Why does the left obsess over corrupting children's media? Which cartoon characters from your childhood were definitely redpilled (pic related)?
Why does the left obsess over corrupting children's media...
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Indoctrination at an early age. Leftists hate functional adults with critical thinking skills. Gotta brainwash em early on.
If the right was not completely fucking retarded wouldn't they be able to stop this shit somehow?. like vote politicians into office that make laws against this type of shit?.
Who do you think owns the media companies that produce and broadcast that drivel?
I remember not wanting to watch this show when I was a kid because it was perverted and disgusting. Definitely not redpilled.
the left and the jews?
So you guys are just fucked huh?.
>Which cartoon characters from your childhood were definitely redpilled (pic related)?
The old series and the new.
Just change the channel or turn off the TV and raise your child. The merchant needs a consumer to survive.
Ren and Stimpy Classic > Adult Party Cartoons.
John k is a fag though
Ren and Stempy was degenerate as hell.
everything by butch hartman
Can he fix it? No it's fucked.
It showed the danger of degeneracy =/= being degenerate.
>this triggers the Australian
Every single episode of Rocko was a masterpiece of social commentary. From recycling to government, parenthood to organized religion, fast food and the working condition.
Is Squidward redpilled ?
What does Sup Forums think of the Teletubbies?
It's on the payroll as Dan "The Man with a Plan to get Kids in his Van" Schneider and Jonathon Butler.
Donald Trump?
The purple one was a faggot
Jewish brainwashing tact in its final form
If I lived in a totalitarian society where everything was monitored and controlled by a central force that I couldn't comprehend/identify and wanted to bluepill my self and be happy by taking a crap ton of drugs and hallucinogens then Teletubbies is what my life would be like.
gay propaganda
I'm pretty sure all of those are by the same art team.
Absolute trash, the fact that anyone tried to pass that utmost lazy garbage along as kids show was frankly disturbing. A toddler would learn more (in terms of social interaction) watching an episode of Gilligan's Island than Teletubbies.
> ren & stimpy; objectifying women for what they are, whores. ren and stimpy themselves are painted as dirty degenerates with foul behaviour
> powerpuff girls; pot is a villain, destroying society
You'll need better examples.
Why are western cartoons so shit compared to Jap cartoons?
Was it a result of the bombings?
pic looks like good clean fun to me
Because western cartoons are aimed at kids whereas anime is aimed at basement dwellers and degenerate creeper japs.
>trying this hard to take a photo of yourself.
I miss Ren and Stimpy.
>comparing cartoons made by multiple artists over decades with cartoons made by a couple people in the last couple years
Embarrassing, famalam.
Gravity Falls is good
Fuck yeah Rocko!
What the fuck, OP? Are you dumb?
>goes to 'cloud heaven'
>try to reason with hippie
>hippie forces drugs onto the blue and purple one
>green one's all "it's not you!"
>camera turns back to town where there are car wreckages
>>drugs are bad
Honest hardworking men who made their own moonshine. Good people to look up to desu
>purple one
Oh fucking shit, I watched that shit as a kid.
Holy fucking shit I loved this show, I thought I was the only one.
Truly Mat and Pat were the greatest of friends.
Now compare the background of those shows
Final form? I see you've never had the pleasure of encountering Boohbah. youtube.com
What this guy said. Adults minds are less malleable than children's.
Fuckin theme song catchy af
I guess you forgot the episode where they prevented Rocko from being deported by marrying him to his friend, or that environmental episode which was essentially "Evil corporations are messing up this planet and shit!"
>I call it Revnoku... just because it sounds cool
>Honest hardworking men who made their own moonshine
Don't forget that they are Slavic too
R E C Y C L E recycle
C O N S E R V E conserve
don't you P O L L U T E
the land, water, air, or sea
or else you're gonna get what you deserve
vai chupar um cú de cachorro helena filha da puta, eu não meesforço pra ser teu amigo nem de maçom, muito menos de rotary. pra mim, é um bando de filha da puta, e tu faz parte de toda essa merda e eu não tenho interesse em ajudar. um terrorista pode explodir essa porra toda que vai ser só mais oxigênio pra respurar quando todo mundo morrer. sério helena, te fode e nem tenta se aproximar. vai chupar o teu tiquinho do dia e ve se nem lembra demim.
Wasnt the jew voice actress upset that they dumped her?
Talk to ANY child therapist: if you damage a child's brain and development early on, they NEVER 100% recover. This is why they target cartoons. They want those kids to grow up to be permanently damaged degenerate perverts (aka leftists).
Which I might add cartoons are just one more defeat in a never ending string of losses for white men...Fucking amazes me that white men have managed to lose control of almost everything that matters, yet still somehow manage to blame everyone else for their nonstop ineptitude.
Outside of: shitposting, boring-ass blogs, low-budget YT videos, and a mediocre career in the trades, white men have control of DICK.
Maybe but he is also repilled as hell.
>Not being redpilled
And I guess you forgot about the episode when Heffer gets pneunoma so he asks Rocko to take him to the hospital but they gets stuck on the road because there's a bunch of BLM protesters chimping out in the middle of the city. After pleading with them, they still just shout "Raycist!" "Cracka" at Rocko, so he has no other chance than to drive through their bodies as Heffer's situation gets worse and worse. They finally arrive at the Hospital-O, but it is full because crackwhores from Honduras just flied in to give birth to their mosquito AIDS babies. That's when Rocko's mind goes full coco and he kills every shitskin in the city with a chainsaw. At the end of the episode he kneels down in front of his friend's grave, and whispers: I did it for you, my friend... I did it for you.
And that's why Rocko is redpilled.
MLP is definetly redpilled. Has gone over topics from family values, marriage, anti-communism, and religious holidays.
we were allowed to watch ren and stinpy so we did it in secret
You should see zootopia, that movie was a lefty shitshow.
>try to find the image that compares men vs women where the guy watches dragonball through all ages while the girl watches whatever is popular
>end up on a blog where people bitch about sexism
the internet just isnt funny anymore
My dear African friend, can you please explain to me what is wrong with the video linked in the OP?
It's quite clear that the homosexual panda is portrayed as a villain here.
As someone who was obsessed with Ren and Stimpy but only ever saw it on Nickelodeon, where are all these titties episodes from?
lel i knew someone would say this
The same reason religions are forced onto children. Indoctrination only works on those who can't think for themselves
Can he fix it? No he's cucked.
>forgetting the racism episode
>forgetting the religion vs science episode
>forgetting the incest episode
SACRILEGE!!!! Ren And Stimpy was AWESOME!!! What happened to those cartoons? They don't even play re-runs. They will play stuff like SpongeBob but everyone seems to have forgotten Ren And Stimpy.
autist qt birdgirls are best
you shut your mouth normie
>deep down we're all good people
I've been thinking about this. Was the intention to make fun of anti-semites?
I can't believe this still makes me laugh
You're fucking joking. The right are as bad as anyone else is when it comes to being indoctrinated.
You realize The Simple Life was on Fox, right?
we ain't done here sugartits
another strong blooded redpilled man
nao sabia que macacinhos capuchin falavam tanto, maybe you should try fixing your shithole country before you turn the amazon into a favela
How about bluepilled? Spongebob
>three obvious faggots living next door to each other
>one takes pride in being a miniumum wage cuck to his kike like boss
>one is borderline suicidal but makes no real attempt to do anything about his life and instead just pretends he's God's gift
>one is just a straight up and down degenerate and wears it like a badge of honor
>oh and let's not forget the female who's a genius scientist and can kick everyone's ass
Never heard of these being meme'd around, so I'm guessing you actually watch the show?
This... This video is clearly showing the dangers kf party drugs like ex n molly dude
princess bubblegum
built a wall around the candy kingdom
invests heavily in defense
had a transsexual locked in a mental hospital because he was suicidal
The truth always comes out eventually.
The religion vs science one was actually pretty weird. But not necessarily bluepilled.
What's worst? Spaniards or Brazilians?
idk whats worse
>le tomboi no likely da gurl sheit
>clearly drug fueled rave
I still want kids for some reason.
I have to watch drawn together once again now.
Thanks for nothing.
it's not an episode, it's other Spumco®-made shorts, commercials and music videos. Ren & Stimpy do make appearances in shorts that were not aired on normal TV(but may have been snuck onto late night 2-AM stints on MTV/Comedy Central/Adult Swim/VH1, where the FCC gets lax). Most of it is searchable on youtube now, keyword spumco.
Fox/= Fox News
Wait till your balls drop then stop watching cnn dumb faggot
Yes, racism and prejudice am exist, and instead of teaching that everyone is the same it teaches to that people are different. Not sure what episode you are referring too, but incest is redpilled.
The Simpsons desu.
Homer Badman is as redpilled as it gets.
Can you quote that? Because they have literally banished and killed villains that were a threat and beyond saving.
Literally the option of corrupting children's media. This is the definition of a transparent morals episode. The only thing it's corrupting is the writing quality of the art form.
Spike TV.
what did you mean by this?
no sane person watches that crap
This was on my local PBS for a bit. Bunch of parents raised enough of a stink to get it removed, though.
gi joe were pretty redpilled
most of the cartoons i watched were degenrate trash though. i spent the vast majority of my time in front of the television until i was 17 years old. i watched anything and everything. my single mother used the tv as a babysitter and it was at the center of our household.
when i finally got out of that environment i went to college and studied media and particularly acting. i wanted to be on tv.
then after a few years of performance, i started to notice the incredible liberal bias in EVERY FORM OF MEDIA. i was still liberal so i didn't care so much but as i have gotten older i have rejected all forms of television and movies but i am still hopelessly addicted to the internet.
i don't see much difference in what television was then and what internet is now- so it's almost as if i never escaped.
i don't want to be on tv anymore- but i still want to be youtube famous
Watched S1-S4. Not proud of it.
From what I remember the moral is that there's no use trying to explain everything and that everyone should let each other believe what they want. That's pretty blue pilled.
Dan knew what was up
Character design has become very generic, but that pic is cherry picking at its finest.
The show is redpilling you; it's showing how you should do something with your life or you will be living next to retards who will fuck with your stuff
You said you were expecting someone to say that, I agreed because this is a thread about redpilled cartoons, which MLP is.
I remember hearing about this shit, glad i never watched it.
Bet someone would if they were high as fuck though.