>tfw learned I'm 1/32 native
kind of sucks no being white anymore lads
>tfw learned I'm 1/32 native
kind of sucks no being white anymore lads
Get your free college and gibsmedats.
Hahahahahahahaha fucking nigger
muh 1 drop rule, the most retarded shit america has ever come up with.
Open a casino, sell tobacco online, or run for Congress.
Kek, 1/16 is the cutoff for tribal status so not only are you not white but you're just diluted enough to not qualify for any free shit.
you have to be affiliated with a tribe iirc
I already graduated anyway
Literally no one alive today is white under the 1 drop rule. We all have mixed genes.
Lol, your even less white than me Geronimo
This only applies to those who are tainted.
>.1% sandnigger
I'm 1/128th native. Am I still white Sup Forums? I have blue eyes and light brown hair
Whiteness confirmed
Kek wills it
Hello Brother Shekelton
Race is pleb tier Eugenics
Sup Pocahontas
Enjoy being marginalized and oppressed now. Should have cashed in the white privilege while you had the chance.
Stop being a bitchass territory and become a state.
You need to link the fire, oh chosen undead.
>.1% KANG
Underrated post
As for op I know that feel. My mother's father is native American and my Scottish grandfather admitted on his death bed were ancestors of a Turkish "pasha" or King from over a thousand years ago
You think that's bad?
The real reason that the White race is dying because a lot of you guys hold on to the one drop rule so dearly.
top kek and I thought I was a fucking mess
>Hunkpaka Goldstein Ibn Al-Ngunda Montoya
What's your haplogroups?
I'm a R1b and H combination too but different subclades.
I love these non-americans using 23andme like all of the information isn't immediately handed over to cooperating allied governments without a warrant.
At least americans can rely on the head cannon that our STATSI need some form of probable cause to justify looking at the information.
we are all mixed!
R1b+H is a generic western euro combo
I guess my R1b is italo-celtic since my paternal line is swiss-german
maternal line is northern italian
They'll tell you if you're neanderthal too? shyieet, I want to do this but I really don't want to be on the grid. I wish there were home tests.
Just put a fake name and ship it to your GFs house or some shit like that.