I am redpilled as fuck, but I don't know what to do with it. Is there any other way than deal with it other than to live a quiet life, ignoring all the fuss and mess the world is?
I just don't know how to handle all this shit anymore.
I am redpilled as fuck, but I don't know what to do with it. Is there any other way than deal with it other than to live a quiet life, ignoring all the fuss and mess the world is?
I just don't know how to handle all this shit anymore.
I remember my first week on Sup Forums too
go to eastern europe
find a wife before you go or after
make children
redpill them
you've done your part
>The trick william potter, is not minding that it hurts
Go join your neighborhood watch. As long as it's not a {{{neighborhood watch}}}
> Is there any other way than deal with it other than to live a quiet life, ignoring all the fuss and mess the world is?
It sucks, but yes. There's a reason why we say don't reveal your power level. Just stay informed, vote for right wing governments, and argue right wing ideas with friends and family, try to convert irl people to conservative for a start. On the internet continue to redpill the masses.
It sucks but this is the world we live in.
Meant to say "it sucks, but no"
For starters, you can kill yourself.
Thanks for the responses. I already have a right-wing wife, but I'm not 100% sure if she means it or just rolls along.
Guess I'll rather move to Norway than to East Europe, though.
Solid advice; this is what I've been doing
I have my entire friend group and 2 of my peers somewhat redpilled, at least enough to vote in favor of their liberties.
Honestly, and I mean this, DO NOT BOTHER WITH REDPILLING WOMEN. It is waste of time. They will not listen to reason. They will use hurt feelings as an excuse/argument and not listen to reason. Even if you do get them to support you it's not "redpilled" they never swallowed. It's just mimicking for tribal reasons.
I never try to redpill women or try to get them to vote conservative/right wing/populist.
You know what I do? I tell them about a smaller, more liberal party they should vote for, which fractures the liberal base and creates a gap for right wing candidates to emerge through. For example, I've convinced my mom and sister to vote for the Green party instead of Hillary Clinton, meanwhile I've redpilled my dad and am about to convince my longtime republican grandparents to vote for Trump.
It's a genius strategy, divide and conquer your enemies.
Solid move dude. I think in the past I had thought women could be salvaged. But your method seems much more sound.
I racemixed. At least my children won't be blamed for destroying the world.
It's also exponentially easier. You can literally start off a conversation with "Don't you think that global warming and the environment is the most important issue facing mankind today?"
Women will obviously say yes, and then you can delve further into detail on that party and it's plethora of emotional issues.
congratulations, you finally have reached the acceptance stage.
now is the time to make your life a moral one
i finally found a redpilled hungarian blonde girl with huge tits. i fell in love.
but she's a complete slut. i know the dude she fucked. redneck manlet.
fucking kill me.
Can't say I ever expected I'd come across a Peter Hitchens meme in my life. Well played.
Most women in the real world aren't that stupid, and will understand the concept of vote splitting. They may not like Hillary, at all, but they understand her losing means Trump wins, and they'll see your attempts for what they are.
Your best bet is pointing out the perks of alternative parties showing popular support. Talk about the 5/15% thresholds and how achieving those could affect US politics in the future. Be sure to include a Trump presidency will be limited by his need to work with Congress if they are emotionally reacting to media portrayals of Trump's so-called extremism.
>you just know.jpg
Are you new to Sup Forums? The milk meme ran for months
Yeah, it fucking sucks desu. IRL Got 1 redpilled friend and a couple of others who are various standard moderate-liberal/moderate-conservative but willing to consider other views but that's it. Everyone else would flip their shit if I bothered speaking my mind. So just nod along with whatever retarded bullshit they spout so as not to cause trouble or be rendered social outcast.
Self education.
Read a book.
Talk radio.
Stop posting e3 meme images.
Yes indeed. Clearly I should have come here years ago!
Women don't have political views, they either just go along with what their husband does, use the existing system to get more shit for themselves, or try (in the stupidest ways, usually """protesting""" and getting men to go along with them) to change the system so that they can get more shit.
The shit that they want is usually not material, but more along the lines of 'everybody does what I want and I won't have to feel bad for doing bad things', such as the anti-slut-shaming movement, or in general; feminists.
As far as your problem, you just haven't been here long enough. I had a period of time when I just wanted to fuck off and do nothing since everything seemed so fucked, but eventually, you just stop caring. Believe it or not, things are actually going our way more now that ever. I remember when we got Romney last time, and that was just several months of milquetoast and disappointment. That said, I figured since so many people hated Obama so much that there was no way he'd get elected again. But as we got closer and closer to the election, I began to realize that Romney was essentially a paper-mache representation of a """Republican""" and didn't believe half of what he said, and the other half was so fucking bland and typical that even Obama could beat him.
But now, nationalism is on the rise in most countries worth saving, no matter who wins this election, something important will happen: either Trump wins and the government leads us in the right direction, or Clinton wins, and people might actually riot. Even if they don't riot immediately, if she does shit like trying to take away guns, there are people here who will actually die before they let the government take away their means of self-defense. Mudslimes are dangerously close to white people, so much so that when they finally do flip out, we'll feel the direct consequences, and do something about it.
It may not seem like it, but things are looking up.
Check 'em.
You just have to be patient until the day comes.
I dont see the benefit in this. The conservative parties in most countries are mega cucks who are absolutely terrified of being called racist, and they're all owned by the same rich globalists who own the leftists.
Just look at the republicans. They literally want to lose the election to one of their biggest enemies on the left, because they dont want to appear nationalist.
Bitch and moan in Sup Forums, like the rest.
I must atone for my female privilege. I am sorry, straight white males! (No really, I am. Feminism is cancer.)
Red pilled blonde girls who have huge tits are always such sluts.
Don't assume your enemies are stupid, you'll underestimate them
Find yourself a hobby. Something to do that will monopolize all your attention away from the world.
There's not much more else you can do.
Redpill people step by step and enjoy the rest of your life. It is not helping anyone if youre killing yourself over it. Enjoy yourself and live a happy life and people will flock to your morals effortlessly.
Goodspeed. Are you near Hannover by any chance? I'm new here and we could hang out.
This. I dabble with cars, but I can't recommend it, all the kiketaxes and payments you have to do for nothing will get your blood-pressure to match your tire-pressure. Otherwise it has been pretty fun and time consuming.