Sweden - man uses knife to fend of armed robber - gets 2 years in prison

>En 19-årig svensk döms nu till två års fängelse för dråp efter att ha hållit fram en kniv mot en man från Irak som tillsammans med en kumpan försökte pistolråna honom i Stockholmsförorten Rinkeby. Rånaren fortsatte nämligen angreppet, skadade sig på kniven och avled.
"[Offret borde] i den akuta situationen, när pistolen kom fram, ha kunnat använda kniven på ett för [rånaren] mindre förödande sätt än att sträcka fram den mot [rånarens] mest vitala delar", lyder domen.
>A 19 year old Swedish gets sentenced to 2 years in prison for manslaughter after brandishing a knife again a man from Iraq who in collusion with another accomplice tried to arm him with a gun in the Stockholm suburb Rinkeby. The robber continued his assault and injured himself on the knife and died. ''the victim should in the sit, when the gun was presented, have used the knife against the robber in a less lethal way then pointing it against the robbers more vital parts'' the judgement says.
Use google translate if you want to read the rest.

What do you think Sup Forums? Should defending yourself against armed robbery be against the law? Can you even use a knife in a non lethal manner?

The court also suggest that the victim should have tried running away from a the situation. Is it humanly possible to run away from a bullet? What does the brady campaign say about this?

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We are just a cattle for our owners in Brussels.



I really think Sweden has slid beyond cucked and straight into bizarro.
Vote that Sweden is now Bizzaro

The deranged rulers of Sweden seem to be oblivious to the fact that the muslim savages who have invading their formerly civilized country will soon be coming for them.

wew I could understand if they had cuckoldry laws that disallow the use of a deadly weapon under any circumstances, but if they are saying you can use one but only to inflict non-fatal injuries that should be considered entrapment.

I don't doubt that they have armed bodyguards and are armed themselves.

Not even Germany is this cucked. Well, at not least not our higher courts.

The law clearly says never bring a knife to a gunfight.

Europeans need to make peace with the muslims and band together to fight the international Jew. If you don't, you are fucked. You can't fight them both.

>Just run away from the madman wielding a gun

Bodyguards are only useful to a certain point. When your country has degenerated to Somalia-level they won't help you.

This is so infuriating. I fucking punched the table and I can feel my blood pressure going up. Why do I come to this site? Who puts these stupid pro-criminal laws into place?

They will be guarded by the army at that point.

Europeans have forgotten the international Jew even exists. That's why they're in the current mess that they're in.

The same kind of people who are voting for Hillary.

If someone is attacking you and means to kill you, you are going to want to make sure you hurt them enough to stop their attack. If you misjudge and only deal a small blow, they may come back at you again. So the natural reaction would be to overcompensate and hurt the attacker to make sure you disable them.

When you are in a life and death situation and only have a few milliseconds to make a move, you don't have time to think about the 'appropriate levels of defense'.

>french and Swedish once the most openly (((anti-semitic))) european nations left on earth
>flooded with Bilals and Farooks


At that point I would honestly stop giving a shit. You'd know you did the right thing even though it's illegal. And it's in Sweden, if you get a nice cell it can be like a vacaton in hotel.

>White het man
>Victim sand nigger with a gun and another accomplice
I expected at least 20 years for ASSASSINATING the poor refugee

Self-defense is illegal in Sweden. I'd take 16 months in prison over being robbed and possibly killed, though.

two years, although unjust, doesn't sound bad compared to being found not guilty but forced through the abomination of a court system we have here in the US DESU. The real question is will it be possible at all for him to ever get a job in Sweden with this on his record, or is he persona non grata now?


Oy vey!

>be american
>own golfcourse
>some stupid woman trips over a stair because she's too fat and breaks her fingernail

>get forced by court to pay 300 million dollar for damage

you see americans, it works both ways

The white devil had planned for that racist murder since he was in cradle.

What the fuck is wrong with Sweden seriously?

Is there something in the water?

It's literally become a parody of itself at this point

Are swedish jails ok?
If you know you're going to jail for no reason may as well kill a bunch of them desu

I just realized something terrifying. The 19 year old was carrying a knife for personal protection which he means he was red-pilled and not a nu-male cuck. Sweden is literally imprisoning the resistance.

this just makes me sad.

Funny because you guys just gave a terrorist who was planning to blow himself up 5 years.

>Defend yourself= 2 years
>Plot to kill innocent civilians=5 years

So killing innocent civilians is 2.5x worse than defending yourself. Western Europe needs to be nuked.

Bilal and Farook are radical antisemites though.

>What the fuck is wrong with Sweden
Voting rights for everyone

>What do you think Sup Forums? Should defending yourself against armed robbery be against the law?
No. Thank fuck it isn´t in this country..
>Can you even use a knife in a non lethal manner?
Does it matter when you're trying to protect yourself/your shit/someone else? As long as it's effective..
>The court also suggest that the victim should have tried running away from a the situation.
Your court a shit. I hope there's going to be an appeal?


I'd take Swedish prison over getting murdered by a sandnigger any day.

That is pure nonsensical tyranny.

You know what needs to be done.

>some fuckin popsicle thinks things like this happen

Guess it will be easier to demonize antisemitism when you have a stable 20-40% minority population who you are constantly jailing for violent crime that you can associate with antisemisim then, ay Gunther? ;^)

If you cannot learn from history, you should at the very least try to learn from us. We did all of this before you.

Why does Sweden not believe in natural rights? What the fuck is wrong with them?

interesting, thanks for showing me this.

>get put in jail for self defense

sweden is beyond saving just glass it already

How can the Swedes put up with this shit?

Jesus Christ, your country is fucked up. Here is an Asian girl to calm your nerves

>have used the knife against the robber in a less lethal way then pointing it against the robbers more vital parts'

You heard the judge, sven, next time when an arab try to rob you point the knife at yourself and tell the robber you will kill yourself if he try to rob you

Let me guess, the judge identifies as a "SHE".

As long as they give me enough ps2 games

>I'd take 16 months in prison over being robbed and possibly killed, though.

Better to be judged by 12 rather than carried by 6.

Most think Self defence is something we do not have in Canada but its all a lie. Self defence is a human right and the RCMP recognizes it but only under one term, the right to defend yourself against bodily harm by equal means. So basically, if someone tries to beat you with fists, you can defend yourself with your fists. It goes the same to a blunt weapon, knives and even firearms. The only problem with knives and firearms is that if used, they have to be used with accordance to the law. No blade longer than 9 inches and well for firearms, you can return fire but do no fire into the air or give warning shots. With this said, the only time you will need to concern yourself with defending your right to defence, is with a judge, if you were to be investigated and brought to court. I am sure there are far more technical details than this but this was what I gathered from my own research after being told by an RCMP officer that if I was to see someone getting robbed at gun point, I could have potentially have the right to even defend them against bodily harm. The story behind the reason I was told that is something else to be discussed.


So what is worse, a racist dictatorship or this democracy where cucks, feminists, sjws, islam lovers lefties have the right to vote and jew media backing them?

Let's leave Yugoslavia, they said.
It'll be fun in the EU, they said.

Meanwhile in Burgerland, if you walk up to a stranger and try to rob them, they can legally pull out their gun and shoot you in the face.

Feels good.

That's not a democracy. That's an SJW supremacy. Not to be a fedora, but modern day leftism has nothing to do with Classic Liberalism

I actually thought Swedish laws where pretty based when it came to self defense and the use of force. A couple of years ago there was a dad who used his shotgun to defend his family against of moped ruffians that had been harassing his family for some time and he had all charged dropped against him after a while. He even got back the gun he used.

I know Sweden is fucked but at least i could tell myself that at least when it came to self defense it wasn't as fucked as the UK.
Apparently i was wrong.


I don't think we can make peace with people who are killing, robbing, raping and invading. Both these Muslims and anyone who forces this on Europe are our enemies. We shouldn't make friends with the "lesser of two evils" in any circumstance.

How difficult is it for ex-convicts to find a job?
I know it's Sweden, but isn't there a stigma from society at large towards them? Especially when they are white.

Unless he's a nigger.

>mfw Eurocucks don't even have the basic human right of self-defense

the sky is blue

3 Somali men Gang-raped a 14-year-old but can stay in Sweden
Three Somali men in their 20s locked a then 14-year-old girl in a room and took turns to rape her. Now, they are sentenced to imprisonment low - and all three avoid deportation.

You are so fucked

Some new statistic claims that 2 out of 3 germans who walk the streets are armed nowadays, from tear gas to knives.

> should have used the knife against the robber in a less lethal way then pointing it against the robbers more vital parts''


>some BL's M dont matter

>but modern day leftism has nothing to do with Classic Liberalism
I know that. The "left wing" parties in my country are disgusting

Bullshit. People need to learn they brought a knife to a gunfight.


>Sweden expects it's untrained citizens to have better aim swinging a knife around than Americans expect their cops to be with a damn accurate gun.


America, please just kill them all, you'll take the genocide hit but in the end, a genocidle hero is what we deserve, a watchful protector, a dark knight

>in english

LMAO, who is that banner targeted at exactly?

They army they staffed with women and fags, underfunded and used for political gimmicks instead of training?

>tfw live in Ohio with based gun laws and self defense laws and never have to worry about serving time for defending myself.
Feels good man

Merkel government wants to pass a law that imprisons you for up to 2 years if you slap a woman on the ass, and at the same time they want to lower the penaltly for first grade murder from life without parole to 5 years 'if the murderer was insulted by the victim' (->muslims)

>should have used the knife against the robber in a less lethal way then pointing it against the robbers more vital parts
Sweden has gone completely insane

The entire Western world is pretty much going insane

We need to burn everything down and start again

But then again you are living in Ohio.

Ehhh... NO`???? THe sky is Grey-White-ish you fucking fascocapitalist. IS ALL YOU SEE BLUE`````???????? FUCK YOU FUCKING POON IN LOO.

>Indian Education
>Being this much of a retarded republican

>Defend yourself = 2 years
>Rape and beat a 12 year old girl = 180 hours of community service


It's a knife; there aren't all that many places on the human body that it can be applied that don't have the potential to be fatal.

Honestly, at this point you might as well go get a shotgun or something- if you are going to wind up in jail for defending yourself no matter what you do it with, you might as well make damned sure the dindu is in the Cultural Enrichment Officer isn't getting back up.

Damn, I actually feel bad for those Pakis. 2 and a half years

If you defend yourself, they win.

The dindu OR the Cultural Enrichment Officer, blargh. Home sick today and failing at typing.

The felon does not fear the police, and he fears neither judge nor jury. Therefore what he must be taught to fear is his victim.
-Jeff Cooper

Get read niggers

I'm not sure how your post relates to mine. I never said anything of that sort. If you're held at gunpoint and only have a knife to defend yourself, by Canadian law, you have no reason to be charged for your defence.

I hope we nuke you soon, Sweden. I'm not joking. I will never buy anything Swedish for the rest of my goddamn life. Fuck you all.

Wow. Fuckin hell. In America, you'd just get sent to the hospital and you'd be asked by the police. They won't even charge you. They'd probably high five you for killing a criminal. FUCK Europe. FUCK Sweden. I hate white people now. I'm now a #MuslimMissile.

The Mayor wanted to show support to the refugees

>Meanwhile in Texas...
>Ex-Marines can legally blow away hookers with AK47's for "not providing services rendered".


Really makes you think huh?

Did we have 2nd amendment in Yugo? No? Fuck off.

the fact that he was carrying the knife at all indicates to me that he was probably a shitskin or a balkan or a slavic immigrant.

Of course!
Their also imprisoning the resistance in a penal system that is overwhelmingly populated by racial enemies as well.

Good Lord I've literally just realised...
They've replicated the Soviet gulag system, where the prisons are essentially run by the professional criminals and political prisoners are at their mercy.

But why is it in English? The fugees don't speak it. Shouldn't this be insulting to you as spaniards?

how the fuck do you defend against such a savage attack?

I would make the same face if i'd see something shitty and crazy like, i dont know, something impossible... uhmmm, World of warcraft Legion.

self defense is an expression of privilege and possibly even a hate crime. imagine the hardships your potential murderer must have gone through in his life to end up in this situation. that is the real tragedy.

Actually in America you'd just kill her and have her buried on the course.

Any muslim that even touches you deserves to get fucking stabbed
Also a jail cell is probably more comfy than living in a ghetto surrounding by hordes of immigrants in Sweden nowadays

Don't think it's too difficult since very few jobs require information about if you have committed any crimes in the past.

It says at the end he was was found guilty of aggravated assault and manslaughter. No prison time but was to be 181,800 SEK (22,409 USD/19,657 EUR). Honestly, I'd rather spend a few years in prison instead of having to give money to that faggot.

Thanks :(

My family had to move from Yugoslavia because of choices your country made a few generations ago.

I don't know if I should hate you or be thankful honestly.