not an argument
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come back with some arguments
What the fuck is up with his face? He looks legit coked up
Yeah dude this video upset me. It wasn't very informed, more just a rant.
His eyebags are getting worse with every video
>mfw he reaches 400k subs and then it starts dropping because of shit like this
It will happen to you someday, enjoy.
I had the same problem until last week. Somebody should tell him to chance his clock to summertime!
Why do you advocate defooing, Molyneux?
People with bastardized Canadian/British accents should NEVER try to be funny. I want to rip the vocal chores from everyone in Ontario.
He's always been cringey. People just like him because he takes on whatever opinion is popular at the moment.
It's fun to watch a man break.
holy shit the cringe is fucking real
he should just stick to the off-the-cuff stuff he comes up with during his podcasts. stef you're turning 50 soon, make peace with it
he's embraced meme status, and is slowly becoming more and more demented
He's literally emulating an over-edited Jenna Marbles video. This is embarrassing to watch.
He's apparently getting divorced so probably can't sleep
He projects so many strawmen in so little time its so cringy. Still the worst cult leader on youtube
where did this meme come from?
The red reads like Kek gospel
Which is surprising close to Buddhist gospel sometimes
Actions speak louder than words user, so judging from his recent videos over the past month, you just know
this thank you
I can't stand this guy and his meaningless blabber for 3h with nothing to say.. He's like a god damn woman.. all his shit could have been packed down to 5-10min with RELEVANT information... prolly on estrogen, will have tits in whatever time that takes
Stef's finally lost it.
I like Pat Condell more and the way he explain things, he is clean and on point. Stephan is too emotional the way he speaks to the audience is horrible. He acts like a big upset manchild. Also "not an Agument" sure shows people how wrong they are.
This shit is embarrassing. No wonder he couldn't pass grad school. What a fucking joke.
Maybe he's bi-polar and is having a bad case of mania. Ranting about his dick size. Cringe worthy it is.
It's called photoshop go back to the favela
How long until pic related?
How is this cringeworthy?
he sounds more sane than ever desu
how is he mouthing popular views?
source needed
one shitty manic video proves nothing, you fuckin' hater
Stefan "Mulatto Mangler" Molyneux
he's doing it on purpose
he even does does jumpcuts where they make an irrelevant joke mid argument
>Sheev Molyneux
>The Truth about Adolf Hitler: What They Won't Tell You!
i meant in the video, stef
why does stefan always tell callers to not interrupt him, but then he interrupts the caller himself? the callers never mention this.
inb4 not an argument. i am not making an argument, i am asking a legitimate question. not everything you say has to be an argument.
I'm not even NatSoc but watching him go from an AnCap activist to full blown Statist is fucking hilarious
In the end of times... people will believe what is evil is good and what is good is evil.
His show his rules :^)
But why would he do that on purpose? What kind of audience is he trying to attract by making these crude statements in a condescending way?
he's trying to make his channel more popular and then drop some redpills on the casuals
he's making fun of liberals the same way they usually make fun of the right in their videos
it's all friendly banter, as long as he doesn't do it a lot it's okay
then what's the point in even having a discussion if one side is in a more powerful position regardless of the arguments being made in the discussion? stefan can technically interrupt whenever the caller makes a strong argument and just change the subject to their childhood like he always does. and then he just keeps milking that until the time is up.
If its banter why take him seriously? I mean its just all good fun right, no political points hidden behind all the rants. Also seeing him sinking to the same low as others who "make fun of" other peoples points are not respectable. Gets your points out straight and forward without all the appeal to emotion.
um guys i just saw pne of his videos and i saw pic related
Myth of the twenty-first century, by stephan
There is no point. It's just Stefan being a faggot like every other talk show host.
Although desu most people who call are absolutely retarded so I wouldn't blame him if he was eventually okay with the average caller than completely lost all faith as time went on.
The cult leader is always right and never wrong. Not being able to admit your wrong sometimes is a mental weakness, we have all been wrong about something.
>when you realize it's not an argument
well, even Göbbels was a fucking communist at first.
Man.. this makes me so sad. Til the very end they held their head high and did not step down. This I do not believe I've read since the saga times.
Pic related: Yeah well when you cut my head off, could you at least make sure to held my hair forwards so I don't get blood in it....
The honesty... this is what western societies lack
i don't even mind that he puts himself in such a powerful position. i'm a libertarian aswell so he's free to do that. it's just that the callers never mention that he is basically breaking the rules of having a rational discussion while stefan loves to point out every single fallacy. why would you even call if theres no way to win no matter how strong your arguments are?
No, he's still doing good work. Sup Forums literally hating on one of their best intellectual assets.
>wen ur literally blown away by the lack of argument
"Nod'n'augment" REKT LMAO chekmate XDDDDDDDDDDD
If he want to put himself in a powerful position, biased against everyone else why would i take him seriously? He is just interested in propagating his viewpoints without criticism back. Just like SJW's.
>His shit is cringe-tier now
It's been a while, two years at least.
he has a masters. i have his thesis.
There's nothing wrong with it.
since the cancer, i'm thinking, which would amount to that
Had to look it up, didn't realize he developed cancer.
Think this is him going through the stages of grief? Bargaining with God that if he stops pushing the liberal agenda and starts telling the truth that maybe God can save him?
Childhood you say...?
He wanted a PhD but couldn't get a position as that thesis you have was understood to suck by people not in his cult.
>dem JUST shadows under eyes
>implying Canadian education isn't corrupted by leftists.
>mfw i meet a degenerate socialist
Why did Gertrude Stein smell like flouride?
he had the cancer removed 2 years ago, sure it might come back but he's not on the deathbed or anything
an imitator of Carlin?
I think he's just trying to reach out to people who watch videos in this style
it's slightly cringe tho
>Making fun of how YouTube usually indoctrinates children
Just appealing to emotions to get more donations.
this is another one of his new sarcastic videos, what with all the jump cuts and everything
the thing is that this video is in the same way people like the amazing atheist make videos. it doesnt really fit stefans style.
that's the joke
you think this is a joke?
This shit seriously reminds me of a fucking Nicole Arbour video
He has been meme status for a LONG ass time, and he knows how to hook the Sup Forums audience in his thumbnails, which honestly isn't very hard to do.
Seriously, after the whole gg faggotry a whole lot of Internet personalities started scanning for words and Youtube google analytics to figure out how to funnel the most consistent stream of viewership.
The man plays up his shtick deliberately to capture the still young and less knowing untapped potential of young empassioned youth that have no fuel for their outlet to angst against something and fight for something when they hate the shy that all of their friends are spewing on kikbook.
As long as he gets 1 out of every 10 set of young person nostrils flaring, breathing heavy and blood pumping to go out and achieve some righteousness that will stay with them in the long run, he's done his job.
The man knows his business well,
It's uncommon you newfag
How the fuck do the people that call in to his show contact him? I've been wanting to shoot this faggot and email or something since Id be considered a niche individual, the kind that he always gets on his shows, and I was wondering how you actually fucking contact him?
neither is this video
if he's going to stop making videos that actually have a point this le not an argument meemee isn't gonna stick
I wonder when the last time he had sex was.
don't forget to make a thread if you're gonna go on
Wow, really makes you think...