Americans of Sup Forums who are you going to vote for?
>inb4 hurr durrr I don't like Trump because...... but I'm not voting for Hillary
You can get the fuck out
Apathy is death
Americans of Sup Forums who are you going to vote for?
>inb4 hurr durrr I don't like Trump because...... but I'm not voting for Hillary
You can get the fuck out
Apathy is death
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Trump... Don't mind the flag
If you are on Sup Forums, you're either voting Trump or you are a shill.
We need a real Republican with experience in the White House so I'm voting for Hillary.
I'll take "Things a Trump Shill Would Say" for 1000 Alex.
Trump is our last best hope
OP is voting for Trump even though I doubt my state will turn red.
Fuck your Hobson's choice.
Let it all burn.
If you don't vote you can't criticize whoever wins.
I know this is hard to believe, you heartless robot, but people shill for Trump out of the goodness of their heart.
2016 is a win/win. We get Trump and America is made great again. Hillary gets in and her global proxy wars spill into the united states and we get the day of the rope we've been waiting for.
Sanders or Trump have been my only viable choices since Paul dropped out. Looks like I probably won't have the make the choice between the two.
Just watch me, I'll criticize whomever I choose.
The 'Vote or Die' meme has always been holier-than-thou bullshit.
Call the cops, I don't give a fuck.
The only sensible choice, neither
I know it's just a dumb leddit meme, but i seriously hope for Giant Meteor 2016. or Yellowstone. We need a hard reset. and if that cant happen
>vote third party
truly cucked faggots
Trump opposes net neutrality policies, which is good for literally everyone
fuck you, you are biological garbage pretending to be human
a wall vs open borders and watching the US transform into a Brazilian strip mall for Israel while Clinton sends the rest of the white men off to die in the middle east
yeah, definitely voting for Trump
He's the only hope we have for nationalism in America. Hillary will keep cucking us to the globalists, the Saudis, and China; while filling us with Democrat-voting Mexicans who love to commit crimes, and are highly ethnocentric.
I have always been a Hillary hater. I have never voted before at age 28, but have always said I would go vote for whoever she ran against.
She is a warhawk. I think that where she is on trade and corporatism hurts the majority of the American people. She is a liar and very nontransparent. I believe she is a great example of political corruption as well.
I look at it as a big picture deal. I am against war and want a better economy for the people in the US. That is why I am against Hillary.
I really like how Trump does not care for political correctness as well and I enjoy his hard stance against immigration. We don't need more people in our country, especially 3rd world breeders.
Hey I'm a Brazilian American, our right wing government just kicked out the fascist left-wing president Dilma, which means all the monkeys will die
Can we be friends with them now? Brazilian women are top-tier and often of European descent, especially from the south, beautiful fair-skinned blondes everywhere.
If I wanted an Emu's opinion I would have asked.
He might have duel citizenship user, don't be such a fucking faggot
Hillary because she doesn't hide being a bitch.
>On /Trump/, asking who /Trump/ is voting for.
She doesn't hide abandoning 6 operators and 40 CIA personal in libya either
Voting trump come November :3
Cry some more faggot.
You might have a giant Trump shaped dildo up your ass, don't be such a cunt.
Good news man
I just used Brazilian as a demographic example
I'm voting for Marco Roboto.
All hail our new robotic overlord! The age of weak human fleshbags is over.
None, I'm not voting for either Jew.
I'm staying home and rubbing my dick fo girls swapping cum thank you very much.
CTR, Tumblr, and Reddit still come here a lot to make troll attempts.
so you're fine with America, the country you live in, going to shit economically and being flooded with 3rd worlders?
Glad to know where you stand faggot
Why would anybody on a board full of young male contrarians ever vote for a politically correct, corrupt, uninspiring middle aged woman who only gets the support from the normiest of normies?
I couldn't give one fuck about America, it's a meme nation run by Jews.
If people want to come here fuck it.
lol, just lol
Unfortunately I don't have enough money to flee to a compound on a tropical island somewhere so I am stuck here working and trying to make the best of my life. As somebody who pays taxes, I don't want to pay more to support illegal immigrants and the millions of """"refugees"""" that Hillary will import
Go fucking cry to someone else, I couldn't care senpai.
Mexicans are cool people anyways.
Hillary for sure! No egomaniac is going to be MY president
Both of them are fucking retards.
Dont even know which one is the lesser evil.
Cruz was the only decent candidate.
I don't blame you man. Same boat here. Gotta make the best of it all and I'm not paying for fucking immigrants and criminals. SJW cucks can suck my cis white cock
Hillary would enact TPP and other globalist economic policies which export our jobs to forgien countries, thus making our economy go to shit. She would also dissolve our border or completely loosen the laws on immigration from South America, thus flooding the country with 3rd worlders.
What's your argument?
Do you work and pay taxes?
I work and of course I pay taxes.
It's not worth worrying about these things, the outcome will be the same regardless.
i'm voting against Jeffrey Epstain
definition of defeatist
Nah, I'm just past the edgy Sup Forums phase.
I'm voting for Hillary because she's Obama.
if you have a system that works, why abandon defending it?
I'm not saying it might be perfect, but there's ways to improve it without completely destroying the concept of a "country" while still facilitating increased travel for (insert business venture here)
Here's a straw poll, easier than sifting through this page.
>day of the rope
This would be the only positive.
I'm voting Trump for now. Who knows what's going to happen between now and November.
would vote trump if i could
Get raped by shitskins you cuck. You wouldnt even have the balls to defend your country even if you wanted to.