Woah you're trans?

Woah you're trans?

Being trans takes huge strength of mind.

Other urls found in this thread:


In comparison to who? Normal people? So normal people don't have strength of mind?

Trans people should all be moved to an island and used as bombing practice by the RAAF.

I forgot about this. Did it ever come out? I feel like there would have been a lot of threads if it did.

>he didn't get the dank meme

>Strength of mind
I would assume you would need such strength when the reality of your actions cause you to start sucking on a shotgun.

gender dysphoria is a mental illness that should stay on the record.
fuck these freaks who want it gone and only want to go by 'identity'
I passed my first gender fluid bathroom the other day. I was appalled by my country

Perfectly fine. Should be one nearby, why not New Zealand?

whats there to discuss? seems straightforward enough

Get used to it leaf. Avoid Toronto at all costs.

Rule 34 when?

that's where I live user. the fucking museum had a wall where you could pick your identity from- not even close, to bispiritual, to uncategorized ect.
I was fucking appalled and triggered my left friend by saying it doesnt make sense and we shouldnt encourage mental illness

What a shit thread
Op you're a faggot, gas yourself.

You make it sound like it's an act I'm keeping up.

The only strength of mind I see is that the ones alive have yet to pull the trigger when they, deep down, know they are a degenerate abomination that refuses to shape up and actually seek psychological treatment instead of being enabled.

If I said I was Jesus with genuine conviction people would say I was a schizophrenic without batting an eye.

But if I say I'm a woman today and pan sexual tree kin tomorrow I'm incredibly brave for accepting and expressing my real identity?

I have nothing against trans people but we are doing them an enormous disservice by refusing to recognize their condition as a mental illness and thus denying them treatment

Guess she takes inspiration from that show

kill your self

trans are just mentally retarded faggots

>huge strength of mind
Is that a nice way of saying mental illness?

They have a legit mental condition, caused by s genetical/hormonal, they can very well used for real medical research.

How about Plum Island?

>trans are just mentally retarded faggots
how do we cure canada user? we're so fucked.

Pew pew

I think NZ is already populated by trannies, have you seen their rugby team? They play like girls.
Good lad

Preventative medicine needs deterrents too. Napalming them alive would see a 100% cure rate globally.

Fruit island?

my uncle also trains man he is driver. sometimes he get death threats but never rape. stay strong trains is hard job.


Always kek

2bh it does take huge strength of mind.
Every day you are mentally fighting against reality itself, all it takes is one day of weakness and you snap and put a shotgun in your mouth.

Whatever happened to this shit?

What is this DeviantArts bullshit ?

Did this "show" actually get released?

stop being a nation and just give in into 'Merica

>strength of mind
>lying to yourself and conforming to safe space

Copypasta like this is great. It's less than a year old and it really highlights the newfag and reddit problem Sup Forums has.

Fuckin queer Germans

>letting guys fuck your wife is now considered courageous and empowering
Fuck feminism and fuck this gay earth

>Sinuiju Special Administrative Region
What the fuck is that? A reservation?

Communist Goals (1963)

26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

>the fucking museum had a wall where you could pick your identity from
What fucking museum were you at?

Trannies need to be thrown in asylums

hold on there lad not all of them yes we send the ugly ones there

Woah you're schizophrenic?

Being a schizo takes huge strength of mind.

As a schizophrenic I have to respectfully disagree. Keep those freaks away from us. They make my skin crawl.

obligatory youtube.com/watch?v=2a3MduZ1feI

We'll end up with a new Australia

How about the

I miss that app

>mentally retarded

Pick two

Being trans is a mental illness.

I agree

No, and it never will.

I wonder if anyone has an APK stored somewhere in their dropbox

A what?

Put them in a compound in northern Australia and have them box kangaroos.

I don't want them touching my food sources.