>A 19 year old Swedish man was found guilty of manslaughter today after having defended himself from an armed robber.
>The groundbreaking sentence determines that deadly force, neither intentional nor unintentional, for the purpose of self-defense is effectively illegal in Sweden.
>In December of 2015, the then 18 year old Swedish man was approached by two Iraqi robbers in the heavily immigrant area of Rinkeby in Stockholm.
>One of the robbers pointed a gun to the head of the victim while his companion yelled "Shoot him! Shoot him!".
>The Swedish man brought forth a knife and pointed it to the chest of the gun-wielding Iraqi.
>The Iraqi robber did not discontinue the robbery but instead continued walking towards the man while holding the gun towards his head.
>The Swedish man continued holding the knife towards the Iraqi's heart in a stalwart position until the Iraqi man walks in to the knife, piercing him immediately in the heart.
>The Iraqi robber later died of the injuries he sustained.
>While the court admits that the Swedish man acted in legitimate self-defense in a tumultuous situation and that he did not actively stab the robber, the court argues that "Before the robber brought forth the knife, the victim had the opportunity to call for help. He could also have run from the grip of the two robbers or could at least have attempted to do it."
>The court further argued that "Given the circumstances, we find that the victim of the robbery could have, in any possible scenario when the gun was brought forth, used the knife in a less devastating manner for the robber, than to point it at vital organs -- especially when the robber was moving his body towards the victim."
>"It is obviously indefensible to use deadly force in the present situation, even though the victim was in a legitimate position of shielding himself from the robber."
>The gun was later found to have been a masked soft airgun.
Is this the end of the rule of law in Sweden?