>"Diana!! Don't go over the top! That's no man's land!"
>*turns and smirks* "I am no man!" *proceeds to slaughter countless german soldiers*
"Diana!! Don't go over the top! That's no man's land!"
Other urls found in this thread:
>Don't go over the top!
>*goes over the top*
>people actually think this film has good visuals and cinematography
Film looks fucking disgusting, but it's capeshit so what do you expect
Jesus christ that's one of the tackiest shots I've ever seen
It looks like Sucker Punch, and subhumans say that about Sucker Punch as well, because they are stupid
>the German conscripts will be treated as Literally the SS
>Diana will check the privilege of every officer in the US army
Who cares, germs were evil.
>wonder woman
>neck of a jew crone
seriously fuck this filthy jew looking bitch
More beautiful than Aphrodite.
>shot that serves no purpose other than to establish the protagonist as utterly invincible
Who watches this trash?
How is it even interesting?