Remember when Sup Forums liked this movie?

Remember when Sup Forums liked this movie?

It hasn't stopped.


still never figured out if that was a meme or not


>pretended to like

They never did. Sure it had it's supporters, but this movie was overwhelmingly shit on from release.

I can go for that. You're here pretending to be retarded, after all.

Yeah, by dumbasses and SJW retards too stupid to understand it.

Enjoy the company you keep.

while some of us like you just are retarded

or maybe because it has many flaws?

OP made new thread because he was laughed out of the other one for Evansposting

The butthurt marlel is real.

If you aren't ignoring every flaw of a movie then you're just too stupid to understand things.

Wait, do you seriously think the movie is complicated and hard to understand?

It was easy as shit to understand, as are all Marvel movies, it's just it was fucking retarded.

It's classic marlel tactics. They always do a butthurt thread in response.

What do Marvel fans have to be butthurt about.

The movies make money, the movies are, for the most part, highly rated. Unlike DC. They make money, but are pretty much universally shit on, except of course by some die hard DCcucks, but even a lot of them have dropped off the DC train with the release of the 3rd straight shit show from DC.

The only butthurt here, is from the DCucks. Every. Single. Time.

Man of Steel is going to BTFO Marvel... fails to live up.
BvS is going to BTFO Marvel... fails to live up.
Suicide Squad is going to BFTO Marvel.... fails to live up.

A talking squirrel and a fucking tree! this movie is going to fucking tank hard... blows the fuck out of DC.

No one is going to give a shit about Dr Strange.... blows the fuck out of DC.

Also worth considering is the idea that marvel doesn't so much have fans as it has mainstream appeal.

Its really only DC fans trying to force a brand war.

This is the MCUck in action. Study him. Learn from him. And fight him.

Yeah, I do, because you probably never figured out how the imagery everyone always freaks out about was a distraction, an intentional one, yet one more way that it's not making the pants-on-head retarded statement that "Superman=Space Jesus."

But you'll never see it because you're too blinded by your own bias.

>the flaws were intended to distract people from the REAL message

You're that one guy who thinks the movie was about islam, aren't you.

its just awful cringe shitposting like every dc thread

Ultimate edition Is one of my favorite movies. I like Batman so idgaf, I'm not a philosopher or TV guru. I like me a big Batman

dubs, reporting in.

How are they flaws? Even if they were saying nothing but the most obvious, the worst you could call it is, say it with me, "ham-fisted."

>You're that one guy who thinks the movie was about islam, aren't you.
Let me guess. You're the guy who insists there's nothing to it. Also, just calling it Islam is a huge oversimplification.

Mine too, man. It's also maximum comfy.

>How are they flaws?
- Superman doesn't like Batman because he kills people, when Superman starts off the movie by hitting a terrorist through 3 brick walls... which WOULD kill him.
- Lex gets access to the Kryptonian shit s computer by informing the computer than the counsel is dead. Imagine if you password protected your computer and someone took it when you died and just said "the owner is dead, let me in" and the computer said "sure ok!"

- Batman stops fighting Superman because their mothers have the same name.. WTF?

- Super hearing and can move probably faster than the speed of light, can't hear a bomb go off, or save anyone... because plot device.

Then you have the shit pacing, the tone of the movie, the stupidity of Batman using his weapons to hurt Superman at the end of the fight. The overly dark tone, the terrible casting choices (Affleck aside) and you have one shitty movie.

But user, what about my collage of black and white images.



>Sup Forums
You mean Sup Forumsedditors and shitskin twitter posters

So your reading comprehension is as lacking as your powers of perception, I see. I start out talking about the imagery everyone always gets so hung up on, you half-assedly respond with a vague reference to flaws, I respond asking how the imagery is flawed, and suddenly you're talking about things that have nothing to do with any of the discussion up to that point.

No wonder you guys hate this movie. You can't even focus your attention for ten minutes, let alone the length of an entire film.

fucking amatuer

>It was easy as shit to understand, as are all Marvel movies don't get it?

People can't unironically like this movie. I refuse to admit it.

yes, the reddit invasion was a dark time

Hey, singular guy, just because you're the only person who tries to say there's some deep allegory for islam buried underneath things that contradict said allegory, doesn't mean only one person will ever respond to you.

never happened.

Sup Forums consensus, however, is that it was average and didn't deserve such incrompehensible hate.

Only crossposting redditors think it's bad.

It was /film/ that liked this kino. Sup Forums can't even handle Marlel flicks.

I like it

Armand White saw it, too. He just didn't spoil it in his review.

Once you see it, it can't be unseen, and I'm starting to wonder if it was part of why the theatrical cut ended up the way it did. There's one particular scene that drives the point home pretty hard.