Leak: Sanders's endorsement speech

"In terms of who to support for president, the choice is really not difficult. I am certainly not a big fan of Hillary Clinton's politics, especially those during her time with the Obama Administration. As a strong advocate of a single-payer health care system, I opposed Barack Obama's convoluted health care reform package, which Clinton supports. I have helped lead the opposition to their trade policies, which represent the interests of corporate America and which are virtually indistinguishable from the views of George W. Bush and Paul Ryan. I opposed Obama's bloated military budget, the executive orders that he signed, and I oppose the so-called TPP, which they have both supported. Obama has been weak on campaign finance reform and has caved in far too often on the environment, and I don't expect Clinton to do better. Hillary Clinton is a moderate Democrat. I’m a democratic socialist.

Yet, without enthusiasm, I’ve decided to support Hillary Clinton for president. Perhaps “support” is too strong a word. I’m planning no press conferences to push her candidacy, and will do no campaigning for her. I will vote for her, and make that public. Why? I think that many people do not perceive how truly dangerous the political situation in this country is today. If Donald Trump were to be elected president and Paul Ryan and the Republicans were to maintain control of Congress, we would see a legislative agenda unlike any in the modern history of this country. There would be an unparalleled war against working people and the poor, and political decisions would be made that could very well be irreversible.


Obamacare, Medicare and Medicaid would certainly be destroyed, and tens of millions more Americans would lose their health insurance. Steps would be taken to privatize Social Security, and the very existence of public education in America would be threatened. Serious efforts would be made to pass a constitutional amendment to ban abortion and gay marriage, affirmative action would be wiped out, and gay bashing would intensify. A flat tax would be passed, resulting in a massive shift in income from the working class to the rich, and all of our major environmental legislation would be eviscerated.

The Motor Voter bill would be repealed, and legislation making it harder for people to vote would be passed. Union-busting legislation would become law, the minimum wage would be abolished, and child labor would increase. Adults and kids in America would be competing for $3.00-an-hour jobs.

You think I’m kidding. You think I’m exaggerating. Well, I’m not. I work in Congress. I listen to these guys every day. They are very serious people. And the folks behind them, the Christian Coalition, the NRA, the Heritage Foundation, and others, are even crazier than they are. My old friend Kevin McCarthy is not some wacko member of Congress laughed at by his colleagues. He is the Majority Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives. Check out his views. No. I do not want Donald Trump to be president. I’m voting for Hillary Clinton.

Do I have confidence that Clinton will stand up for the working people of this country—for children, for the elderly, for the folks who are hurting? No, I do not. But a Clinton victory could give us some time to continue building our movement, to develop a political infrastructure to protect what needs protecting, and to change the direction of the country."

Nice source


where de sauce at doe

No hidden cuck anywhere.

Shit b8

Sup Forums

citation needed

I can't wait to see the bernie-bot tears when they find out the Bernie war chest of donation cash will now be handed over to the DNC (and given to Hillary).


Source is me, former Bernie campaign staffer, just got laid off.

high level hillary shills out today

Did you rub glue on your nipples before writing that?

Haha yes ok. You got the replies you wanted now gtfo.

>Bernie continues to attack his straw man while Hillary fucks him in the ass

Sounds about right.

I'm very much not on the Clinton bandwagon, just wanted to share a leak as I depart the campaign. Honestly not sure whether to vote or not this election.

Really? Because I, Bernie Sanders, will Never endorse the former Secretary of State. I'm on the phone right now with Mr. Trump, and we're working out when to announce that I'm going to be his running mate.

saved for later


of course he's going to endorse her


thanks for having faith

Hillary's vote for the Iraq War shows what she really thinks about people. Not much.

Didn't read.

It looks like Bernie and Trump share some views, so he will support Hillary who is for everything he's against. Makes sense from a senile old man.

as if his endorsement speech would be common knowledge among his volunteers. why do people make these threads where they pretend to be someone they're not or pretend to know something they don't? not enough attention as a child? loneliness?

Dude why does Bernie not give a single fuck about this country though? Serious question.