
nobody has to ever find out you're an alcoholic unless you're a fucking retard about it like keifer sutherland
Shit, what happens when he gets me?
What in the hell is the context of this?
where's Brad and Lupa?
He loves you his way
Just your typical ypical Douge """humour"""
Did Latza Season 2 start yet?
I don't have many Spoony pics, but I have one of his hot sister. Man I would love to fuck her.
It's on hiatus
What is the context of this?
That's from when he was a stand in on "Lord of the Dreidels".
user, I have some bad news...
I hear he got killed by Trump supporters while he was wandering lost in Wisconsin. He's probably in a frozen ditch somewhere r.i.p
>tfw you make 12G's flat and your accountant handles that even though you make zero content
Now he's back, lmao
it's an addiction for him, twitter is spoony's crack
it started on Sup Forums ya dingus
First Year of the spoony post is in Feb:
We had Spoony threads going back to 2007. I am not proud of this by the way.
God, do people actually find this shit funny?
The people from TV Tropes and Idioms love it.
It's not called Channel Autism for laffs m9.
Season 2 is about how latza submitted a show to disney, was turned down but ended up legit getting a job at disney
He made it, and Sup Forums bullying him was no doubt the catalyst that got him to get his shit together
That is the exact face of Satan.
Wait, he has an actual show on the Disney channel?