Even if you support him, do you actually believe it's possible for Trump to win the election?
Even if you support him, do you actually believe it's possible for Trump to win the election?
>there's no way he'll ever beat ¡Jeb!. He won't even sign the pledge
OP, 12 months ago.
Mexican intellectual
You might want to flip
Over Op
I think you're getting Berned
Yeah but we have a better understanding of Trump's appeal and abilities now. And in the general the electoral college puts him (or any other Republican) at a disadvantage. He's even acknowledged it himself.
increasingly nervous OP
Not only possible but probable
>the electoral college puts him (or any other Republican) at a disadvantage
kek, literally the reason Bush won in 2000
Trump has the best chance of any republican. I would give him about a 40% chance. It would be lower but Trump is fantastic at analytic thinking and I doubt he would run unless he saw a reasonable chance to win.
That was almost a generation ago. Demographics have changed. Like I said, Trump himself has said this.
the 2010 congressional appointment heavily favored republicans you dingus
That's because Democrats have much lower turnout than Republicans in congressional election off-years. And gerrymandering. But neither of those things are relevant to presidential elections.
>muh off season
>muh only republicans gerrymander
Just stop.
it's still shit
take california, as it's the best example
let's say they're 60% democrat and 40% republican(~2012 turnout, Bush vs Gore was 45-55)
California has a population of 39 million. That means 15.6 million republicans go completely unrepresented in the presidential election if we assume the party lines hold over the entire population.
15.6 million would translate into roughly 24 electoral college votes.
The closest thing republicans have to california is texas which has ~13 million less and is more polarized.
If California was split it would completely change presidential elections.
nothing you said has anything to do with congressional appointments for the electoral college.
He has the most votes for a GOP candidate by a BIG margin when people didn't even have to vote. So yes
no other candidate had a shot in hell of winning t b h
take cruz for example, cruzbots are fucking insane
Cruz wouldn't have won a single swingstate. He would have won Texas and flyover states.
Trump is putting fucking new jersey and oregon into play.
No republican but Trump even had a path to the whitehouse due to their lack of any appeal in swingstates.
Maybe. Maybe not. Either way, my vote goes to Trump, not because I like Trump (I was hoping for Rand or Johnson), but because I do not want to see that horrifying witch get into the oval office.
My vote is not a vote for Trump. It is a vote against Clinton. If you had told me that Trump would get this far, before all of this, I would have laughed at you.
This is basically indicative of how bad things have gotten. I would have even taken Jeb, in fact I really wish it was Jeb, all things considered.
Since Rand got out early and Johnson is only helping Clinton by existing, I have no choice but to vote Trump. I will not vote Hillary.
>trumpfags still jerking themselves off over how they beat Jeb!
But it wont happen
He's going to win.
As soon as shillary became the democratic nominee Trump won
Can we just nuke California already?
These are common knowledge and denying them isn't productive. You can measure whether districts are gerrymandered to favor Democrats or Republicans, it's not a matter of opinion. And the lower Democratic turnout in off seasons is statistical fact.
These things are acknowledged by analysts in both parties.
Vote for Donald and all your wildest memes will come true.
>do you actually believe it's possible for Trump to win the election?
His only opponent will be behind bars... to easy
If it was an honest election, yes, it would be possible, but there is just no way they will let Trump win.
Look at how fast they are accelerating their agenda of destroy Western civilization and White people for good. The anti-white stuff, the SJWism, the pro-Islam, the censoring of anything they deem hate speech, the feminism/anti-male agenda/rape culture nonsense, etc. They will let one man put a halt to all of their plans, which are now at such an advanced stage?
That being said, Trump is without a doubt our last hope for a return to normality in Western civilization. If he loses, the left will be free to implement all of their destructive policies and accelerate things even further. If Trump loses, the best case scenario would be a civil war.
implying people have a choice in this matter.
if that would be the case, we would be a free country and you had a sanders president. wake up sleepheads. the matrix has you.
If he does he'll just end up impeached. Hope he picks a good VP cause that's who we are gonna end up with for 3 years and 6 months.
This immigrant appears to be integrating well
Yes. So long as Melania and Ivanka keep his balls in a vice like they did last night.
I support Trump, and I do believe it is possible for him to be elected, primarily because Hillary is such a crappy candidate. The race between her and Bernie shouldn't have been anywhere near as close as it was, which shows how much even Democrats hate her. I am very positive about Trump's chances this fall.
I don't think Hillary's going to be indicted, much less convicted, because it would have to be done by Obama's department of justice.
Yes. Bye.
There's a fatal flaw in your analysis; it assumes Jews want to rule a world of shitskins.
Seems the Jews and others subverting the West want just that, although to be fair I hardly even understand their endgame. Do they want a world of ethnically mixed Islamic SJW feminist trannies or something?
Does that make sense? Would you want that shit? How can they move to the stars if that's what they're moving towards here on earth? I think that's Plan B.
What happened? Did they just force him to act more presidential?
Pretty much. They wrote the speech for him and made him use the teleprompters and then eye fucked the back of his skull the whole speech.
why you dummy? in a progressive state such as my own, CA, sanders supporters are heavily disenfranchised at the moment.
that only goes to benefit trump in the long run. states like california can actually be crucial to electing a republican this time around
Well it's easy to move a small population of "elites" to the stars when your people have 7 billion mixed race low IQ slaves to exploit
I'm a white male, he is a white male. we both pee standing up. Bros Before Hoes man.
Except there's no drive or innovation. If that's their goal they'll be living like Egyptians.
Too high energy to win. You need medium energy like Hillary to make it to the inauguration.
His chances are falling with that Mexican judge bullshit. What the fuck is he thinking? Don't try to rationalize this, it's fucking stupid to get this much negative attention.
Trump is just playing the media for fools again
Fuck Mexicans. Jew controlled media is inflating and deflating the importance of any issue that suits their Zionist kike ties.
It's not going to hurt him. Remember how there was a search term spike for "white genocide" last fall when he retweeted it? There's a corresponding spike for "La Raza" now. I don't even care if it's a result of him being stupid and using a platform to make a personal complaint. It's effect is positive.
You dont think Trump know this? 24/7 its all about Trump. I wish I could get my name on the news for weeks at a time, 24/7.
This. This guy proved himself already.
It's still an uphill battle.
He doesn't actually have to win, to end up winning. If the Libertarian candidate can prevent both Hillary and Trump from getting a majority, then the Republican congress will pick the next president. They will pick Trump.
Jeb had a 0% chance of beating Hillary
Ted Cruz had a 15% chance
Kasich 25%
Trump about 50%
We made the right choice.
I'd say Trump 25% Kasich 45%