h-holy shit...
H-holy shit
Wow. You got a point. She is the most followed person on Twitter. It's over. Fuck.
Are they dreaming about raped by Bill Clintons crooked hard little dick?
Really makes ya think eh cunts?
I just fapped to her a while ago
A lot of little black boys were dreaming when he became president in 2008. Look where they are now
Share the pics or videos of her please
what a coincidence
in jail?
There's going to be so much hysterics when she loses to Trump.
I can't stock up on enough popcorn.
Drumpf is dropping in the polls
>can I get invited to perform at the inauguration?
>people voting for shilldawg
>every female
>every twitter user
>every democrat bot
>every black
>every mexican, all the illegals in california
>every boomer
>people voting for trump
>Sup Forums
What a shock a coal burning whore hates white people
Guys she's gonna win..
S-stop I am trying not to fap
Quite indisputably the worst posters to exist
still without a father figure?
All of the above for $500 Alex
She's such a fucking shill.
I bet, no, I GUARANTEE she's being paid for by Hillarys campaign or something tied to the campaign.
Are they dreaming of the audio tape that got released where Hilary laughs about getting a guilty child rapist off the hook when she was a lawyer?
Bravo Katy you fucking moron.
da choice is yours Sup Forums
that's a known fact
Samefagging Shill. Jesus Christ, GTFO
>Sup Forums set the record conservative votes in the history of the united states for Donald Trump by 1.4 million
Well apparently we're a lot stronger than I thought then.
women really have no shame
>for the first time
we've been telling women that they have equal opportunities for decades now, this is so retarded
its like people think everything before 2010 was 1950s tier social structure
And Oregon is voting Trump
I thought that said "dreaming about the first time".
Gonna milk that vagina until it turns the same color as your fuckpuppet party, aren't you, Hillabia Clintoris?
>people voting for trump
>Sup Forums
So I guess Sup Forums comprises millions of people now?
Letting women vote was a mistake. It was over about 100 years ago
Why must artists get involved in politics.
this post best post
>Hillary Clinton will be the first female leader ever
I hate this meme
I need sauce on the right picture, not the fake shit, the original girl.
Breaking the mold =/= good
>Hey guys a just made a chocolate cake with my own shit! It will be better because its more diverse and breaks the mold :)
Does the average American still fall for celebrity endorsements? Over here they seem to be used less and less as they usually have the opposite effect and harms their careers.
>all of twitter
The trump movement on twitter is pretty damn strong
>that pic
/fit/ has it figured out.
It doesn't work when a major celebrity is the candidate on the other side
>Canada has had the Queen, a woman on it's money for over 60 years
>before that we had Queen Victoria again for over 60 years
Liberals just ignore stuff that already exists because it's not the way they want it
The average american would fall for Animal actor endorsements. Just imagine a nation of people who depend on the opinions of people who are massively more successful than them or else they will go postal.
More like
>people voting for Hillary
>7 billion people
>People voting for Trump
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah checkmate faggot druumpfies
I live in a very deeply liberal city, only ever met one conservative other than myself in my entire life. From what I've personally seen they consider celebrity endorsements legitimately more important than political endorsements. I've had people list off a string of celebrities who disagreed with me as their entire argument when trying to discuss different political policies
Pissed off, in college, father gone, but hey I'm willing to give 4 years to a Republican President at this point. I WANT A RIDE ON THIS TRAIN!
Yeah women rights matter more than voting for the right person for the jobs or her record or morals.
It's extremely disturbing that this is so important in some people's minds that literally nothing else matters when it comes to deciding who to vote for.
I know plenty of girls who have known their entire lives that they are allowed to do pretty much anything that they want. It's retarded and embarrassing how often people claim that little girls actually have anything to feel held back by- or that any little girls have since at least like 80 years ago.
I'm a #Cruzmissile now
That's such a non-sentence, it doesen't mean anything. It's insane people can cheer at that.
Jesus Christ the first fucking post, too.
Really, leaf?
1/10 made me reply
sauce for fakes?
>Not realizing how important it is for a president to have a vagina
It matters in:
>but hey! who cares?
>what if congress/senate have GOP majority?
>what if congress/senate largely owned/controlled by chinese investement
>what if hillary, once elected, can't pass shit for bills/legislation?
[celebrity name] fake nude
I thought Sup Forums became more casual of late but than I noticed my environment was actually getting more Sup Forums.
Are they going to dream about being involved in scandals?
Is she really? Shes pretty irrelevant now.
I'm kind of terrified that Trump won't win because of everyone thinking he's racist.
Why would they herald Clinton as their Champion? Is she really the best women can do? What does the average woman have in common with Clinton aside from being a lying, manipulative, backstabbing, self-centered demon?
Oh wait
what a dumb cunt
I want to fuck the small town conservative back into her desu lads
Sup Forums is turning left wing though
Which polls?
women leaders arent new
>sex outside marriage
>I thought Sup Forums became more casual of late but than I noticed my environment was actually getting more Sup Forums.
>my environment was actually getting more Sup Forums
>I just fapped to her
You seriously tied a thread to her in a metaphysical manner which will now be drawn upon by the spirits which she holds congress with.
Better find someone who knows how to remove curses or learn to DIY.
Or... just forget about it, have a good laugh and carry on with your life. But it'll still be there (until she dies at least.)
Your death won't change it btw.
The above rule doesn't apply to fapping to any chick... but SHE is a "special case."
I'm an #Arthillary Shell now :^)
A few people at work know I'm voting Trump from back when they insisted to talk about politics. (obviously expecting everyone to be jizzing over sanders) They've recently taken to saying "racist" under their breath whenever I walk by them
Katty Perry went to Fort Myers Christian school for 1 year. I did too. 32 here. She was in 6tb grade right as I left.
I should of raped her.
>you broke the mold
No Katy she broke the law.
There is this moment where you suddenly recognize normal day life things as meme. It's a bit like that time when people started to say lol in public.
there really needs to be a rock song about short term thinking
Then it hits all these 'little girls' that it's got fuck all to do with her gender and more to do with the fact that she's wealthy as fuck and has connections to the political elite.
Think how many people will vote for Hillary just because Perry tweeted that.
Hell one of my College classmates voted for weedman because he "is so hot".
Dead Kennedys
all day....everyday
But you give them the Trump pistol and tell them great, right?
These fucking leafs need a ban...At lest a week so they get the message
>The above rule doesn't apply to fapping to any chick... but SHE is a "special case."
Oh really, why's that?
Katy Perry is known as a total bitch by her subordinates and people that work with her.
If you don't notice it then you're a liberal
You caught me red handed.
I'm actually classically liberal :^)
*tell them they are great
Really makes you think ®
good slut katy is possesed by demons, like all murican celebs. i'd still fuck her big boobs though. would rape, then dispose. for the kek.
>supports trump who supports gay marriage and trannys
>doesn't believe the bible
>pro tranny
>posts porn constantly
We're the Jews user, do you understand.
We're them now. The anti-Jews.
People who listen to this cunt are too young to vote you fucking mongloid.
This is either low quality bait or Azatoth-level of blind idiocy