Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

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Who will play Mike "faggot medicine from Thomas Edison" Pence? Maybe the guy who played marty crane from frasier.

I can't believe I'm so stupid I didn't see the fag curing advocate being a fag himself.

this wouldn't be shocking at all desu

>yfw he has aids too

He's got a case of the gay face hasn't he, doctor?

Is there any doubt that he's a self hating fag

Earlobes, teeth and nose are different. Nice try faggots

He is gay.

>“It[gay conversion therapy] was instrumental in helping me overcoming certain urges,” said the Vice President elect in an interview with Fox News. “With God’s help, and the work of many of his therapists, I was able to seek the straight path when I was a younger man. If it wasn’t for that, I would have never been able to marry.”

Will this guy be worse than Cheney

That's not Mike Pence