Hip Hop Edition
Soyboy Essentials
>Soyboy Essentials
>it takes a million to hold us back
>Eminem any album
>liquid swords
>death grips
>tyler scumfuck flowerboy
>Danny brown atrocity exhibition
>to pimp a butterfly
>yeezus and 808s & heartbreak
>any MF DOOM album
Anything by Kendrick
What about non-soyboy hip hop? DJ Quik or Jadakiss seem like they would fit the bill.
>Wnat an MF doom thread
>The only thread around is for shitposting.
Kendrick Lamar, Lil faggot that died, that shitty two guy group that uses the same two hand cover every album.
This is an alpha male tho
Ghostface killah, tribe called quest, lol waynes discography until Carter 3, kool g rap, jay z
Suicide Boys, Kanye
>it takes a nation of millions to hold us back
>soyboy album
Y tho
The only anti-soy thing about Tribe is Georgie Porgie. Very white music.
what world is this
>A Tribe Called Quest
>Not soyboy
Try again, user.
It's not, they were just posting mucore hip hop
op is an alpha 4channer
Second from the left has absolutely prime trap potential
This album is classic soy.
All rap is soyed the fuck out inasmuch as its the product of cultural degeneracy which is just a symptom of xenoestrogenic poisoning
fat one in the middle should play in a teen mobster comedy
Makes me cringe every time I see a soylad larp as an alpha
This guy is a pol nazi now, guaranteed
here, enjoy
>Danny brown atrocity exhibition
Anti soyboy rap
>Ill Bill
>Jedi Mind Tricks
>Non Phixion
>Immortal Technique
>La Coka Nostra
>Celph Titled
>Army of the Pharoahs
You mean fat edgelord rap?
>this much b8
bet you listen to periphery lmao
Of course. Fat edgelords are the direct opposite of soyboys.
djent is nu-male as fuck as well
They have homophobic lyrics, not soyboy at all
if everything in the thread is soyboy, and that stuff is for fat edgelords, what's anti soyboy but not edgy?
Thesr are all soyboy artists that soyboys listen to have some semblance of masculinity. Also they all suck
What is an example of a hiphop song that is not soyboy and is also 100% pure masculine and not edgy?
This shit is the most forced meme in a while
>inb4 haha SOYBOY
nah soy is pretty shit, so is this meme
any hopsin song
Actually, what is the objective definition of soyboy hiphop? Anything that attracts white people?
>everything is for soyboys
>music is for soyboys
>soy this
>soy that
the reason this became popular is because this exact thing happened to the word cuck
>doesn't know what a soy looks or dress like
How new are you r/user?
>ywn get as much pussy as a soyboy
it's a fact, no matter how much you don't want it to be true
Look up the definition to nu male on urban dictionary. I'm using this definition for soyboy
>Nu-males are men (with "men" being used as loosely as possible) lacking self-respect who are completely devoid of any masculinity and will jump at any moment to defend women online for feminist brownie points while falsely believing that in return, they'll receive sexual favors. They're a step above "Nice Guys" in terms of beta they are.
>Nu-males are almost exclusively white (although some exceptions exist), ultra liberal, hipsters, wear some form of thick framed glasses with a matching obnoxious beard, submissive but outspoken (only online), in their 20-30s, harbor any form of self-hatred (white guilt, male guilt, etc.), either are thin as a twig or are overweight and very active on social media. They're often pseudo-intellectuals and will opt to blocking as their form of arguing online to any opposing opinions or valid criticism in order to protect their fragile egos.
macklemore, lil dicky, hopsin
So nu-male, cuck and soyboy all mean the same thing?
>>ywn get as much pussy as a soyboy
You misspelled dick, soyim.
No, but theyre intersectional and overlapping
No. Soyboy is an offshoot of numale. Like Grunge and punk rock. Some similarities, but also some differences.
numales have a shitty beard to hide their effeminate face and open their mong mouths when they take pictures. They're also unfit, libtards, and love virtue signalling on twitter.
soyboys are similar in their political ideology, but look much more effeminate. Mostly skinny, much more women like attitude and features because of soy products. Soyim shave often, which mostly makes then look like overgrown children.
I guess I'm a soyboy because holy shit these are all terrible
There are so many people who dress like soyboys in my flat and they all slay
>and open their mong mouths when they take pictures.
That's also a soyboy feature. Maybe post-numale?
the Hamilton soundtrack
t. Paul Joseph Watson
please timestamp a pic of yourself right now
disregard this, i suck cocks
t. Apple employee
This is white version of pic related-core
They're the same thing stop using semantics to try to differentiate themwhen everyone's using them interchangeably
>doxxing myself on the internet
>in 4chinz of all places
t. soyboy until proven wrong
My question is what about guys who fit all of those descriptions (liberal, progressive, feminist, not MGTOW or redpilled, etc) except they have a very muscular physique/masculine face? Is there a separate category for them, or are they just rare exceptions to the already existing definitions?
those are just nu-males
soyboys are nu-males AND sissy beta weaklings
>posting a picture is doxxing
>he probably means being a "fag enabler" is progressive, although he is against it
>freewilligly accepting the word progressive as something opposing your own mindset
Lmao dude
>he doesn't know he can make threads
Imagine unironically trying to convince someone that progressive politics is as simple as 'Gradually advancing in extent; increasing.'
this meme is gonna kill me
thinking big L is a soyboy lol
>No prog male
Get with the times, gramps.
nothing personell kid
How is Songs for the Deaf soy?
Dear God what a faggot. He really was the proto-libtard.
I'm not saying Sunbather is not Soy-core.
I'm not even saying Sunbather is good, even though I like it.
But it just makes me smile every time I see people getting anally devastated when loking at this pink cover