Religion of peace
Religion of peace
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""""""jihad is an internal struggle""""""
why did he just stay there?
We will kafirs just like this.
they deserve it. child killer crusaders.
we will take revenge
Yes, we in the west need to embrace this diverse and rich culture of love and peace.
This is the first radical muslim group who record this shit on high definition equipment.
Its almost as if...they have funding from SOMEONE
T-to not get terrible tortured?
They torture them until they break them. When they are executed most of them are somewhat reliefed.
They might kill him much slower if he makes it difficult for them
Dirty fucking chinks
This is no different than slaughtering mentally handicapped children.
Roaches deserve to get "special treatment"
"Islam is a religion of peace" is a true statement, but it has to be interpreted adequately. What it means is that once all people in the world submit to Islam and Shariah Law, there will be peace as there will be no opposing force.
Coming soon to a progressive European utopia near you!
furries BTFO
Shoo, roach. Your kind is literally the lowest lifeform on this planet.
Why does the blood always look like CGI, is it just because it's in HD or what?
Because you've never seen real death from your mom's basement.
And you will get btfo'd again...
You've clearly forgotten what angry Europeans look like
The US and the UK financially supports ISIS.
one mortar round would have sufficed but whatever.
fucking GOOKS
>this is what a nu-male murtad looks like
dont worry, you'll be next on the chopping block
Damn it, this made me laugh
did he die?
I think those ISIS goatfuckers have watched to many Roadrunner cartoons.
the cgi is really bad in that one
an earlier video?
>it's haram to depict Muhammad
>it's halal to name your son Muhammad
Religion of Contradictions
Just accept it goyim there is literally nothing wrong with that blood.
Stay edgy bud.
Goddamn it would be less brutal if his head just fucking exploded
>fast cuts
literally MTV tier
This was one prison he couldn't break.
In fact, it broke him.
Maybe they think that the act itself is not dramatic enough.
>australians back at it again
>tfw too autistic to find ISIL website myself
Anyone got the link to the full video?
This is very interesting to say the least.
I can't watch this stuff anymore. Every time I see it I feel a piece of me die and I feel like shit for the rest of the day.
But, normies should have to watch at least one to be exposed to what Islam really is.
Kek they sure are imaginative aren't they
is he died?
Quick someone bring the turkcroach spray
We need to send ISIS some highspeed cameras.
Call Mythbusters.
What a nice looking new jumpsuit. I never liked the orange ones. To much Guantanamo like. But the blue one is pretty cool. People not only associate blue with the good guy and/or the passive person but it is also the color that calms people. Way better than orange imo.
I agree with you, its one thing to blindly say Muslims are animals, an quite another to actually witness their brutality and inhumanity firsthand.
Anyone here actually plan on doing anything to combat the Muslim problem besides memes?
Then shut up and die you fat faggots
so fucking fake
Sand Olympics award ceremony
It's just gore. If you're not desensitized to gore, you're pretty new to Sup Forums.
i'm starting to believe ISIS is American propaganda
>Then shut up and die you fat faggots
You would like that Ahmed wouldn't you?
fucking kek
Who is the victim in the video? A muslim, they are the primary victims of western sponsored terorism so fuck you khinzeer
We have to go over this every fucking time....This is not the first take..This is probably the hundredth time he was put in this position...
As I get older these things get harder, and harder to watch.
My name isn't Ahmed, it's Mohamed and I would only like you to die if you are a parasite. Most of you probably are so yeah.
You don't eat them afterwards though do you?
What do people unironically find appealing about that? She's disgusting.
I wanted them to use like a really huge block of concrete from a crane or something, just completely pancake that niggers head like that guy in final destination with the glass panel.
what dark souls dlc is this
This is the only time where being politically correct matters.
ya but christianity is just as bad cause some church guys said gays are fags so check make islamophobe
>Religion of peace
How people think Talmudic Judaism is a religion of peace when they flood these things into our countries?
I agree with you, they are not peaceful at all.
kinda makes me hard desu
Production value in these videos amazes me every time
This is why people hate muslims in America. You sandniggers literally make up less than a percent of the population yet you act like anyone should give any fucks that not all of you are bloodthirsty terrorists. Enough of you are to discriminate.
That is some fucked up shit.
ISIS is totally a Jewish army.
I'm not a Muslim you fucking moron
You're a faggot
Can you redpill me on this video?
Fuck, first I thought this was scene from some movie.
nigga, if they are sitting on a bunch of oil and can afford an RPG and entire belts of ammo for their LMGs, you think a $300 HD cam needs foreign money?
whats with the flashing every .2 seconds , these Israelis tryin to give me a seizure?
Kool vid though, not as kool as the 9/11 videos, but not too shabby.
>not a Muslim
Is he a white guy?
>exposed to what Islam really is.
depends if you believe that it is real
sometimes it hard to believe any of this shit is real and not just some bullshit propaganda
next thing you know America will be attacked by ISIS and then later we will find out they all had passports from Africa or some shit.
>there you go, you are employees of the month
Nice quick death desu family, these guys are lucky
But muslims kill each other too(shias and sunnis)
Watching ISIS videos in 1080p has had the opposite effect on me. I am just better prepared now than I was in the past, shit dont faze me anymore. You develop a kind of apathy that shuts down the link between what you are seeing and the realization of what you just witnessed. You just go "uh huh, ok, I am glad this atrocity is documented for future generations to learn about human depravity instead of just hearsay, bless the poor soul" and move on.
man the next crusade/race war is going to be super fucked up.
something you choose to believe in and live by.
A name you don't choose and when your actually allowed to change it you have more important things to worry about like bills a job and maintaining my property
That's because ISIS's leaders -The Israelis are helping them make the videos, a lot of which are in fact fakes.
Remember the "beheading" where they guy slashed 20+ times into his "executee's" neck
-no blood, just fade to black
>jihadi uses rock smash
>ywn drop millions of LSD soaked korans from a plane all over the entire middle east.
on the pages with the more peaceful quotes there would be more acid to be absorbed in your fingers for a more profound experience.