Tfw got a chinese gf

>tfw got a chinese gf
shit lads, one dumb flirt ended up becoming another dumb flirt and three weeks later I'm dating this rich chinese bitch
I'm not a race mixer, but I genuinely like her. I don't want no gook children though.
Help me out lads, give me ideas.

>tfw still no scenes with fat kid's mom

Post a pic of her

>Summertime Saga

good taste, my autistic friend

can she speak mandarin?
i may give you some free translation :)

>I'm dating this rich chinese bitch
>I'm not a race mixer
So are you Chinese too, or just virtue signalling?

How do I avoid Chinese GF??

Hello what does it mean when they go "ching chong bing bong lao wai didi mao"??

If you are that autistic as to think about kids so soon, let alone sperg out about racemixing with an Asian (higher IQ), then break up. Do not pass on your retardation

that mean they rape foreigner's brother who played ping pong

You are lucky you are far way from us we would have conquer your land and cuck the shit out of you for making shitty cheap chink shit reviews

lol, the only thing you'd be conquering is my boipussy faggot

if she is Chinese, most of them don't do flings, they want to get married immediately (in my mind thats a plus, they don't have deep degeneracy). So try and find out if she wants the d or the ring. Also, how is her English? if you want to dump her just say that you can't fucking understand her, that usually gets to 'em

>lol, the only thing you'd be conquering is my boipussy faggot

Can I conquer your boipussy?

>conquering my boipussy

Ji ble lietuviškai jau varo normaliai
blet ką daryt?


>what went wrong

you'd have cook children anyway lad


>Lithuanian banter


>chink gf

ya dun goof'd

Don't be a bitch nigga, make psyho happas and teach them to kill normies.

Lithuania-chan is confesing, will Chile-senpai accept her feelings?

nobody cares about you 3rd filthy kekstanis and values it
stop speaking like a pretentious racist faggot you poor 3rd world filthy monkey

you are just too obsessed about yourself and sound cringy

what the fuck is your problem, japan? She's ch*nese not japanese

Sounds like she should drop you

top lel

Stop giving the fat yank faggot (You)s

I'd drop your ass, ese

Išsiaiškink ar pas jūs tikrai kažkas yra, o ne šiaip draugiški jausmai, autizmas sunki liga visgi. Tada išsiaiškink ar ji pistis nori, ar ko daugiau. Manau ir pačiam aiškiau bus.

Mano patirtimi kalbant, jei čia rimtai ir jei jau ji lietuviškai prakalbo, tai ji gal norės su tavim tuoktis. Aišku, kinietės tradiciškos, nepisa proto, šiaip sutinka būt namų šeimininkėm, ir kaip suprantu taviškė jau perkando kulką ir pradėjo adaptuotis prie lietuviškos kultūros. Tie kas patarinėja kaip rast chink gf teigia kad kultūriniai skirtumai yra didžiausia kliūtis, tai taviškė šaunuolė.

Nežinau, nelabai galiu patart pats irgi panašią situaciją turėjau, tai biški gailiuos, kad nusprendžiau su ją nieko nedaryt, ir dar visai nieko buvo tokia. Irgi esu nacionalistinių pažiūrų, prieš race-mixing.

>prieš race-mixing.
>Nežinau, nelabai galiu patart pats irgi panašią situaciją turėjau
yare yare daze..

Supranti bėda tame, kad tos pačios lietuvės kaip azijietės dauguma atrodo ar taip ar taip čia race mixing gaunasi jei baltas esi, sunku čia surast pilnai balta mergina. Nebent kokiam kaime, bet kaime žinai kaip ten viskas vyksta.

Think about yourself. Being selfish in relationships ends up being best for most parties because most eventually get what they want.

>kaip azijietės
tau reikia vaizdo plokštę keist xD

Su lietuvaitėmis viskas gerai, kaimietės tai apskritai puikios. Miesto merginos nesugeba nei gaminti valgyti, nei užsiimti kažkokia namų ruoša ir dar jei priskaito visokios Tiškevič ar Geležinės Lapės tai lai jau ir "laisva" moteris. Su viena tokia iš TSPMI bandžiau susitikinėti... Jeigu galėčiau tai susirasčiau iš kaimo merginą.

Jei jau galvot kaip tie vaikai atrodys, tai gali dar pabandyt sužinot kaip jos tėvai, seneliai atrodo, bet čia reikia atsargiai sužaist, nes rodysi iniciatyvą susipažint su jos gimine, tai galima labai ne taip suprast xD

blet nu kaukolių sudėjimai pas dauguma lietuvių azijietiško tipo, arba akys arba žandikauliai ir cheekbonai
šiaip iš tikrujų galvoju aš ją papisiu ir paliksiu

kiek tau metų?

What the hell is she doing in Lithuania?
Don't they hate Asians in your country?

You can totally trust this guy OP


oj ble už mane vyresnis xDD man 22

Why would asians hate asians?
Also no, why would we hate asian tourists?

Aš čia jau šitame puslapyje lankausi 9 metus

I don't hate other Asians desu.
I was just curious what a Chinese person is doing in Lithuania. Is she a student there?
I had an impression that your country is not used to an Asian person or a non-White in general, so they must have a lot of prejudice toward us.
Correct me if I'm wrong.

We have no prejudice against Asian people. We think you're all manlets and have tiny dicks, but are insanely smart.
Asians are not niggers. They are considered humans here.
>I don't hate other Asians desu.
it was a joke that Lithuanians were asians themselves, you misunderstood me.

Triggered. Lithupoops are slavs, basically russian. They are not white.

>We have no prejudice against Asian people.
>We think you're all manlets and have tiny dicks
Makes me think...

It's not prejudice if it's true mate..

is she attractive?

>rich chinese bitch
I highly doubt she has an IQ higher than OP. The only intelligent chinks are middle-class. The rest are dumb-as-fuck subhumans.

So you're dating a girl and you're already thinking of children?
Relax the fuck out.

well on average, especially compared to Lithuania...

Where'd you meet her OP

If you cheat on her with a white girl there is a chance your children will be white. Godspeed, user.

Can never tell if it's Columbia or Lithuania

In any case, if you like her, what's the problem, see where it goes


That's always good

According to my knowledge acquired on social media, Chinese girls like to be dragged around naked on a leash on a public place. You should make sure she is comfortable by trying to smooth the culture shock and taking her for walks chinese style.


ever looked at your own peoplehow pathetic they are fucking low tier Anglocuck?

>I don't want no gook children though.
Why not? Yellows are smart.
And you shouldn't be worried that your kid is going to be an Elliot Roger, because as a Lithuanian there's a high chance he will kill himself anyway.

>reverse banter

Always wear a condom. Did you already tell her your real full name? Does she know where you live? If not, just bang and never see her again. If she does then cut it off... She will know too much for child support...